UALaw544 发表于 2016-11-8 10:34! G) m8 v- j" K
Edmonton Community Legal Centre, Legal Aid, 但你要是收入在贫困线下。 2 a s% e. w7 Y& d- e% W2 D 2 n% Q# e6 a: _) S; c. T8 XEdmonton student Legal s ...
秀色可餐 发表于 2016-11-4 16:05 K/ b N8 m5 I3 d安省也是用公里,不过他们那里没有咱屯这么多摄像头。被警察拦住超速要扣分。 % |% f- Z$ e. C( C路上警察也不多,司机都猛 ...
# c. R; U- Q5 x5 Q9 J/ @lower speed limits is part of the reason why we have some many traffic jam and accident here. because there are less car can pass the same road with lower limits.