鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
5 W5 J! r& g" Y0 OYes, it is a valid charge, failure to produce valid financial responsibility card, per Alberta Traffic Safety Act s.124. $ I! e* y* O6 n4 G
/ ?) `9 n2 d- B$ h8 b6 B! H% eIt does not matter whether you don't have insurance, your insurance lapses, or you just left the slip at home. As long as you fail to show it when the police pulls you over, you are guilty of it. However, now there are two ways you can avoid this type of ticket. First, if you have a smart phone, log in your insurance account and show the police that you have a valid insurance. Most cops will accept this type of proof, however some may not.
% c& x6 o; Y( M+ r; O% l4 Z1 dSecond, ask the police what to do to void the ticket: normally a cop not too cranky that day will tell you that you can carry your proof and show them to your local police (police station) to get the ticket cancelled, see s.124(3). Even though the provision makes it the cop's obligation to tell you that, but they don't have to in practice. (or it can always end up as he said, you said situation)# s! a) M: t! ?8 E [
* n8 Z5 `' ~. ]5 B! a& C
You did not do either, so you are at the mercy of the court for the second ticket. |