鲜花( 541)  鸡蛋( 13)
本帖最后由 FrankSoccer 于 2011-10-31 12:41 编辑 $ O- Z7 R: t. n3 J, Z7 {# h w- p
骚客,你办的这个足球班为什么这么便宜?外面社区的一半要100元左右吧? 都是义工为什么你能怎么便宜阿?就是离我们家太远了。
0 x5 d7 Z( @) y* D* f三思 发表于 2011-10-30 10:48 
5 ]) x' N+ t! F1 r D# |4 h, u+ a9 t) i+ u _3 N4 v) ?5 t; n
) Q9 ~4 P* g1 k足球你这里是真便宜,社区那些可不便宜,我们这次从十月到明年二月都学费190刀,两个BINGO的义工(每个押150刀,义工的话每次7个小时),比体操跆拳道啥的都贵呢。。。- r- b9 m; ~* ~0 k5 `
wpbaby 发表于 2011-10-30 18:47  , T. q" a0 x) x1 L7 M1 q* b) z
$ Q+ L# f( g) l$ E. |' A5 k, z7 @
; z1 p; b3 M0 O! u. b' z
Frank,再次问一下,明年还举办踢足球的活动吗,俺可以提前为儿子报名吗?下次多收一点钱,你可请个教练.这样你就不会每次觉得很辛苦,太辛苦了,就不能长久了。难得你有这个心思为大家做好事。谢谢了。+ d' @2 m4 m U" Y
JoyceAccSG 发表于 2011-10-30 19:19  8 U2 ] V4 X0 N" d; E* _
# ^( d2 s4 i+ u; |0 _7 pFirst, I only collect money for renting school gyms and for supplies (soccer balls, jerseys, etc.). Although smaller, school gyms, which are about $20 per hours, are much cheaper than city's soccer facility ($99/hour). ( ]9 G( L# |) K& G
3 h0 ~8 d/ D4 K8 p' T4 L
Second, we only go and have some practice ourselves. Therefore we do not need to pay officials and referees of the league
% Z+ w' k" \, h8 i
% P8 n/ E' H6 Y% ~7 _Third, supports from 今天闲着 in the beginning and parents in the past$ Z, W- F6 {2 ~" w
5 N* z& }& t' y
Fourth, I spent lot of my time, free of charge, not only coaching and organizing, but also for many hidden issues (e.g., meeting in the city, picking and deciding gyms, purchasing supplies, collect interests ...). This is already the 4th year. Why? I love soccer and like to play with kids.( T4 O! v$ C7 J& z
, m% z2 n# T; x9 h7 A
Next year, I would probably still run the program. For the little guys (6-8), we need collect a little more money to hire a coach
7 p2 |) O. Q- \! D! y8 }; g(as I do not have kid in this age group ) |