鲜花( 634)  鸡蛋( 5)

楼主 |
发表于 2011-10-21 13:26
本帖最后由 三思 于 2011-10-21 14:29 编辑 X' F a1 S3 ~
) |8 p K& p; j
: L, s9 @+ M0 G; w/ F# o) _+ u9 i: r; z$ W! @# E. D
I guess everyone who read the news would feel chilled and ask why? Chinese people hold the same feelings and bring the same question as the rest of the world. In fact this incident has made a huge stir in the Chinese society. Many people called for an action of “human search engine” to locate the 17 cold-hearted passersby, some others are examining our law system, the moral imperatives, and the government accountability for an ultimate solution.
+ a9 V- _! T0 ~1 K9 J( d$ r
8 P, m, `* M G0 c6 K- `我猜每个看了这则新闻的人,都会感到脊背冒凉气,禁不住会问这是为什么?中国人和世界上所有的读者一样,也hold同样的感情,也在提出同样的问题。事实上,小悦悦事件在中国社会卷起了一场巨大的风波。有些中国人发起号召,人肉搜索那17个冷血路人,也有一些人,开始审视我们的法律系统,道德准则,甚至政府责任,寻求一个最终的解决办法。
7 H! Y" m# Q7 z" i# X# T% C; l4 ~6 ?" l6 G
Within a very short period of time over 270,000 RMB were donated by the Chinese people towards Little Yueyue’s medical treatment and to alleviate the stress of her family. All Chinese had been praying for a life miracle, then later as the news came in, are mourning for Little Yueyue. We are all at lost.
$ w! F8 Q1 q( X% q8 k& C
; A! T! b4 s8 J$ q' c在极短的时间内,中国人捐助了270,000人民币,帮助支付小悦悦的治疗费用和缓解悦悦家人的压力。所有的中国人都祈祷生命的奇迹,然后随着悦悦去世的新闻,每个人都陷入深深的哀悼。我们感到怅然所失。
* x4 ?/ v8 X2 Y" o& L
. M- a( T# I* K/ l& u! \& M, d( eThe most recent and seemingly direct reason we can trace is a legal precedent in Nanjing, when a Chinese Samaritan, Peng Yu, was ruled to pay for the medical expense for the plaintiff - an old woman who fell from the bus step on her own but framed Peng up to cover her medical expenses.6 W/ V2 r5 n7 D" ^: \( n7 u5 F" T' k
7 t0 ?; {3 X: ?
! ~1 F, s. l& I; }+ u( R: z; P: |# x, p2 e
Other than calling for the Najing judge to step down, a more profound root, we are all in agreement, is the money-driven Chinese modern society. Nowadays, money is the primary and somehow only pursuit to Chinese people. The collective lack of morality and conscience provided the Nanjing judge the ground of his verdict: It is common sense that nobody would take action if this is not his/her fault. ( q! l7 O- U6 P1 V
; T% ~! @' W. A" f& ?除了呼吁彭宇案法官下台,我们大家同时都看到,更深层次的根源在于这个金钱驱使的中国现代社会。当今社会,金钱成为了中国人首要的,甚至某种程度上是唯一的追求。这种集体的道德和良知的缺失,给南京法官提供了判断基石: 按常理如果不是当事人的错误,当事人不会提出救援1 ]5 n1 v/ ?/ d+ E
0 ?! \5 L7 ?, ~8 B1 B
I have to clarity hereby that China doesn’t adopt common law system. A previous court ruling will not necessarily offer a reference for the future cases. So it’s not like Nanjing case set up the precedent for others to follow, but it inevitably made profound impact to the whole Chinese society in a negative way.! @( K8 |$ f" S; v5 @7 y: t' U
: x$ T6 g+ c% v在此,我需要做一番解释,中国的法制不遵循前例法,也就是说,法庭的判决不一定会成为后面案例的参考。所以南京一案并没有为后面的法官提供了遵循的前例。但是它不可避免的给中国整个社会带来的深远的负面影响
/ w* P4 U1 M: l6 g3 B" n3 I$ Y+ y* m; @8 K
Some people ascribed this social problem from the political form of communism. But I don’t agree. When I recall my childhood, while the communism was at its peak, people treated others as family, comrade as we called each other. The society held very high morality and promoted upmost selflessness. It in fact went to another extreme that almost against human’s nature.
; @8 Q4 y" L! x3 P$ R% O0 Z0 B/ Q' R0 n7 s1 |$ ^, M
有些人会把这个社会问题归咎于中国的社会主义政治制度,但是我不这么看。当我回忆我的童年,社会主义模式的最高时期,人们交往如家人一样,我们称呼彼此同志。社会道德水准相当高,推崇至高的无私观念。事实上,这种意识形态违背了人性,也是一种极端! `9 @* E' q, N' v" \$ r9 C
! _; k/ `7 ~# F3 g' j. d
So the problem I perceived here is not from the communism, rather, it is from the capitalism. China was no longer a communist country since Chinese government employed the market system in the 1980’s. Economically we are at the early phrase of the capitalism which the cruelty and brutality reside within. The west has gone through it in the past, and we are, sadly, still taking its toll. 8 p$ Y8 C# w) F) N
4 v, h6 E' I, {& \* _# }所以,在我看来,问题并不是出于社会主义,恰恰相反,是出于资本主义模式。中国自从80年代改革开放,实行市场经济以来,已经再也不是社会主义国家了。从经济模式上看,我们处于资本主义初期阶段,一个令残酷无情委身于内的阶段。西方社会已经经历了这个阶段,而我们,很悲伤的说,任在深受其苦。! r+ U R$ U$ |3 |- {! X/ H2 o
5 Z6 w; y S5 d+ L) U3 w# P* b- D
I suppose a risk is always present when the good Samaritans set for their actions. US had a case that a passerby was sued for causing injuries by the person who he pulled out of a car after the car accident. There is a circulating email I received in Canada, warning of a criminal scheme which the killer playing a tape recording baby’s crying to trap his possible victims. 6 _5 j/ R. Q5 `6 u( B
- p! [: X+ B4 S0 D( D, B
我想,当见义勇为的人士展开他们的行动的时候,总有一个风险存在。美国曾经有一个案例,见义勇为者从车祸的汽车中,把人救了出来,但是之后被救者起诉被救者造成伤害。我在加拿大的时候也曾经受到邮件,警惕大家一个犯罪圈套,杀人者播放婴儿哭泣的录音,以此诱导可能的受害者。5 v- J! K- g' }+ {: F8 c* |
M) j7 w( n4 i P" t
But there is no doubt Chinese society went too far and landed ourselves in hell. Yueyue’s tragedy is a wake-up call. With the realization of the malignant tumor of our society, the public outcries for a law reform; Chinese business set up fund to reward good Samaritans; Chinese government has kicked off a campaign to raise the social morality. We are all in search for our souls.
) ` Q1 {' {3 T. C: M' j. q
3 W0 E- ?4 @+ @3 `. n9 J但是毫无疑问,中国社会在这条路上走的太远了,我们把自己着陆在地狱。小悦悦的悲剧是一个警钟。我们意识到了我们的社会可怕的毒瘤。所以大众呼吁法律的改革,商界设定见义勇为奖金,中国政府也开始了提高社会道德的宣传活动。我们都在寻找自己失落的灵魂
) p7 t) Z, q Y2 S7 J( g, ~
1 Q" z, X. c, y; _' [It is time for redemption
d8 d/ c f" ^# D$ \是到我们救赎的时侯了 |