/ ?6 ]- Y3 \% q t8 J4 p以下插播广告:你想在爱网迅速成名吗?你想让自己的ID人人皆知吗?请紧跟在房租哥的周围,发帖别忘了骂一下明火锅。8 l# v7 Z" N. A. J3 l9 N
菩提花开 发表于 2011-12-2 18:53
: f% l7 r. q# x+ _* s+ MThis is so silly! You are here to make peace not another war! 9 \6 g, z# r, l9 r! n' Q" `
' s! G! M7 @0 L& d: w0 D! m* ]- ~
This post makes everything you said earlier sounds like BS. You are just like that "elder son" in terms of stupidity and blindiness.