"I'm told they're counting up second choice votes at the same time as first choice votes, so we should get final word shortly after all the votes are counted. "
MAR是公认为最有能力的候选人,但ALBERTA 是保守势力的天下,能不能接收一个华人面孔的省长是最大的悬念。那个娘们又在这个时候死了娘,这个悲情很历害,第一轮分流的选票恐怕大部分都进了这娘们的口袋。: G+ U2 c/ [* ?! X* W4 Z6 l
祝MAR好运 ... 0 C" y% H; e' S' i, W7 amartins 发表于 2011-10-1 23:05
/ _3 v/ s! K j8 ?" D5 V) E
) J" t% P; Y5 M) Z3 F. c! \( q. b
有人说 7 g- L5 J) O6 Y4 D# u& H! I, |8 \"History tonight for Alberta no matter what: 1st Chinese-Cdn premier, 1st female premier, or 1st goateed premier "...$ S+ z+ t) h1 o. P J- v r
kensu 发表于 2011-10-1 23:19
# Z8 w. j- v: S' J0 ]4 b. } 3 ?* f$ p! | n只有前两个选择啦