鲜花( 1654)  鸡蛋( 51)
Here it is1 X W2 G' |! Y: c& n
; F2 k$ ~3 r9 i4 m# M' g8 { 0 Q0 D, a# v5 j8 b
Tomorrow a new Premier will be chosen to lead Alberta. Gary Mar has the vision, passion and experience to take Alberta to a new and promising future.4 `! q5 M# R" |( @
& s0 l) a- m" N6 }: uYOUR vote is vital – we cannot be complacent; Gary cannot win without your vote.
) ` [2 K" I9 ^0 l+ _0 k
* C y% Y' V* J) VThroughout this campaign, Gary has focused on listening to Albertans and staying positive and optimistic about our province. He is invigorated by the ideas that Albertans have and is committed to giving Albertans a voice in their future.3 q+ W1 r% t. A( q' v. _
. A' n* o( T7 |& |: {
Gary is the kind of leader Alberta needs – and only your vote will make that happen!
) q0 ]9 P5 h7 q4 j# I; {" k& J( e0 F
2 |, X2 o) [6 f+ W$ R5 l
% q1 R% F t; u0 V& S5 [; DPolls are open from 9 am to 7 pm.
: R3 n3 }1 |# p
. h; e* b8 D) J$ O$ o, t. T, `The Gary Mar Campaign wants to make your voting experience as simple as possible.
/ h( {4 r1 q; X3 K
+ v ^& u6 Z9 a- {! AIf you need a ride, would like to find the location of your poll or need any additional information, please visit www.garymar.ca/voting, call us at 1.855.GARY.MAR (1.855.427.9627) or email info@garymar.ca.
9 C9 b3 n3 g6 [ [; X3 J& A% x* G& K$ _' N
' ~, h# T; ~8 z( D0 |5 ?3 U, k5 w. j! A+ D- U( P0 c( d6 w8 P; ^
If you bought a membership from our campaign and haven't yet received your card in the mail, let us know at 1.855.GARY.MAR (1.855.427.9627) so we can help. Please remember to sign your membership and fold the card in half, but DO NOT tear it apart.3 ]5 R" Q. ]- z% m* ~. t
" f5 W, C8 C0 U- W& F9 d1 G% c+ U
If you don’t have a membership, it may be purchased for $5 at the polling station before you vote or click here.
% R# X, W# f& x( K% N" }To find your polling station, visit www.garymar.ca/votingwhere you can insert your postal code to instantly find your poll location with a map.
) H/ T0 M4 J$ E6 I
3 d9 u& C! i6 K* i0 [9 Q" c/ U IIMPORTANT INFORMATION
* x' f$ m/ h2 s' x2 _4 H2 Y) y* \7 Q' a" z' k6 q& P5 J
In order to vote, you will need to present your membership card AND two pieces of identification (ID) such as a driver’s license and passport. One piece of ID must have your photo on it. Another piece of ID must have your current address that matches your photo ID. Other acceptable forms of identification include:
; D9 m8 a% L5 M- l6 }9 Y, A" D r' W) E1 m; m; V$ W' C- {6 N! a
•Citizenship Card
- A2 N2 u, P* a•Social Insurance Card7 B) ~' j5 [" r. A9 s- ]
•Student ID
( T& ?. N( c0 t( p0 D•Utility bill k$ H5 V: S% W% C% O2 J
•Property tax bill
, Y d" j* `. ^3 b8 y. Z; r•Automobile insurance card* ^$ u3 @! J0 u8 U
When you arrive at the polling station, you will be asked to fill out a voter registration card. There will be Gary Mar campaign volunteers on hand if you need help with this form. . Z8 G3 L) H' Y3 S9 |. e, z- C; v
! A7 \ ~" C4 @, U/ w
1 U1 O! b9 J, |! z7 g% p4 k8 |/ `8 S9 L2 M) H: t" ]' f* X) v
The second ballot is a “preferential ballot” – which means you should indicate your first and second choice on the ballot. When the final votes are counted, IF one candidate does not receive50% +1 of the vote, the third place candidate will be removed from the ballot and only that candidate’s second choice votes are counted towards the final tally. Choosing a second choice does not impact Gary’s opportunity for a win.
9 T" l, m. ^( M
9 ~" O: x3 e- NON THE BALLOT: Z0 C0 M: c2 d- Y9 V' E
3 t1 k( x6 u* F: P+ V' A, {! |Gary’s name will be the first on the ballot. Please write a “1” next to Gary Mar, then a “2” next to your second choice. You do not need to indicate a second choice, if you do not wish to do so. A ballot with just an “x” by Gary’s name will be valid. However, a ballot with an “x” by two names will be considered spoiled. d0 O0 F% h4 a1 d6 y7 {
& w" |8 v# V1 ?# f$ ]: f. wExamples:$ j3 Q& E9 w, i5 M0 F- j
' L8 d( t. ]" ]- r
3 d: v7 i( Z1 b! n" M% e( U4 s; Y3 b" \9 f, h9 u N( s9 E% @6 }+ H5 ]
; l+ o! p4 h: i8 Y& k4 R1 J* {1 a/ N
After you have voted, if you are interested in volunteering, we would welcome your help – there are a number of different duties needed throughout voting day.( c: ]; Y: I; M5 c- S) R
+ M* F! [" L9 _% L* m6 t
Above all else, make sure to remind everyone to vote - your family, friends, neighbours, colleagues and those to whom you sold memberships.& V5 {$ Y, Z3 a# X" C
7 ]7 c1 u/ m- OEvery vote is going to make a difference. Let’s continue to work hard until the polls close. @$ M: Q( G1 c6 F6 ?+ L5 c* U2 Y
' \) c" M5 h8 t/ X3 ]9 }! fThank you for supporting Gary Mar. Together we will ensure Gary becomes our next leader and Premier |