9 I7 t# y4 O1 A0 Y ! T" [) a' L& }2 Q, E8 Oyou are such weird people .that's not your business.% G& w7 M$ _" s. j; u+ N: j
klmy 发表于 2011-8-30 15:12
* ~* W5 ? u/ A" f' p I am very very poor, but I can not do the kind of business in any country. ; D x( Q% Z' v+ `2 }' I/ ZI recommend all international students that you can not use your beauty and youth to change that GREEN CARD in USA, France, or any country.
I am very very poor, but I can not do the kind of business in any country. . H6 J: _: {1 {I recommend all international students that you can not use your beauty and youth to change that GREEN CARD in U .... O) b1 |/ L1 d2 _( k9 k
amiable 发表于 2011-8-30 20:52
5 {, j! y( v, W
我个人觉得每个人的追求不同,只要自己觉得幸福就行,毕竟鞋子穿在自己脚上自己才知道什么是舒服/ g; n# v% R) L" Y' f/ o