鲜花( 150)  鸡蛋( 0)
刚收到city centre shoppers的邮件。
% M' X- E* L# a4 I9 g
* H- r# T/ R3 Q8 }( p这么说来,买一瓶小黑瓶,不管多少毫升的。假定100块1瓶吧,你可以得到35,000分,外加至少20块gift card,外加兰蔻GWP赠品。
4 F1 c; x% f3 N. ~% {2 L2 Y4 K: P6 P7 N; p8 H
Downtown Beauty Boutique ONLY.
, @" e. I8 Z" ~& f2 n
: ^1 U! E" W( K7 z8 k; @( O
* n/ F- G6 v7 ?Counting down to Christmas...1 Week before Christmas!
2 p0 e$ \/ O1 I. r! S9 U. |More Chance to Earn Additional Points over the Holidays... C0 F" }1 L% y( b
9 O3 u+ U& @7 j+ V% A% ]4 ^& H
Earned 20x Points
* M( v* ~/ w% K' A6 `with Purchase of $75 or more in Cosmetics and Fragrances- S; ?) x4 ]# S3 \6 O$ r1 {
One Week Promotion: Now until December 17, Friday# q! l7 v6 A- d$ p
*More details at the store.; T! q' u4 }" P' A$ G
" ~7 J1 i! i" Q$ J7 _3 Z' S$ [9 [( g% H
6 ]8 G O/ ^; I+ q" J' U5 O: J( o" rReceived a Surprise Gift Card
7 _' Z7 _, Y' m: `7 h1 |$ _; K" Nwho Spend $100 or more and can walk out with a Gift Card valued at $20, $50 or $100!
, R7 J' F) C. e) w' ^" f3 GOffer Starts December 17, Friday (Downtown Only) to December 20, Monday 3 a; \# m9 e7 t5 F" A
*More details at the store.1 `/ g* L: B* D' S7 N- e
' z m6 p- @1 n+ t5 ~; m7 Q0 o" ^
More Points...* E3 x4 t& {! a+ z; p
Earned 15,000 Points with Purchase of Lancome Genifique Youth Activator Serum., W5 m6 a8 C2 `7 y+ H
Earned 10,000 Points with Purchase of $50 or more in Clinique Products. (offer ends Dec 31)
1 U7 v5 T3 E/ `: g9 Y8 D* m8 I& \Earned 10,000 Points with Purchase of any Prevage Products of $200 or more. (offer ends Dec 15)
7 k9 H% h0 j1 U4 q15x Points with Puchase of any Quo Products $30 or more. (offer ends Dec 24)4 }; l# l" ^5 e( R2 x+ ^# Q5 M
*More details at the store.8 A$ `' _$ Y: L, O6 {5 Y
$ m3 j; X5 X0 l7 ~6 I$ x
Gift with Purchase.../ c w- e# K( M1 \
10 days before Christmas Gift with Purchase is now on for Lancome. Limited Quantities. One per Customer. |