鲜花( 726)  鸡蛋( 2)
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9 u5 Q3 G8 o/ D, z' ^2 L/ K6 S$ ^谢谢5 {; I, e. J* `% m
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顺便给不想爬楼的群众一个截屏* R2 [/ }) G0 h/ m
9 x' ~/ |% C8 Z, _% Y8 H- S* }“向大家作个自我介绍
- B2 e. s% c& Z% ~5 G# Q+ W李之彦, 1963年生,广东罗定人。1984年西南交通大学计算机本科毕业,1989年华南理工大学计算机硕士毕业,中国一直从事计算机嵌入式系统的研究,是嵌入式实时操作系统的研发专家, 经常组建和带领研发团队从事产品研发,有多项发明专利。到加拿大后曾从事油田随钻系统的软件研发。去年独立完成了一个泥浆随钻系统的软件研发,并应用于加拿大及美国的油田钻井上。在风水应用方面,自从2006年7月开始在Alberta省一直做风水,仅在阿省的风水经验就有近五年并收到很好的效果,也证实量子风水的可行性。. Y7 E9 H; R9 `- J3 w. t" K- V U- h+ i9 I( s; c) b; @! m
" E7 R; j4 m4 a: D9 sZhi Yan Li got a Masters Degree from South China University of Technology with over 22 years of embedded software development experience. He is a seasoned embedded software engineer; often organized and led contract development teams to successfully develop products. Recently, he independently developed a project of Measurement While Drilling and Logging While Drilling in Calgary, AB, and this embedded software is being applied over Canada and USA. He also has nearly five year Fengshui practice in Alberta
& F8 N, A0 P! z: S2 z+ L, A3 O# r4 ]" `) {' t% h A2 h0 {4 H/ M" z7 ^% ^! z9 T5 F- p( }
图片是讲座人发明的其中一个已经在中国授权专利。The picture shows one of the lecturer’s patents in China. ” |