鲜花( 634)  鸡蛋( 5)
My kid has the one which 白校长 mentioned. Windsor Park Elementory School. 
; d- P# c# J( DSince I never take time to explore it, I have no idea how it is. again.4 l* ^, P( \: S7 ^8 u
# \0 B, G* z9 s1 `Wondering if there are any similar we ...
. i/ `1 Z9 r) q( t/ d! t- k) U, U. H% }. bOlivetree 发表于 2011-11-21 13:12  1 V7 m, S: i! S6 `. C" s
! r- J1 B2 S5 ]
- b- R @* z; b% r* s" Y* Sstoryjumper.com
, E7 S* U. H* K: P9 B* e9 w3 U2 sstorybird.com9 }2 Q9 a6 T0 f+ y. k
1 L( Y: s& o% N: n2 M不知道你孩子多大了,我老二上个学年也看wimpy kids来的, 阅读水平倒是飞跃了,可是teenager的毛病他全学通了!!!后来我就赶紧推荐他看magic tree house. 这套书非常适合低年级小孩阅读,故事内容是在探险过程中学习各种历史地理科学知识,还配有一套research guide, 属于纯粹的non-fiction读物。我老二连带着也爱看,比如有个关于恐龙的guide,他边看把恐龙的名字都记下来。我特别高兴。 |