I love hot yoga~ It helps to shape your body and releases stress.. also seeing the amount of sweats you have just makes you feel so high lol . F. s' N! R" z2 pI have been going to hot yoga for 4 months now for 4-6 times a week ^_^
If you have never tried yoga before, it is recommended to have at least 5-10 classes of regular yoga before heading to the hot yoga. Hot yoga requires more strength and endurence of the body core and breathing exercise than the regular one. You need to have some base built up to take the full advantage of hot yoga (Bikram yoga).
一种是专门的半圆形的,就是个半球。我觉得不太可能把球形踩成半球。这个动作不难的,而且腹肌是最容易见效的肌肉群。不过不好保持。' K- J6 ?% p+ U+ b! K$ e% I8 h
1 l' I* J. D0 R9 [2 m1 z* C. m
走路要速度够快,其实就是要心跳到一定速度才能起到作用。所有的gym都有那个 ... # R) f% k( k' B' |" g花露水 发表于 2011-2-10 20:08