是阿,车子就是铁包肉,最重要的不是比谁能撞过谁,应该是比较出事的双方,谁最能保护其中的乘客 8 k; B6 G! b4 S4 H8 H6 X & j/ D' A. `& y I1 l+ {好多人比较的时候,都是想当然地比较正面碰撞的情况,其实,交通事故,又有多少是正面碰撞的?大部分时候,司 ...- |1 Y8 L& m& {
Crisis 发表于 2010-3-2 20:25
: n/ Q7 O! o4 {1 D
6 I8 I% [" x+ k( ?- Y看过一篇文章分析大小车的安全性的,里头也是提到实际交通事故的撞击方式,在所有致命事故里,50%涉及非两车撞击(翻车,撞击障物,比如树,水泥柱子),这类事故里跟安全相关的因素车子重量大小不算其中,主要是' M" ^3 A( K: i
a) an effective restraint system (seat belts and airbags) 6 {* ^4 D$ L! a! g* _4 g; vb) effective energy absorption in the crush areas (front end or rear end)+ `0 x" [- D; q
c) a strong cabin area that does not collapse in the crash 8 V8 l6 W1 Q& J# V2 v. @None of these items are automatically better in large and heavy vehicles. In fact, for item c, the roof of a heavier vehicle is more likely to be crushed in a roll-over accident than a lighter vehicle. This is one reason why rollovers in SUV's cause a higher percentage of deaths than in cars (in addition to their higher center of gravity.) . T- p n6 x6 s e- S6 s# A3 h' y+ s1 v9 V* v! |- `) z
而在涉及两车相撞的另50%致命事故里,70%是侧撞和追尾,这里a和c是主要安全因素,车子质量仍然无关。下面的图表反应了这类碰撞时不同品牌车子的安全状况 8 }. Z& `5 o1 r/ Z$ }Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) are shown below. (see http://www.iihs.org/ratings.) , d3 n* n9 v& S 9 W; L0 U* g9 o" a; r. g* W/ F6 \0 C3 G+ U- b0 s: @ |& ~/ K
看过一篇文章分析大小车的安全性的,里头也是提到实际交通事故的撞击方式,在所有致命事故里,50%涉及非两车撞击(翻车,撞击障物,比如树,水泥柱子),这类事故里跟安全相关的因素车子重量大小不算其中,主要是 ...3 f. Z9 p! c, k' v' ^9 p
竹帘儿 发表于 2010-3-4 21:53
6 } U9 |3 y$ x& k, G( Q$ `" S$ C9 P& Z, b. A0 s+ B
怎么没有速度的参考? 难道所由统计的事故都是在相同的条件下?