鲜花( 21)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 lipi 于 2011-9-13 09:20 编辑
5 }5 @9 n' D. i& g. W5 ?! O- r$ Q, L这话说得对,别人对时间的承受度未必适合自己,别人能做到的未必自己能做到,又或者自己做不到的未必别人做不到,自己只要觉得安排得开就行,精力有限只是相对自己而言,每家人的极限都是不一样的。
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( I9 d' x) E# O6 y即使是给娃 ...$ b# H3 `5 H4 u' o. f5 @. L
sweetlele 发表于 2011-9-13 09:06 
' F3 n5 R8 g1 d: }8 a$ K6 i9 w' l/ L/ ~) H8 o, M9 K- H# {
9-11am is not bad at all! Have you ever had early sessions 7:45-8:45am in the cold winter (Jan. and Feb.)? We had quite a few last season, and it was at South side Arena (close to University). Good luck with your schedule this upcoming season.
0 C% v+ a q6 }
* t/ R2 O% l# o4 q9 x3 ?& |Early sessions are a little painful, but it turned out I quite enjoyed them: met more than 10 sleepy heads (including the coaches) in the dressing room, but all became so energetic on the ice. With a hot coffee watching their kids skating , all parents look like that proud parent in the Tim Hortons TV commercial. |