鲜花( 74)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2011-9-26 19:29
The men were just finishing the food and getting down to drinking. As with most traditions I have encountered in China, the drinking and celebration is a highly ritualized affair. Wifey has a cousin who lives in Calgary who had flown in for the wedding, so I grabbed him to come do some translation for me while I introduced myself to the men. Well wouldn't you know it, the father of the groom's brother lays down the law. He actually got up and told me (as translated by the cousin) that the father of the bride was the first in order of toasting. If I propose a toast it must be with him first, and then laid out the pecking order for toasting all the way around the table. Then he told me I was expected to toast everyone. I found out later he was playing a joke on me, but at the time I figured, when in Rome do as the Romans do.
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So my first toast was was with Uncle Wang (not his real name cause his real name is a bitch to pronounce and write), father of the bride. Meet Uncle Wang. Uncle Wang is a really nice guy. He is a really friendly, calm and happy person who used to teach high-school, but is now a local government director in the school system. We liked each other right off the bat. Now when you toast in China, you are given a little shot glass (about half an ounce) full of the most powerful corn liquor you have ever tasted. It tastes like crap, and is 50% alcohol. You are expected to say "Gambai" and down the glass while the person you are toasting does the same. So since I was in the middle of the hierarchy of toasting, I was getting toasted (literally) and toasting up and down the chain of stature until I had had about 20 shots, and realized I was getting toasted (figuratively this time), and we were not done. After about an hour and a half of steady toasting and being toasted, the 10 of us had gone through 4 bottles of this stuff. I found out later that they were testing me to see if they could get me drunk (testing the mettle of the white guy), and I had figured as much because I was being toasted way more than anyone else, What they didn't know is that, although I do not drink normally, I am French-Canadian, and we have made drinking an art. I prepared myself by eating alot of meat and carbs before drinking, and when I realized they were testing me, I decided to take on Uncle Wang and Wifey's dad (he was #2 in the pecking order). Whenever someone would toast me, I would fill two glasses and toast Uncle Wang or Baba. By the time things wound down, Uncle Wang was comatose (he had to be carried out), and Baba had to be supported, by two uncles and slid into the minivan. I was fine. I was joking around with Wifey who has never seen me drunk, and who thought I was too funny. I kept her entertained all the way back to Jinan. Everyone was surprised to see me still standing, and I got slaps on the back of approval from everyone we said goodbye to when we left. I passed the test. Uncle Wang remained comatose for about 2 hours, drooling on his shoes, Baba slept for a while, woke up and giggled to himself for a bit, and fell back to sleep again, repeating the pattern all the way home. |