shark27 发表于 2012-4-25 10:43 X, ?7 f' v) ]" ~. @! t' w/ Xyou always tryin to prove something are better than others, so i just wait and see, and maybe th ...
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傻客脑子又浆糊了,连贴子都看不明白了?本贴我就上了一张图,并无发表关于安全的立论。既无立论,自然也无所谓证明。+ J! _( ~0 n; }4 T/ ?3 A
6 W( B) w0 O: P4 w而你29楼立论"still will be better than your legacy"。你的立论需要你给证明。不过你睁眼说瞎话也不是一天两天了,我倒也习惯了。