鲜花( 23)  鸡蛋( 0)
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" W& N! R& c8 P我是09年3月递交的sponsorship 的申请,4月初收到补交材料的信。有几个问题想请教。
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* O; Y9 g) Z& V8 k$ B: T6 D1。Birth certificate, 我的出生公证上写有父母关系和他们的名字,但是没有他们的出生日期。是否可以?
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# q/ N6 `& q" X. l6 S) J" Z2。第7条中:National IDs, family/household registry/book (if applicable), 这个是不是指身份证和户口本。如果提供这两样,是否要翻译。是我们自己写在身份证和户口本的复印件上,还是需要公证处出的翻译。因为在Document checklist 上的第2段:“if documents are not in English or French, they must be accompanied by the English or French translation completed by a certified translator and a copy of the original document. ” 另外,既然是 if applicable, 是不是不提供也没有关系。
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3。通知补交材料的信上说:Police Certificates, “Once obtained, the police certificates can either be sent with the complete application or when the visa office requests them”, 和 Permanent Residence Fee,“We strongly recommend that you pay and submit proof of payment of the Right of Permanent Residence Fee with the complete application. By doing so, it will reduce the processing time of the application." 这个 the complete application 就是指我们这次要求补交材料中所填的这些表格吗?是不是最好这次把无犯罪记录和移民费一起交呢?
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谢谢。 |