鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2011-10-18 13:16
12# 未名
% x0 ^& _% ~' F- e, a: W0 w" W4 y0 u% S. F0 I
5 T: _; ^& M, }$ z( c2 W8 O) o5 U
2 _( g1 p0 t( vPrices are as follows:. ]" v1 N0 Z! D5 I8 h
Mon-Thurs Buffet $19.99 (After 3:30pm)
" T% H' u3 r# A% H& y* E+ A( `Fri, Sat, Sun Buffet $20.99 (After 3:30pm)
8 h- G3 B" I4 q# c2 l& J7 `7 RSunday Brunch Buffet $18.99: ?) w9 d5 P: {! \
* `7 n, S; c* x- N" r h' X
Thank you for using Dealfind!
1 b- x, _6 l; k
2 W4 ?6 L$ F' I$ V, D7 \8 P0 {6 E3 zCarena
# u' f, C6 a& x; r' v4 ^3 aCustomer Satisfaction Expert & |: c$ S! _8 D3 x8 h+ L
Dealfind 8 f% z0 Y# G7 s' F4 Z3 j/ `
v$ G0 p5 h, H3 [
* @( ?2 l8 [& x
@ Sandra and Rozina: For this deal, there is a limit of 1 voucher per table (1-3 people) or 2 vouchers for tables of 4 people or more. Children under 3 eat free. Children between ages 4-7 years of age will be $5.99, and 7-11 years of age will be $8.99.4 u3 p% |2 j/ y1 x
( S' E6 K4 e1 C! b; W; Q H4 w- L0 c@Kathleen: Yes! This deal is valid for Sunday Brunch.
/ T/ Z! N& n2 I" i* C# v9 V0 S4 L0 X6 _
@Eric: Yes! The voucher is valid at anytime during their business hours. However the deal is not vaild on New Year's Eve, Valentine's Day Mother's Day, Christmas Day, and Father's Day.
7 M& E* k5 s+ k- A( Z
2 k- i2 J& a$ O$ ^6 F2 g0 t( s* W+ q@ Lee: Yes! 1 voucher can be used between 2 people. There is a limit of 1 voucher per table (1-3 people) or 2 vouchers for tables of 4 people or more. a6 L4 O1 s7 g A. T |9 t: o! E
# y& W5 c9 M8 w9 D3 d; \3 zThank you for using Dealfind!
9 ]4 B5 B, _4 {3 H9 p. U
0 V, s3 Z% y/ o [Jhardaine
$ [- k- k# M- ]7 |$ ~, RCustomer Satisfaction Expert ( [+ @. C3 v6 |( O- B
Dealfind |