埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China



鲜花(667) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-2 11:18 | 显示全部楼层
非常good. 偶predict that little west 红柿 的这篇  article at least 会被 shoot 3精。$ x; d+ }; L! z, P
架鸡棚 发表于 2011-9-1 20:50
/ \( k  K8 f# t$ b, l6 ?
你的精shoot哪里去了。不要又等到费老出来发帖子要吧。别光说不练呀。: j" ^1 W3 L- J0 Z5 m0 r1 r& V; {) Y
鲜花(441) 鸡蛋(7)
发表于 2011-9-2 11:22 | 显示全部楼层
welcome to qingdao
7 d( |! h+ i1 E8 V) z+ D' m. h9 h/ u- w! T: n* t
It is a nice day today, and I am so happy, so I hook up with some chick to visit the Zhan Qiao Pier ...: A( ?; O; x+ c: c$ w8 |& f! ]
$ @9 {; e5 l$ g6 c5 Z) C9 V
sorry, can't hold it...$ A5 _# G' Q% w' B# V4 |2 V
sweetlele 发表于 2011-9-1 23:15
. e2 @: G) _$ U* G# \; {( J% r
- h0 x% n) v4 P- x2 B. F# P0 d
You're soaring in my heart, Qingdao, Qingdao+ g$ M0 L  S: X7 {" T1 C

) U% H: l5 [3 J! F$ g3 JHow sonorous is your name!: B/ X9 v! _( l% |; ~9 u

2 o/ [$ \5 H( G5 m# @4 p: J; J( ]6 o3 h. HYou're rippling in my heart, Qingdao, Qingdao
" Z  P6 Z# y& ^3 A( y
# G! c' E% e3 ^: |You are my lingering dream
8 P: _8 b8 T3 z. T7 K8 M" d
. [" n. ]7 u% j8 @% L4 `* o; H$ {My love% H. M. D" W+ C5 S/ A

, q& e4 T/ s3 DMy home.....
鲜花(441) 鸡蛋(7)
发表于 2011-9-2 11:24 | 显示全部楼层
Have you guys been to Weihai? A great place you have to go...
3 v. i. P6 j+ p6 ?9 `rainbowfish 发表于 2011-9-2 12:12

6 j& o) r& c6 G/ @# w$ U  ?3 O6 }8 e7 M& @* ~6 _
Yantai people claim Alexander......
鲜花(20) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-2 11:32 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
本帖最后由 rainbowfish 于 2011-9-2 12:34 编辑
' ^; g. d' F: U  Y
- ]5 a, h' ]+ C' l8 [This is an awesome writing... I really like it!$ {) N4 l& ?* I) V+ X

1 {, _1 i4 p) h7 q2 c. z但是看完后,有一点始终迷惑着我——在给我孩子改Journal的时候也经常遇到——就是关于grammer 的verb tense问题...% V6 i1 _) ~+ a. _. k
5 `6 [- P* _+ x. K" y2 s/ K' b
这篇essay大多数用的过去式,有地方用现在式是表明现在仍然这样或存在状态, 但类似:It is 4 PM, and we have to clear customs, grab our luggage, check it and then take another flight to Jinan. ; l4 @' X* r; x4 U' H, ^

! s- I$ \, ~  L0 |! bor We head to the luggage claim area....or We land to torrential downpours and a fog so thick...or She told me that what we are seeing is not fog, but pollution. $ ]0 Y: ~% Z0 c# n+ J& ^2 y

4 y  [8 W: B8 r; c0 I3 m, T真的诚心求教,这两天跟孩子因改语法错误打了不少嘴仗,他在写暑期Journal时就是过去式和现在式混着用...现看到这篇老外的essay似乎也有类似的情况,究竟是他的笔误,还是本该如此,还是我们原来在国内学的语法太苛刻?请教...
鲜花(647) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-2 11:42 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(441) 鸡蛋(7)
发表于 2011-9-2 11:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 nowave 于 2011-9-2 12:45 编辑 - V' Z  P- W/ K& N* Y
' s' X% D5 z8 b- w4 h" R
那啥,吹毛求个疵' o4 g5 F/ S* @1 s

, j* g3 a% s, N* {北京机场的code是PEK,不是BEI哈2 P: ]; [0 }1 P9 |2 S

$ f3 {+ c  u; E, v; QBEI是Ethiopia某机场的code
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-2 13:40 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Eunice.kk 于 2011-9-2 14:44 编辑
7 A: S& K7 T* F8 H; R# p. V+ D2 Z2 o+ a) Y) z9 z' @
34# rainbowfish ! _% u( o9 G( e' V

3 Y% Q8 [0 D5 L& Y% x+ J1 j9 @; YIt's quite common to see a native English speaker to make such kind of mistake. Chinese way of teaching does focus on grammar too much. Your kid is still young. It's necessary to let your kid realize it. But it's not necessary to force your kid to accept everything you know or think.$ B7 a) F7 A9 a$ L- e# X' `
4 g; P1 w- v1 m- r$ D# }
Jim's article is not an essay, not very formal - don't be too serious about it. I think he just wants to let people understand his feelings at certain moments... If it's for business or academic thesis, it will be very formal - I mean grammar will be very important then.
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-2 13:45 | 显示全部楼层
Little tomato, I'm here to support you again! Just for your enthusiasm!
鲜花(499) 鸡蛋(10)
发表于 2011-9-2 14:09 | 显示全部楼层
Hey Jim where in China are you?3 e" w1 u: [$ l, D! s
" u  m/ i; S  w
Let me send you a map of all the exotic massage parlors in town.
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-2 16:48 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(74) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-2 17:00 | 显示全部楼层
So today we went for a car ride.
2 B( w; ]: @$ {$ M' h: _2 u6 B& I* P' r; |/ h2 v
Now I have been driving in Canada for over 35 years, in some of the wildest cities (Montreal, Toronto, Quebec City, New york, Detroit, LA etc etc) and I thought I knew all the tricks. But China is a trip into an of itself.4 f' l0 K( Y; z# L: I, l; u$ m0 b

' R8 s6 G! u6 k; q# q" o( pWhen we got into Wifey's fathers van I was under the impression that we would be going for a leasurley ride through the streets of Jinan. And then the horns started. There was not a moment when there was no horn blaring. Now this may be hard to understand if you have never been in this type of environment, but in China, there is not a single moment when there is not a horn blaring. Now I am not talking about a beep-beep here and there. No No. This is the constant blaring of horns everywhere - the van I was in and every other vehicle on the road was CONSTANTLY basting the horn. Now, in Canada, you hit the horn only if the bastard around you does something really stupid (like cut you off) and you are pissed at them. Not in China though! In China, the horn is a way of life!
, W6 i- h. h% D7 r9 n5 ?3 T, o, s/ D  P1 x  w
I found this hard to undersrtand, and to handle. WTF? Is there any reason to honk your horn so much?
$ S' G" O1 ^' |  u  f# ]; ^% }' }( l. C
Seriously, what is the problem here? I can remember pretty well all of the occasions I have had to use the horn in my life, and here I was in China hearing horns in front of me, beside me, behind me, in places I could not even identify. I could not believe my ears. It got annoying really fast. Here is the problem. When you drive around in Canada, if someone does something really stupid, you honk at them as a way of saying "You dumbs ass, what are you doing?" But not in China. In China, cutting people off, squeezing them out of a lane (which is sometimes 3,4 or 5 lanes depending on the time) is a way of life. ; D- c; B9 F- P6 F2 _

" M( x, p5 V( g5 w5 uNow I am the first to say that there is nothing that scares me, but let me tell you, driving in China is REALLY REALLY fuckin scarey. Wifey's dad is one of the coolest, nicest persons I have ever met. He is a very nice, gentle person who seems to have naught a care in the world. But get him into traffic, and he becomes the one of most aggressive people I have ever met. Now you have to understand that he has been in China all of his life, and to him, this is probably normal, but to see him cutting people off, squeezing them out of their lane, and just generally bullyjng his way around was as amazing as it was frightening. 8 P4 ~/ J% {8 A. B6 W9 P; j' z

, K* Q6 c% P8 z! ?2 @( x- R# TI try to keep my wife safe and away from danger as much as possible, She is after all the best thing in my life! But every time we went out for a spin an a car, whether it was with her Dad or a taxi or a friend, I feared for her life! Holy shit we are going to die! Or so I thought every 10 or 15 seconds of the ride we were in. It is completely insane. It was like being in a video game where you get points for blowing people off the road.
鲜花(74) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-2 17:02 | 显示全部楼层
Picture this: you are beside someone and you decide that you are going to take over their lane. So you just start moving into their lane. Either they relent (with appropriate honking) or you do, and guess who wins? The one with most balls! Now in China, I found out that balls do not exist! It is all about face. In China you never do or say anything which might bring you shame. Face is everything! Unless you are in a car.
6 b1 U  q* w5 M* w  e- w" |1 {4 N$ d1 u+ f. K4 C6 H
You see, In China, all of the car windows are dark: every single car I saw had windows tinted so dark that you cannot see the driver. We were in a Van with blacked out windows as well, so when you blast your horn at someone, it is anonymous. I figure that the Chinese people use their cars a sort of cathartic experience whereby they can scream at other people without losing face. What a fucked up system! But it seems to work for the Chinese. ! l# ~2 _1 d' N& i, K7 |5 x! h

  t, I" s% D# l- f; cI looked around a lot, looking for signs of body work needing to be done on a whole whack of cars - but no: no cars with any kind of body damage. They push each other around with their cars, and no-one ever gets hit.
鲜花(74) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-2 17:02 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
Some of the stuff I saw was quite simply "fucked up". We would be doing 70 kmh, and a car next to us a driver left a hole about 6 inches from the car in front of him, and BANG-O dad- in law would fill the hole. If you sleep at the wheel in China, you lose. And all the while he was humming a cute little tune. Imagine this: I am worrying for the safety of my wife and dad in law was just sitting back humming a tune. WTF? I am going to have to figure this part of China out. More on that later.
$ F; K3 z3 M9 p
* e( j3 X  I8 Y; KNeedless to say, my first ride in China was an eye opener. I really got tired of the horns blasting all the time. I tried to make rhyme and reason for the horns, but to be honest it seemed totally random. I tried to figure out why people were blaring their horns all the time, but so far it made no sense. I will have to think on this a little more.
' X0 k7 _- v" s' Z" g" |
8 k+ u& U( J6 `0 nWhen we got home, I was stressed out! I felt like I had just lived a real-life video game adventure! I was so stressed thet I looked at Wifey and asked her if this was normal. She shrugged and said "Is what normal?" - I said "the driving!!" She she acknowleged that it was pretty crazy, but that I would get used to it. You have to understand that in Canada I do all of the driving, and we RARELY get into a situation where you think you are going to die! This happened every two blocks in China! She told me not to worry, that they are used to it.: A6 s& x1 |6 s0 W- R" w
( R- r) j8 Y$ [
So this was day two - a real eye-opener. More to come. I like this adventure so far except for the fear of dying on the road. More to come.
鲜花(74) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-2 17:04 | 显示全部楼层
Have you guys been to Weihai? A great place you have to go...% ?- F  e1 i; l/ O7 _( T8 ]
rainbowfish 发表于 2011-9-2 12:12
4 v& r) c6 w7 f  [9 T6 R; u) S
鲜花(74) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-2 17:05 | 显示全部楼层
You're soaring in my heart, Qingdao, Qingdao. \: `" F6 c, d3 E$ c3 j
" i; H* Q- h5 d$ l( f" E
How sonorous is your name!4 l/ {4 Y2 D) z9 b. ~. M6 Z7 u
$ C* \, o  U& c- c7 `) e/ x
You're rippling in my heart, Qingdao, Qingdao
+ A. v8 Q" H2 ]- R9 r# w/ O2 Y9 o$ y# f
You are my lingering dream' u; B  g3 q5 E" A  I: H5 i5 g

7 J: P3 X) i% L" D: H4 Z- jMy love& T) r. x/ w/ g. y

( d4 {' ?8 u+ {' |$ R5 n. ^8 oMy home.....
3 [8 P/ t  n2 g4 {( |# X# qnowave 发表于 2011-9-2 12:22
鲜花(74) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-2 17:06 | 显示全部楼层
This is an awesome writing... I really like it!
. v" I: S9 @8 I& ?% y3 J& S2 K7 G/ ?" s8 G6 L. K
但是看完后,有一点始终迷惑着我——在给我孩子改Journal的时候也经常遇到——就是关于grammer 的verb tense问题...5 j* E2 @% @) j; ?% z9 Y; f2 c

  R2 q4 M- \* f. f这篇essay大多数用的过去式,有地方用现 ...  B4 D/ u- E9 @* R* k
rainbowfish 发表于 2011-9-2 12:32

4 ?$ F1 W8 W3 Q: c. S' `: ]我个人觉得事态最难,我经常犯事态的毛病; t3 |4 F. f( ]. p" T; N
鲜花(74) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-2 17:07 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
Little tomato, I'm here to support you again! Just for your enthusiasm!( E8 T+ c, {. u: C
Eunice.kk 发表于 2011-9-2 14:45

7 N! K# r  j+ d) K其实我还是挺想念那哥们给我顶贴······
鲜花(74) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-2 17:08 | 显示全部楼层
强烈要求加精呀·······9 B# [8 U8 M% X  l  \3 K9 [# \
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-2 17:21 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 albertabeef 于 2011-9-2 18:27 编辑 & V2 [( N: B$ S% @4 R( O& w) M
4 h# u& Y3 o% l& N3 f" ^
"In China, the horn is a way of life!"
鲜花(417) 鸡蛋(15)
发表于 2011-9-2 17:30 | 显示全部楼层
) O: F6 J2 }/ }$ ?% w& G架子兄·····多谢啦······! w/ Q9 X+ M' U- |$ \
个性小西红柿 发表于 2011-9-2 18:08

( R6 e5 w8 }9 t, w回去一定加。现在上班用ipad上网,加不了。骚瑞。
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-2 17:39 | 显示全部楼层
I like this adventure so far except for the fear of dying on the road.
+ X+ j$ B: U! ?! V) q5 J8 i个性小西红柿 发表于 2011-9-2 18:02
2 q- i, T4 D6 A" J* p9 _
You got lots of fun!
鲜花(74) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-2 18:03 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
回去一定加。现在上班用ipad上网,加不了。骚瑞。/ N" T" Q! d. Y5 K& P7 e
架鸡棚 发表于 2011-9-2 18:30

( B1 X2 z) _. f0 B够时髦······
8 S* B. l$ Y/ T, C( G7 n好的······
鲜花(74) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-2 18:04 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
You got lots of fun!
6 y% ~- z# |0 G: c+ s" e  t! Galbertabeef 发表于 2011-9-2 18:39
! @% g6 x6 k: ^6 B0 D8 j
鲜花(1115) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-2 18:26 | 显示全部楼层
Good job! Jim, maybe you can post this story on Edmonton Journal or some Canadian website to show your "adventure" with your wife in China.  There must be lots of people interested in your story.
鲜花(63) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-2 18:37 | 显示全部楼层
can't wait for the next part of this writing
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2011-9-2 19:18 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(74) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-2 21:06 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(73) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-2 21:35 | 显示全部楼层
I cann't agree more with White Jim on the driving situation in China.
鲜花(20) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-2 22:23 | 显示全部楼层
34# rainbowfish
* X3 I9 K' s$ w# ^* _  \. W5 `/ |) _5 m0 B2 v/ m  O
It's quite common to see a native English speaker to make such kind of mistake. Chinese way of teaching does focus on grammar too much. Your kid is still young. It's necessary to  ...
$ y& A* B9 P" lEunice.kk 发表于 2011-9-2 14:40

$ l& U# n# `% I! D: X" {: M9 ?4 h, ?% k  _( D
Thanks KK. Sounds reasonable...Good advice, thank you.
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2011-9-2 22:27 | 显示全部楼层
So today we went for a car ride.5 y  r+ @  @& b' |# t! ?0 S
, k7 E" w/ j  f# M7 @- N7 {6 f
Now I have been driving in Canada for over 35 years, in some of the wildest cities (Montreal, Toronto, Quebec City, New york, Detroit, LA etc etc) and I thought I  ...
3 D% s; {+ I% S  Q' d% i  N个性小西红柿 发表于 2011-9-2 18:00

' c6 I: s- t! E- J: {% Y
' _( U6 _8 T0 s5 l) c+ zHi,Jim ,i become a fan of you now.
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