Cenovus Energy Inc. posted a $267-million loss in the second quarter but says it's on track to cut its costs by about half a billion dollars this year, compared with the original 2016 budget.7 L, a. C7 l) z* i) J
Cenovus 第二季度亏损2亿6千7百万。- N$ F3 x$ p; M q
但它已经比上一季度减少5亿投入。 x O/ [% m4 K6 x8 H8 A
: u1 z+ s( F6 K" I! K `
The company's net loss for the quarter was equal to 32 cents per share and compared with a year-earlier profit of $126 million or 15 cents per share。 $ N& n% }9 w, x( _8 N% Y今年第二季度每股损失32分。* E0 e0 k: Z% x! F! Z
但一年前, 就是油价在60块左右, 它是赢利1亿2千6百万。' g/ \6 e( c# |! K) j6 Z
从这两个季度的比较也知道, 油价上60, 必定是赚钱的。
Since the end of 2014, when oil prices began to tumble, Cenovus has cut about 31 per cent of its workforce.1 e/ n5 f& T6 `3 s5 o) c
自从2014年以来, 它雷了31%的人。* {* A4 F9 a$ [# s9 ?* e7 G