鲜花( 844)  鸡蛋( 29)

楼主 |
发表于 2017-10-15 15:35
5 x4 D0 {) N1 Y0 w5 ^Schematic Illustration of the Tycho Stripes* @/ m6 @. _) c0 g
This illustration explains what scientists believe is occurring in the stripes in the Tycho supernova remnant. The blue, circular region on the left is a schematic representation of the outer shell making up the blast wave of the supernova remnant, with the lighter colored regions being the stripes. The upper panel shows a close-up of a region away from the stripes, where the black lines show tangled magnetic field lines and the red line shows an electron spiraling around one of these lines. Electrons with energies of a trillion electron volts (10^12 eV), corresponding to energies about 7 times lower than the maximum energy reached by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), are responsible for the X-ray emission seen by Chandra. The middle panel shows a close-up of a faint stripe. Here, the magnetic fields are much more tangled and the particle motions are much more turbulent, producing higher energy X-ray emission. In the bright stripe the tangling of the magnetic fields and the turbulence is even higher. The spacing between the stripes corresponds to the radius of the spiraling motion of a proton with an energy over a hundred times larger than the LHC. The path of such a proton is shown in yellow. Very energetic particles like this do not radiate efficiently and cannot be detected with Chandra but are believed to be the origin of the most energetic cosmic rays in our galaxy.
/ G8 c* g4 P* z# s1 L4 T1 J以上是能图片的说明。$ e* S( f& {$ ~$ f
电子产生的X射线是TeV, 就是10的12次方电子伏特, 与欧洲强子对撞机的能量级别相似。欧洲强子对撞机产生的能量最大为14TeV.6 J. e8 Q$ T% K& q
但质子产生的能量是10的15次方电子伏特, 超过欧洲强子对撞机的1000倍。
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