鲜花( 2)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 可爱多多 于 2011-11-26 20:14 编辑 / V. W% d' J" k) B' l% A9 C, E
上面所说的医疗,牙医,230元的眼镜,500元的床都能拿到。担保是你提供住处,和吃饭。2 E9 _$ ] F+ u r: a
JoyceAccSG 发表于 2011-11-26 13:36 
# Y! n# R* P f7 v- J% Q8 a- E% Q7 J% b
/ Z. w8 M# `" ]$ P* T- {3 NBasic requirements are food, clothing, shelter and other basic requirements for everyday living. Dental care, eye care and other health needs not covered by public health services are also included. The undertaking ensures these persons and their family members do not have to apply for social assistance.
. ]$ g4 j4 r- z8 H
+ a6 E6 V U* Y& wIf payments from a federal, provincial or municipal assistance program are made during the validity period of the undertaking to the person you are sponsoring of his or her family members, you:) v. C/ p# w6 N6 C. u4 @8 M5 W4 c* E
*will be cosidered to be in default of your obligations
! [ I" E8 x/ x( I; _*may have to repay to the government concerned any benifits they received, and / Q# L, B$ V7 Z6 U
*will not be allowed to sponsor other members of the family class until you have reimbursed the amount of these payments to the governmnet concerned.
$ x4 j) Q3 m0 ?4 f( D+ k% C* U. ]
; E6 B% ?, j* K" q) w担保书的文件上有几个地方写明了,父母和祖父母来了,原则上是不可以打工的,因为是你担保来的,所以你要负责养活他们.原文我就不去找了,有兴趣的可以自己去看看.$ b. V$ w% o. b0 `8 ~6 l# K. Q
3 ^% N' v) W2 S# Q
从政府收到的文件,不一定就是完全合乎CIC 的担保规定的.因为每一位新来的移民,政府可能都会发相同的文件(根据不同年龄组),但是政府不一定知道这些文件是否符合每个案例的情况.所以要是将来被追讨回福利,也没有办法说不付钱的.我听说过这样的例子. |