Program Terms: 42. The Shoppers Optimum Program will terminate at 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2016 (the “Termination Date”).. H! e6 a+ f# T/ M" _4 |9 g
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Program Terms: 42. The Shoppers Optimum Program will terminate at 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2016 (the “Termination Date”).8 t) P8 G2 t: y# U2 Q
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按照条款上说的2016年底program结束,所以之前把点抵完就好,但如果点通货膨 ... 7 a' _1 w; Q0 n* Fcoconut 发表于 2010-12-2 15:53
, C% a/ C% F9 r, a1 z x( e0 C6 F$ X0 N8 d. z7 ?' H
我晕,还真会结束啊~ 到时候结束了是不是又会开始新一轮的program呢?