鲜花( 1)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2011-11-24 12:22
Are those ski cards (not tickets) transferable?? Like Sunshine/Marmot Card, Louise Card, Ski More Card and etc.. $ Y( z6 a) K) X/ C
leohu 发表于 2011-11-24 09:11  - C) G: @: w8 o3 M
5 D% u, `& g& I9 L
probably no..........
+ @0 ^0 D9 B, q- `7 @: iTerms and Conditions
; v' [2 [4 v4 x% Q+ c+ _4 WSki Cards:
# o/ j. U7 @ s% W0 S, F
# q$ S% V& M& l: o5 |1 z■Available for purchase until January 14, 2012 (Exclusive to AMA) ; e5 S0 E+ v3 d: w1 T( v* u* U, B c
■Limit of one card per person per ski season
. w7 K2 d7 q" x" \ i" {■Valid for ages 13+ years
% M3 ^6 P5 `# J$ j: I3 T■Card holder receives FREE skiing/riding on their 1st, 4th and 7th visit. 6 J# M+ S/ J2 c% Z; E) q) [( l
■Pricing and benefits are subject to change without notice
& B( k# C3 p; B■Are non-refundable & non-transferable |