Long-term use of conventional toilets causes wastes to collect and harden in the lower regions of the colon (illustrated here.) % `: x5 f9 K2 } " ~" }/ o+ [5 K3 zYou may not notice this fecal stagnation – until one day it manifests as appendicitis or diverticulosis or inflammatory bowel disease or cancer. Squatting helps keep the colon clean and free of disease. " Q) Q! M7 {2 [* c) G% a" P1 x
You may feel there's "no problem" simply because you have not yet experienced the ease and completeness of natural elimination. Once you become familiar with squatting, your standards will be much higher. 5 }* U' q$ A K8 S# p
3 x. h2 `# F+ ?2 OThe following picture shows one reason why squatting is more effective. Other reasons are discussed on the Health Benefits page. ! A8 }; _$ A8 {. Y5 F+ g5 ^9 j$ L
“忙着应酬,忙着和家人朋友叙旧,叙谁提升了,谁失踪了,谁离了,谁又结了,谁的孩子又上了个什么学校。最悲催的是有三个同事的老婆一年前病世了。一个是在麻将桌上心梗,一个是在车上心梗,一个在医院工作,患感冒自己给自己卦点滴就再没醒来。还有一个和我很暧昧的哥们也癌症病世了,悲催,特别悲催。”$ J2 m* W# v& a# u2 D: I% e, X9 R
2 \5 z2 X2 o$ K" E