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发表于 2012-1-22 16:09
1 n4 K+ i6 B$ S0 ` \
5 L5 _. n6 {1 FIATA Resolution 302 国际航协302号决议, 2011年4月1日起生效- ^- ?, a, W8 z8 R* V2 h$ _
, c0 u4 d, [/ P* V( O4 mResolved that,
3 g1 c( T( B4 F7 d6 x4 w1 ]1 l9 P" j0 [; _( W: n
兹决定+ @( o6 T7 h! f' ?! |
0 z3 B' y& [1 K. g1 o2 Z5 i) G* F- Wunless otherwise agreed the following baggage provisions selection process should apply for interline journeys.
$ Z0 ]. C5 \0 f. V
3 c1 p0 l5 V5 q3 H+ W3 P如无其他协议,国际联程机票适用的行李规定如下: Q" ]* B* I) j5 I# t
7 `$ b" W5 I" n$ l; |( ~" W' P$ i3 f
1) Baggage provisions are defined as free baggage allowance rules and baggage charges.
* h7 s0 R2 X, A6 \6 R. r1 f. ~( X5 k9 w' F, |9 I) S- v/ \- s( W1 [; Z
行李规定涵盖免费行李数量和行李费两部分; i. a% x2 {* [, b0 q+ }( s
/ b) b# x' E! h7 v: ?3 C- s, l( P
2) For the purposes of baggage provisions selection, the following 4 step process should apply for interline journeys:
* e' q5 q; p$ Y/ W
( D2 B3 R. w4 h% d* y0 ^# `按照以下四个步骤确定联程机票的适用行李规定( b/ q* W. D3 E" h: ^ o
a) Step 1 : If the published baggage provisions among all participating carriers are the same; these provisions will apply.7 a o$ X, p5 h4 R4 n; y& h
6 G( _9 k P, ab) Step 2 : Where the one or more published baggage provisions differ between participating carriers, apply any common provisions and where provisions differ the published baggage provisions of the MSC (Most Significant Carrier)." \0 U. z( f: \6 Q' [& J9 p
(In case of codeshare flights this will be the Operating Carrier, unless that carrier publishes a rule stipulating that it will be the Marketing Carrier).
9 ~# K, N! V% g6 B. W J$ a* b第二步:如果规定不完全一致,则首先适用一致的部分,不一致的部分适用主承运人的行李规定/ q! l0 {- l, Q; `% }0 ^5 a" v# E
如果是代码共享航班,主承运人为航班的实际承运人,除非另有规定说明主承运人为代码共享方5 Q* Z1 z* m' r; |, g- g0 |
c) Step 3 : If the MSC does not publish baggage provisions for the journey concerned apply the published baggage provisions of the carrier accepting the baggage at check-in.
' [% V; b' K0 Y第三步:如果主承运人无明确行李规定,则适用第一段承运人的行李规定
/ l4 c, l. l! @5 h. }4 X# L, Kd) Step 4 : If the carrier accepting the baggage at check-in does not publish baggage provisions for the interline journey concerned apply the published baggage provisions of each operating airline sector-by-sector.
8 A) I: |7 \ U$ Z* u第四步:如第一段承运人无行李规定则分段执行各承运人的行李规定 c$ z& d3 x' q; t$ n. {. u- {
q9 ~0 D! l5 ]9 m1 n. I3) The MSC (Most Significant Carrier) is- R- C. n8 h7 z7 Z- J4 ^' ]
; C" o. c+ K9 c( n2 ^( f$ @8 @9 G主承运人的认定+ n' c; C: Q% Z. t+ A1 F6 }
a) : For travel between two or more IATA Areas, the carrier performing carriage on the first sector that crosses from one area to another.9 ^! ~/ V1 @0 M
如果联程跨IATA两个或以上的大区,则主承运人为联程内第一个跨大区航班的承运人3 i$ }0 B& D- T) b( R# @
Exception: IATA Area 1/2/3 only, the carrier providing carriage on the first sector that crosses between IATA Area 1 and IATA Area 2. e4 f( B% d/ L6 o
7 p/ E6 E& G4 k7 G2 ?) Y6 o; pb) : For travel between IATA Tariff sub-areas, the carrier performing carriage on the first sector that crosses from one sub-area to another., j$ C. R! x1 A+ B/ a# n3 A4 i
如果联程在同一个大区内,则主承运人为联程内第一个跨越小区航班的承运人6 f* b, Y: ]" y2 Z
c) : For travel within a IATA Tariff sub-area, the carrier performing carriage on the first international sector.
4 u0 ]( v1 j3 O2 m7 j' n% ]; g% ~' E如果联程在同一个小区内,则主承运人为联程内第一个国际航班的承运人 |