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楼主: amiable

加拿大生存实用信息网站大全( continued series)

鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-19 19:34 | 显示全部楼层
医学工作者找工作的网站) u* b6 m  s: ^0 J6 c7 s2 ?: e: @
http://tbe.taleo.net/NA5/ats/car ... YNALIFEDX&cws=1
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-19 19:41 | 显示全部楼层
Accommodation and Food Services工作的网站! u' i$ v0 a6 p+ S* A" @- a9 ?
(1)* T4 p/ P- R% ^* Q/ ]
( w  @6 j: Q/ W(2)http://www.hcareers.ca/
# k" `9 `( x8 a(3)http://www.morainelake.com/join-our-team/6 N9 T8 i/ O8 _! L$ Z
3 W1 |1 ^6 P; E; Z/ M2 a# F(5)http://www.mpljasper.com/about/job_postings.html9 Z! U6 l: w- W3 r' o( Y+ u  o  M
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-19 20:01 | 显示全部楼层
* d6 W" p) |; P8 M+ ]: D3 C(1)http://www.agcallhr.com/jobseekers.aspx
( _& [) L& a( d! m1 G8 s; u, ~1 F(2)http://www.agcareers.com/state.cfm?s=2
' ?5 f& ~6 I2 Q, y6 P(3)http://www.areca.ab.ca/index.php ... ;id=19&Itemid=5- T. O3 c* G( h" H
(4)https://agrium-hr.silkroad.com/e ... tion=app.careeropps
! e/ x' e% c1 z: [+ k(5)http://www.albertapork.com/careers.aspx?NavigationID=1317  d) s0 p  E/ e" |# z/ m5 [9 p0 ]2 T1 \
(6)http://www.agric.gov.ab.ca/app68 ... ployment&cat2=1
" l" L; n. Y4 V4 L8 a" b$ P4 v(7)http://www.masterfeeds.com/view. ... s/Current_Positions& Z) l- D+ V& t& x4 k
(8)http://www.careerbuilder.com/csh ... 1f98-333809169-w6-6
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-19 20:19 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
% k. ^" W4 m/ U' J( w(1)http://www.acad.ab.ca/careers.html
- b  q3 F7 J) s4 L(2)https://www.ambrose.edu/employment
7 |- f/ i- k. X, d" Y, l(3)http://www1.athabascau.ca/hr/careers/careers/index.html: X  g4 j. R! o* b2 z% Z& h% l6 T
(4)http://www.banffcentre.ca/careers/' P2 q4 _  D" p
% W7 r/ [* E# h' \- j# b(6)http://www.columbia.ab.ca/( W( B6 i1 b$ _: G; A+ X
(7)http://www.concordia.ab.ca/about ... resources/positions
- z( W5 G) i7 D$ B, C0 N( f(8)http://www.devryinc.com/careers.jsp
. k( O5 y2 ?; p8 M4 r% w2 `: d2 P(9)http://www.gprc.ab.ca/careers/
* i# G( `4 l" N( F/ l- c: Z6 h# k(10)http://www1.macewan.ca/wcm/Admin ... s/Careers/index.htm
3 C( o% P6 ]/ ]5 v' e(11)http://www.keyano.ca/Human_Resources/Recruitment/
, }5 i( u) l& Z  [6 }; r. q3 ~(12)http://www.kingsu.ca/about-us/career_opportunities.html+ J; q  t/ r9 G/ i* O
(13)http://www.lakelandcollege.ca/faculty/employment/, e# @3 u6 `' J9 I9 }/ T
(14)http://www.lethbridgecollege.ca/ ... =265&Itemid=4372 |, d0 [4 J2 I6 e, h/ U3 b
. ]& u; J: _: g(16)http://www.mtroyal.ca/EmploymentCareers/index.htm" W6 j# W1 G# S1 k, q: q" E/ J+ p/ K
* [% e1 H( ?8 n5 g$ D6 U  p% T(18)http://www.nait.ca/hr/careers/+ Q/ x- Y0 @7 f% u9 r' X! h
(19)http://northernlakescollege.ca/jobs.aspx3 A, Z- \/ F; S; Z  I; s8 M
(20)http://www.portagecollege.ca/Abo ... r_Opportunities.htm) ?2 [: A# P* K7 M
(21)http://www.rdc.ab.ca/about_rdc/h ... /Pages/default.aspx
9 D4 c; _6 O) H! l+ x; c(22)http://sait.ca/pages/careers/careeropportunities/index.shtml
' F. D4 t3 l% |- d4 S; b(23)http://www.stmu.ab.ca/aboutUs/careerOpportunities.html( W5 ]/ m: W9 D* q
(24)http://www.taylor-edu.ca/about/contact/employment.htm, O, W- k- t+ V6 _8 s6 \+ y
(25)http://www.careers.ualberta.ca/+ U3 i6 x% V5 F$ B8 ~
(26)http://www.ucalgary.ca/careers/9 }; n6 J' [; S+ m" U+ ]5 W
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-19 20:36 | 显示全部楼层
Energy / Petroleum / Oil Sands工作的网站
; m. I  ?; w" E6 X& V& C4 z6 u(1)http://www.alliance-pipeline.com ... p;cid2=0&cid3=0' w' n7 S: @5 C( v
/ K+ F! n  v  i0 v3 P) x(3)http://www.cedagroup.com/sites/CEDA/careers/listing.html
9 }+ t% b+ V5 J4 S; u(4)https://cleanharbors.tms.hrdepar ... earchjobs_quick.cgi! x: Z. z( x" ~( q# E0 Z
9 ~1 \; K0 N/ a- Z6 Z  y: [4 l(6)http://www.epcor.ca/en-ca/about-epcor/careers/pages/default.aspx
6 g% @6 V6 [* Q- @(7)http://www.flintenergy.com/careers/working_flint.html. ?7 ^* `0 [' |( l9 r4 P8 T
; e; U$ ^* v& R(9)http://www.huskyenergy.com/careers/* W( X' x! Q% {3 T) `. m3 Y0 {
' F' C/ b1 h, R5 z' p8 p2 u& W4 L(11)http://www.ledcor.com/en/careers#=4 f3 f; z  S7 A2 o+ x- I! U: M  A( [
(12)http://oilsands.infomine.com/careers/4 ?9 C5 \2 \$ U
" M. \/ e- g  Z8 u/ Q* T(14)http://www.shell.com/home/content/careers// _. |$ p: S; r  M, H7 ]/ s$ W4 c  u; ^
3 P+ v5 a5 e- y+ z(16)http://unitedsafety.net/careers.html6 V4 M0 x4 M, b% D  J2 j! K8 e3 }! ]
" m8 r& G# R2 O" @7 O: r(18)http://www.transalta.com/careers; H% y, r+ i; Q
(19)http://www.syncrude.ca/users/folder.asp?FolderID=5628) G/ g2 k0 Q% H& _- `+ b, Z( u/ a# ~
(20)http://www.suncor.com/en/careers/282.aspx: Q+ H$ s: m# x; {5 s
(21)http://www.spartancontrols.com/careers/careers.aspx% r) g$ I: h0 D! f3 g1 O& v9 T* h
(22)http://www.shell.com/home/content/careers/5 Y$ C/ X2 ?; E3 l: Y, M  C
(23)http://www.pyramidfabricators.com/onboard.php. Q7 S8 y* Y4 ^+ x* c; K
+ t3 J7 w$ j) A/ U* B. T' a(25)http://www.apegga.org/
! o4 `( E; O  t8 ~; e7 m(26)http://www.bantrel.com/careers/default.aspx, f7 I- A4 X6 g: U/ B! Z
; l& D# H* M/ {$ @4 p! }9 I" A(28)http://www.focus.ca/careers.html
& _0 F8 u8 V% D/ _- g3 w! N(29)http://www.aecom.com/Careers
4 i7 H7 D/ F2 f5 z- \(30)http://www.worleyparsons.com/CAR ... /Pages/default.aspx
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-19 20:44 | 显示全部楼层
Finance / Insurance工作的网站
' |. \  _' u8 @4 Q3 i0 G(1)http://www.aimco.alberta.ca/wwu_careeropportunities.aspx( f4 O+ E. Q4 W4 p" J+ U0 @
+ }) k9 B+ h0 m. e(3)http://www.atb.com/Pages/Dev/careers/careers_index.aspx) V( h& u5 E( E# r4 U& I
: V) O' c# T' y(5)https://www.cwbcareers.com/job_postings/default.aspx6 f4 l% J1 G/ t6 B
7 \# M: Y$ D+ `5 e- ^7 k* A0 [(7)http://www.rbc.com/careers/
" R5 s; _/ U3 v4 j(8)http://www.scotiabank.com/cda/content/0,1608,CID13220_LIDen,00.html
9 [) j5 e4 C5 ^$ w& w- j(9)http://www.scotiabank.com/cda/content/0,1608,CID13220_LIDen,00.html+ A( D& Y/ G  {# Q. N
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-19 20:56 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-19 21:01 | 显示全部楼层
Technology / Scientific工作的网站' K6 ~5 N( E$ |, d
. O0 f, F3 }2 C+ ?' v; a(2)http://www.albertatechfutures.ca ... tOpportunities.aspx  X$ `: |$ @; U
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-19 21:07 | 显示全部楼层
Transportation and Warehouse工作的网站: l1 P4 T& j% ?
(1)http://www.brewster.ca/careers/1 b7 I- F# A/ [3 w- x/ f- t' D1 E
(2)http://www.calgaryairport.com/Default.aspx?cid=76* _* h3 L9 G  ~5 Q  I$ c' V
. A, @: U# g- V2 w(4)http://www.cpr.ca/en/Careers/Pages/default.aspx
  M5 Y) ?# O8 Y) }$ e(5)http://www.sclcanada.org/index.php?id=478
  }1 X" B, T# N) _3 _4 V/ F(6)http://www.flyeia.com/contact_us
1 p) J0 M- n3 `0 u' p( y5 Q(7)http://www.jobsinlogistics.com/Logistics-Jobs-In/Alberta/
  {3 u( t! u0 h  e8 G8 M(8)http://www.cytiva.com/wstjet/ext/search.asp
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-19 21:10 | 显示全部楼层
Real Estate / Leasing工作的网站 1 m% C" o5 C4 d$ f
(1); T; d7 |' z" f* Z; @- C. M3 Q/ x
http://www.coldwellbanker.ca/join/careers/ p* k# C& c5 |! l$ U$ X! }. [
& A2 H- ^( Y; U( m$ w; [(3)http://www.royallepage.ca/en/join/index.aspx
7 c2 I1 C8 b3 k8 b, U3 a& ~(4)http://www.sterlingedmonton.ca/" Z. `" p8 F  [0 R  a
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-20 14:49 | 显示全部楼层
English10-1 , English20-1, English30-1, English30-2.# K, x# |* F2 d* B% I  w7 n0 e
(1)莎士比亚 戏剧 :
6 ^: p4 ?% [. l' Ghttp://www.tianyabook.com/waiguo2005/s/shashibiya/index.html) \( |8 W; ?6 O& z0 M0 n0 P
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-20 14:54 | 显示全部楼层
Part-time training grants of up to $5,000 per academic year starting September 1, 2007. This enables Albertans with low incomes to learn while they work.: K: o+ ?& T) x2 t2 y" d
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-20 15:01 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
Alberta Personal Health Card ------Coverage and claims for services outside Alberta
- O$ Y' P" ~5 g% _' A+ x( v(1)http://www.health.alberta.ca/AHC ... claims.html#outside9 G# j; Q! {, @; _, I! H8 i
(2)Claims for health costs incurred outside Alberta must be submitted within 365 days from the date of service.' ^2 W4 I- t3 T! G
Alberta Health and Wellness
0 h( m" D; [% IOut-of-Country / Province Claims& {5 ?$ k5 }: X" S% }  D2 g7 o
PO Box 1360 Stn Main
* H: ]5 t3 b! u; b; k8 Y+ GEdmonton, Alberta T5J 2N37 n% @4 n* w) t. A& `
Fax number: 780-422-1958
$ l" {5 m! [9 H% Khttp://www.health.alberta.ca/AHC ... e-claims.html#claim
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-20 16:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 amiable 于 2011-6-20 17:01 编辑
! g5 j0 h, N% S9 e$ n3 `
0 w* r) r" w/ r+ G% ]可以办公证和翻译最便宜的地方  B( x1 h4 C3 z- G6 G
(1)Judge & Associates Immigration Services
$ m' }1 s. d& ]. HPhone :(780) 463-9523
/ H& A4 @5 @5 B0 |Address : 9240 34 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 5P2) L! O/ @$ n; p" ~) ^
201-10720 113 street edmonton AB T5H3H85 Y& ]2 G- V, n6 \6 w0 R. u
Phone: (780)747 8445 ; S) ]5 y% _5 I* H% n( E' Q4 H, i/ v
http://www.edmontonchina.cn/view ... &extra=page%3D1
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-21 18:29 | 显示全部楼层
Legal Aid in Alberta
! C( _; m8 g. o4 G' q: H, ]2 P(1)- I; D9 x& C. K; P
  Z- r; |$ v4 l1 _- T5 e3 a(2)2 _7 u0 |" ^1 L
http://www.legalaid.ab.ca/HELP/Pages/default.aspx: i5 O+ q% [7 R: {3 }3 T! p
9 S7 X% ~$ x0 N* r; R" Phttp://www.legalaid.ab.ca/help/P ... ServicesCentre.aspx8 L$ S  @& [+ X( r3 q$ ?
8 ?2 f8 j' ]7 \# A5 Lhttp://www.legalaid.ab.ca/resources/Pages/default.aspx  Z( ~2 q# A* k! {; u
1 w8 A- \% \. w, A6 Vhttp://www.legalaid.ab.ca/resources/Pages/links.aspx#content1 |" f3 c4 H! q) ~
(6)8 W6 s9 B  t8 J$ z5 C4 d
" f8 _* J8 Y2 P8 e3 a& I  S6 I(7)$ n3 ^7 H1 M: j& l6 Q$ y- C
3 v: n0 r+ E1 H& `# I6 Q(8)
2 M4 t2 I5 B5 }. rhttp://www.legalaid.ab.ca/about/Pages/default.aspx+ R* @- m$ A6 G7 j
(9)+ o% J& k. t  u2 Z# O% K$ N
http://www.legalaid.ab.ca/about/programs/Pages/default.aspx0 J9 M" R; D1 @* w1 c
(10)2 [' }. K( I3 {) c+ W1 w
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-21 18:30 | 显示全部楼层
Alberta Work Office:
3 G: m0 U* A' R1 R9 u( F1 R3 ?8 tEdmonton - Argyll Centre  (South)*
4 t  K) l! `3 [1 m- P2 zArgyll Centre
1 k  s! \; s: [; j  _, [0 a* Y6325 Gateway Boulevard. T- c6 Q6 n6 G. B4 d( F" j6 ^7 r6 I
Edmonton, Alberta T6H 5H6
- H  Z) N, w; S- u1 [Phone: 780-644-2888
, \8 P& t2 c6 ^! K- \, z*Service available in French
. F3 H" c9 ?& f2 q8 S8 {* G5 g) T& }1 @% H; U; `
Edmonton - City Centre  (Central)) m- _5 x& E* I3 ]- q# U
Main Floor, 10242 - 105 Street1 |- ?# ?) x1 N9 c# e& L
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3L5
7 {* ?8 d% w  }  E, i; SPhone: 780-427-9674
4 ~2 Q5 H2 |* N7 A( j, f7 y! j% j# V/ l5 ~$ G! J
Edmonton - Northgate Centre (North)* / ?  }; A/ |; e1 o, l
Unit 2050 Northgate Center $ B  I+ n+ c1 Q
9499 - 137 Avenue
6 K( l4 y5 e6 P& `Edmonton, Alberta T5E 5R8
$ N4 {" ?, j3 Y4 @) q) BPhone: 780-422-9440
2 M. e+ L" F* k/ g2 Q3 X. [
( [4 L- f7 {( q* U1 [; t  [' u7 bEdmonton - Meadowlark Mall (West)
7 ?7 }* W1 z( M- R* h! A$ q120 Meadowlark Shopping Center8 I# O/ v# c3 p! G
15710 - 87 Avenue
2 S( U8 G/ y* T9 {. u0 `* ^$ nEdmonton, Alberta T5R 5W9   v# r  s& ~% d, J+ g
Phone: 780-415-8116 & i1 N- Q- c9 _- x+ Z
( F: t5 @7 Z! h$ D
Edmonton - Westcor Building  (West)+ r3 s( |! i4 i7 t6 B
200 Westcor Building4 ]8 c; |( b. }3 i6 j2 p; R
12323 Stony Plain Road
6 [* @- [1 t, e! [. ^* zEdmonton, Alberta T5N 4A9
. M. C( D9 ?2 U  b9 i( {Phone: 780-415-6500
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-21 18:32 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
a web site can help you to look for jobs
0 n% C) v  n* k. J6 Vwww.indeed.ca
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-21 18:33 | 显示全部楼层
free class
8 T5 F' J+ h, {& {3 ~/ N/ g" K& d: V6 v* u+ h, T$ J" X
4 V& M! m/ C( c3 w* Ehttp://employment.alberta.ca/documents/CES/CES_hcc_brochure.pdf
( x6 n0 m& I# S(2)
/ D4 K. x% n% B+ y9 y# D; c. osuite 500, 9707--110 street.
+ @$ w6 O" h1 I! w: rEdmonton, AB T5K2L9* Z0 s: C, ~& R1 r7 j
phone: (780) 425--37309 a- u' V2 m) u9 n0 l" U0 Y0 }
Fax: (780) 424--6435
) m7 A3 {9 E6 n0 o( y. Pwww.bredin.ab.ca! ]9 F' T6 d2 ^/ \4 v+ ?! X3 m, U
(3) free medical course- F8 Y: u% b" I  e
(4) free TOEFL preparation course' W. r0 x' m; x7 s; m
(5) free IELTS preparation course
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-21 18:34 | 显示全部楼层
women scholarship in Alberta2 _, n& m" P0 ]; v% E) b1 A" F; }' b
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-21 18:35 | 显示全部楼层
scholarship  in Alberta
/ H) G( G. S! H( C0 K" S9 _' {
$ \" B1 c% m4 b: z5 [9 ^7 a" \: j(1)/ f+ ]3 i! s) }. N) ~
http://alis.alberta.ca/ec/fo/sch ... h=Find+Scholarships3 K! K4 s, S$ p+ L
(2)& A8 |8 {# a7 j2 m7 G# r- Q
+ {& ?& e$ I* e(3)1 p, b' S' N' B: |1 C, I
http://alis.alberta.ca/et/fo/scholarships/info.html?EK=31  T+ V) N) H. e0 V
(4)8 y1 ^, t- [% X9 L' y" e1 f$ @
( F  r7 h. X- b- G7 q3 b# z(5)
* x' `6 O3 A( N4 e1 ~http://www.benorth.ca/nadc-bursaries.asp
. r9 A, H, U. _: p! U# D(6)
% y  j3 K/ c- ~5 T7 N1 g5 I1 g! Y$ whttp://www.kingsu.ca/future-students/money-matters/other.html# K2 t7 F& d4 T4 t3 {' y3 J
(7)9 g$ i+ R0 s) ^% B2 F1 t2 q
http://qe2hospitalfoundation.com ... subMenu-menuItem0006 I+ B% C4 E- o5 S
(8)9 _. B& F) L7 i$ U5 ~, V
+ O) K/ x5 U8 b+ G(9)( a* l% T5 ]% E& O6 O  [8 H
http://www.studentawards.com/  `& [" h. I, j  v
: w# R8 v% G6 L$ M2 thttp://www.clubrunner.ca/data/53 ... er%20Newsletter.pdf: z7 C/ U! ^8 m  H* D( e, [
(11)) h; @# P0 y+ v2 U$ X% Z
http://www.tdcanadatrust.com/scholarship/* q$ ~0 @1 H5 P# n* \9 I9 p
(12)( T/ V- O6 y: p, ~  g$ U, T
http://www.fraserinstitute.org/e ... /essay-contest.aspx
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-21 18:36 | 显示全部楼层
part time funding
3 S8 D7 `  {9 z% ^
5 ~9 m2 Q) B( u# I# ^, c: ]http://alis.alberta.ca/ec/fo/studentsfinance/partime.html
1 P; ^5 W( t. [2 w. V * S' A/ O, {( F9 Z; g% t
http://alis.alberta.ca/ec/fo/studentsfinance/fund-train.html6 F. z; P& Y( {# u( u4 r/ h
) |+ M# q& A5 e! Z, X" t. J( ?
, E, D. F7 n% M3 W2 ~; J 5 G& Y* z; k+ K$ x! [
http://alis.alberta.ca/wageinfo/ ... ePage&Page=Home1 u4 c! _) t2 W
$ J3 ]0 M) \% I% ~
http://alis.alberta.ca/ec/ep/pps/alberta-secondary.html  O! Y/ L* o- w6 I
+ y2 f( b; o" S7 `  {; T$ a  s2 o
http://alis.alberta.ca/et/fo/student-loans.html1 B+ [! p: n* I& C

5 u% ~* Q0 R/ t" o  Dhttp://employment.alberta.ca/ces/3172.html- K; X" i; B+ l& N2 Y( q, s9 S
* c4 y) X% k. q2 c5 V" D# ?* r
http://www.gov.ab.ca/servicealbe ... ility_estimator.asp
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-21 18:38 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
Day care subsidy:+ j- S" U2 D2 s# K
(1)6 U* e( R. H/ m* [$ F& D7 I
http://www.child.alberta.ca/home/1158.cfm; f6 k0 S* E3 _# I0 p) Y) [& A
" L6 V% V. o0 n7 |! V) shttp://www.child.alberta.ca/home/documents/childcare/CDEV4015.pdf- q' J( Q+ l8 i* L3 R, E# Y
, k, [. }% X. W$ A3 @http://www.child.alberta.ca/home/1156.cfm
2 [5 ?8 C+ v5 B(4)
; _/ l/ m4 x- R* ]http://www.child.alberta.ca/home/1156.cfm
, m  Z+ D; b4 P% g(5)9 h( Y3 l! W1 V5 e* x

2 k  r. z( m4 I7 Mhttp://www.child.alberta.ca/home/documents/childcare/CDEV3924.pdf
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-21 18:47 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
monitor funding' x9 P" ?# i5 _1 X& C4 j

5 B7 u0 t( w, dhttp://www.employment.alberta.ca/AWonline/ETS/4384.html
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-21 18:49 | 显示全部楼层
Reduced Course Load about Alberta funding:
) A) h1 S4 y3 U0 \. x# P3 \http://www.employment.alberta.ca/AWonline/ETS/4337.html
( y+ Z# f" X( h7 \3 Dhttp://www.employment.alberta.ca/AWonline/ETS/4360.html
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-21 18:51 | 显示全部楼层
医学工作者找工作的网站" F. g- o5 k, E6 x1 @" y

% ]  D" f" Z' V' G4 A$ G( khttps://www.capitalhealth.ca/Car ... amp;jb2=JQ-00217-RA
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-21 18:55 | 显示全部楼层

( A" t2 b* C( ]2 cLanguage Proficiency Requirements in Alberta University:7 _* x2 e+ [* r. ~% F1 Y
http://www.registrar.ualberta.ca ... rams/13.3.html#13.3
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-30 10:51 | 显示全部楼层
If you are taking a (part time )course, you may  申请 federal grant $600/term.
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-30 10:52 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 amiable 于 2011-7-30 11:57 编辑 ) K9 e: n# }7 P8 y
6 K  O8 k! `6 D" E0 Q1 Q9 P; b
If your major is medical program, you may apply bursary $12000 ( total is $12000)for a two-year-program.
# Q; k- I% V9 q0 F" n) |& GBursary is not student loan.
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-30 11:14 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 amiable 于 2011-7-30 12:15 编辑 2 a/ E' ^$ K8 K2 J
* i1 ?9 U1 h# n: B! {# j
A Winners  store within  the Capilano mall,  all toys are the cheapest in Edmonton. You can take #4 bus from UA to Capilano.
% m' e7 j& C3 ]  P& c! }( nA new basketball only costs $2, or $ 3.
鲜花(169) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-9 21:59 | 显示全部楼层
(1)Skills Investment Funding:! I- ~) h# ~1 P5 c
http://employment.alberta.ca/CES/3161.htm4 Z% {9 C1 n! Y2 `$ @$ k
(2)Work Foundations funding:
/ W5 u0 ^3 H5 p5 a8 ]  http://employment.alberta.ca/CES/3103.html
+ Q% S, R) A: t" X5 ^1 P9 g(3)Part-Time Study funding:
9 U! }- S% K: f$ e7 Q, g  http://employment.alberta.ca/CES/3194.html: @6 M' [* \' H
(4) Eligibility for Funding for Part-time Post-Secondary Studies2 a2 ]9 Q$ u2 Y1 K3 Y1 {- O
http://alis.alberta.ca/ec/fo/studentsfinance/partime.html: U, L* o6 w# w- [1 E
(5)Apprenticeship (Full-Time Study) funding:4 m; Z0 w, m( m4 C8 g6 `( H  u
http://employment.alberta.ca/CES/3192.html* W2 K' y" e# T- B% d
(6)Learn more about loans and grants to help finance your post-secondary studies:+ @. {' y9 A) Y& t6 _, R4 F" k
http://alis.alberta.ca/ec/fo/studentsfinance/about-loans.html" u+ S, N! e4 ?
(7)Paying Back Your Loans:
  Q4 M% E1 a  k& s# Z1 Hhttp://alis.alberta.ca/ec/fo/studentsfinance/repaying.html
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