鲜花( 1)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2011-11-29 20:49
6 A3 K6 \0 m- H! y/ S& V2 Y8 z: t T* } e* D( g3 ]* a
有些事情做过就做过,没必要反应过度,也希望你洁身自爱。0 z2 ?1 |. B( U* ~! G; Z6 W% u p
. B- l! s, [% m. t7 U& Q
我有个问题,有时看到ETS的司机上车从来不买票,这算什么行为?曾公司油,卡纳税人钱还是免费享受 ...
8 r/ ]- m+ m; F8 {7 ^5 @/ fxuxuelin 发表于 2011-11-29 20:46 
& a m l" y' P9 eU-Pass Update – September 2011
+ L/ m$ S% h$ C }% j/ KFall Term 2011 U-Pass stickers are available beginning August 22, at the University of Alberta, MacEwan and NAIT. The Fall Term U-Pass is valid from September 1 to December 31, 2011. Please use the web links below for information on U-Pass distribution locations at your campus. U-Pass will return in the Fall, for regular undergraduate students at the UofA, MacEwan and NAIT.$ }8 f- n" O S1 j/ s. u" S/ G
! P- o, t2 |1 \8 ]Please note that there is no grace period for U-Pass, and that fines for fare evasion on Edmonton Transit have recently increased. Students traveling on buses and LRT who continue to use their U-Pass outside the validity period risk a $250 fine for fare evasion. If you do not have a valid U-Pass sticker on your student card, please pay the regular cash fare for transit service.
8 g; y+ x! f8 U" B1 a* G1 e8 w7 I) X/ F; L0 A
你好好学一下吧 |