其实蚊子还真是原因之一, 另外还有超市东西贵,服务业态度劣,犯罪率居高不下,基础设施落后,干燥的气候,寒冷的冬季。。。。老婆孩子说受不了。 $ w6 v- K1 R0 L; I/ @! H2 T0 s- T U
有道是曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。见得多了才能比出优劣。 ..., ^) e' p6 ]3 e7 K0 a) u
mosquito 发表于 2011-8-11 00:00
' O# R& Q- H' v% R7 ?+ F) A" |- i6 ~) M" r% ~. T/ M
So you've had all these years to act like you care about Edmonton, and you waited till now. Good work. Enjoy your last chance to be the spotlight because you ain't getting any where you're moving to.
So you've had all these years to act like you care about Edmonton, and you waited till now. Good work. Enjoy your last chance to be the spotlight because you ain't getting any where you're moving ...8 |9 X1 A% x" Z2 q2 M; O3 D# H
SheJing 发表于 2011-8-14 18:14