U-Pass Update – September 20112 \7 H: M6 ~2 C7 V9 Q
Fall Term 2011 U-Pass stickers are available beginning August 22, at the University of Alberta, MacEwan and NAIT. The Fall Term U-Pass is valid from September 1 to D ... - K% {! n8 y" v3 S+ |" z三鲜小馄饨 发表于 2011-11-29 20:49
5 k3 W, J. H( s. V0 @! F9 `1.Valid Class 5 Motor Vehicle Operator's licence (non-probationary and non-graduated Class 5 status). Must have held valid operator's license for three (3) consecutive years./ j: h$ o9 P& ~# ^
2.Applicant's must provide a current driver's abstract (obtained within 14 days of the video test date) showing no suspensions and no more than 3 demerits recorded over the previous two-year period. The abstract is not required at the time of application, but it must be presented before testing or interviewing can proceed. 8 C4 {# ~; y L$ i个人认为符合上述要求就有机会,如果从没有开过大车的话,是有些挑战的,很多人在CLASS 2的路考这关被废。
1.Valid Class 5 Motor Vehicle Operator's licence (non-probationary and non-graduated Class 5 status). Must have held valid operator's license for three (3) consecutive years." h- k6 |; z( R3 c2 a% G; D( i
2.Applicant's must pro ... 9 y2 a. n5 m/ M1 Y/ S+ X4 t三鲜小馄饨 发表于 2011-11-29 21:16
{/ t+ a, S' T看来我不太适合这个行业喽,我最怕那些问路的,问了半天发现坐错还要下车的,还有那些磨磨蹭蹭上车的,也反那些HOMELESS大爷老来坐霸王车一身臭气,有时我自己坐车看到这些都反& j' @, @/ X1 A8 r6 E