4 _4 l3 f) M8 \) ^) y% zEven though I have never seen you, I can see many real feelins in your assays. You are genuinely and sincerely telling your story in Edmonton.
Even though I have never seen you, I can see many real feelins in your assays. You are genuinely and sincerely telling your story in Edmonton.3 s2 }! S7 E# v$ Q
amiable 发表于 2011-8-27 13:56
8 i9 t3 I6 k+ k! M+ z/ [再次感谢。兄弟的帖子本来是理所应当地沉下去了,而这种沉其实很可以给我一个不再写下去的借口,但是又这样被顶起来,嗬嗬,只好接着写下去了,啧啧。
5 @9 V1 _: `" L. T, Q3 U {: Q“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” 幸福感很容易获得。但真正的幸福却来之不易,当你所思,所言,和所行高度一致时,才是真正的幸福。我觉得,真正的幸福很难达到,所以,应该努力追求。不知老云有否思考过who are you(who you choose to be) 之类的人生问题。
; F: D; [9 _9 [( K4 O; A很喜《The Pursuit of Happyness》这部电影。9 O& Q' D7 J( c9 m* z2 i* j
: R( o' W- b4 I! B4 L& f
"It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson on the Declaration of Independence and the part about our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And I remember thinking how did he know to put the pursuit part in there? That maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it. No matter what. How did he know that?" 1 Z6 D M" l1 [* Y R6 v3 g* w1 c0 X! W* Z3 ^, a% L8 S
Christopher Gardner (Will Smith), The Pursuit of Happyness: X2 c# Z4 _5 x& m2 Q; H' Z: S! F* b