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看看土著人对油管态度的变化 & M/ X& o1 R \' _ E7 d m% D% j
When thousands of protestors made their way from City Hall to downtown a few weeks ago, chatter about stock options and where to go for ramen after the rally could be heard alongside the traditional indigenous drumming and chants of "Hey, hey, Trudeau, Kinder Morgan's got to go".
7 D; t F2 e! P! W" v3 o有stock options , 这是诱惑与现实兼备的千载难遇的好时机。 大家可能还记得深圳村民有近亿分红的传言, 报纸也闹得沸沸扬扬。 虽然数目有差异, 但深圳东莞有数不清的村子, 其每年分红远比每天工作12小时打工的人多。: B( F% p- i4 h' b# x
w$ w6 x% z! `1 E; r3 C' [, [4 g% `2 K油价升, 油管是没有理由不修成。 |