从别的网站抄来的马省长的另类印象。毛主席说谦听则明,偏信则暗。 ; O5 ^. B2 c) M/ D本人声明:以下的全部不是我的话。8 x0 D/ w* K @0 c
1. Shanno9 W/ |6 w8 e+ W# d
3:28 PM on September 18, 2011 - E/ ~; ^" J. P( ~Looks like all the Asian seniors homes will be getting a f ...0 z. Z% h0 _, n! V; t N6 f+ x
爱吃苦的瓜 发表于 2011-9-18 14:48
[quote]Mar is the guy who gave out taxpayer's money to his friends without any proof of any work being done? Did any of this money come back to Mar in the form of a donation to help him with his campaign? I' ...& n- B/ q8 S+ A9 o7 A# P% o3 d( f; q) z
爱吃苦的瓜 发表于 2011-9-18 14:48 [/q 8 q) o; W! ?: M, h/ L9 z2 V# ]9 D+ s, G0 |" t" ?6 O8 [9 H$ A 此话何来,有证据吗?