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Whitemud Crossing 图书馆免费太极拳班招生通知

鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-5-20 12:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
: R; o" |/ \4 [" v1 v                 (持有枫叶卡的朋友优先)
6 O+ n) V) z  @  中国武术以中国传统文化为指导,是一项历史悠久的体育运动。本培训班以养心健身为宗旨,通过强调意念、呼吸和躯体运动相结合的气功功法训练和武术套路学习,达到修炼心性,强身健体的目的。6 y7 }. r, V' u
培训内容: 意拳(大成拳)浑圆养生桩,简化太极拳等。
; ?8 L. E" G) J4 H; p教师简介: 张天麟老师是一位退休的中国正高级教师,出生于武医世家,是中国武术协会会员,曾参加中国国内及国际武术比赛,荣获拳术、器械和气功类15块金牌。现在是中国武术六段,中国传统武术高级教练,中国深圳市科学技术协会自主创新大讲堂“科学养生健康生活”讲座专家。3 |; q& \4 K, L  G. p
. U" ^) k. k& B+ N& O1 a% N招生对象及人数:招收有兴趣、能独立行走、能坚持锻炼的成人25名、男女不限
+ [; g- O7 x3 S3 K) o' k9 L' D% N$ \培训时间:2015年6月6日到6月27日 每周六下午4点到6点
: L3 G7 i3 c( O% I培训地点:Whitemud Crossing Library 4211-106 Street  k+ a  J' Z. L0 }3 b# ?" U( N
报名方式:周一,周三和周四到该图书馆找Jianmin 或 Gemalil 报名, 需要凭枫叶卡报名。  . Q% Q# w9 L. m4 `3 I! @
$ W6 m$ W2 Y& R
    Free Chinese Martial Arts Training for Fitness (Tai Chi and Qigong)
% A' ]$ W! X1 p
, E$ H8 |1 o4 [(In preference to permanent residents)$ Q5 k- E, o4 S8 y# _

, U9 W/ Y0 v# _# Z7 z& d1 e% bChinese martial art is one of the most popular sports having been practiced by Chinese people for a long time in history. ; U2 t/ ^# b& g0 w: Y0 o; n, t! |
The training course aims to keep people fit and strong mentally and physically by emphasizing the combination of mind, breathing exercise and body movements while learning Qigong (deep breathing exercise) and Wushu (Chinese traditional martial arts).
' ~" F1 Q% b5 h9 x0 T6 p* u
' i4 ^2 Z8 ^  ]7 H$ z9 \Training: Yiquan ( Dacheng Quan ), simplified Tai Chi and Qigong.
* }' k! ]/ K9 ?. p; O2 D; ]2 R4 r; K/ O1 x
Teacher Profile : Tianlin Zhang is a retired senior teacher and was born in a family of martial artists and doctors. He has won 15 gold medals for boxing , Wushu equipment, and Qigong in China's domestic and international martial arts competition. He is a member of the Chinese Wushu Association and a Chinese martial artist rank 6, a traditional Chinese martial arts senior coach, as well as a renowned presenter with the Association of Science and Technology Innovation Forum--- " Healthy Living Health Science " in Shenzhen, China.3 o) h$ O* u; @, V

! |+ t( j% V. |) `" d' j4 ^4 z' |Teaching philosophy: Benefit every individual participant in each class.% i8 W6 ]9 \5 [+ A3 D
! r! |% f' H0 V
Enrollment: Recruit 25 adults regardless to gender who are interested, able to walk  4 H) R* x( t4 f1 ]8 s9 K3 a! p
                      independently, and can attend the training consistently.
0 j6 R2 j1 ]  F# P- Z2 U  u, W
3 H7 ^9 ]2 c8 V) I: OTraining time: From 4pm to 6pm * U: W% y$ i, q6 ^' {9 \2 W5 |  r( S
) t4 ?; z% C. o+ h! \' j
Training Location : Whitemud Crossing Library 4211-106 Street( I* _. p6 t) ~( B
1 o1 A! k) H4 A0 G: }
Registration: Come to see Jianmin or Gemalil for registration in Whitemud Crossing Library on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday in Whitemud Crossing Library.
3 g5 L4 d1 M- W, g( |. d5 gPlease specify your name, gender, age, permanent resident number and address.0 I; s! k& b7 u% ]2 o& m
# W3 |  J( z: N/ O

+ P0 Y2 ?' {$ T! @% l& g
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-6-2 19:11 | 显示全部楼层
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