埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-16 19:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
木框架系统是加拿大绝大多数私人住宅所采用的结构。这套非常成熟的系统有没有改进的可能呢? 答案是肯定的。其中的非常重要的一种就是改良木结构系统。(Advance framing) 这种非常有趣的系统实际上从60年代后期就被提出了,尽管这套系统可以节省10%-20%的木料和5%-10%的采暖能源,但一直到新在没有被广泛的应用,这在重视环保节能的今天是一种不可思议。在这里把它介绍给大家,希望大家能应用它,其主要观点如下:+ X9 r4 P2 [. n' W
$ {3 |: b  w8 c' o' I
1.将屋架(roof truss)系统的间距由16英寸扩大为24英寸.
7 ]% y3 ?% ~1 x5 A1 N5 v2 Y: q' k: H  @3 G: y2 v$ O9 P
屋架的改良是这套系统中应用比较好的。在爱城主要的屋架公司有不少应用的。爱城主要的屋公司如下:! j0 Y8 ]% G+ x
IGLOO Building Supplies Group3 V+ m7 ?( j9 g% P% S
4 t) z; M3 v( o, e9 j4 o: e+ V$ ?/ I3 L6 I2 j0 W
Westek Truss Systems Ltd.# K5 r, L4 p7 `' J3 W9 e, o6 m
http://www.westek.ca/7 N- `5 q( z# j8 r. E3 N$ ]

4 r+ f" n  e" t. \- b& FLeduc Truss( j# A  B, g( t9 x8 _; N: f3 n
7 D* @) N& B' o+ Q
/ ?: ^, h5 d# \! QEdmonton Roof Truss Ltd.
9 }- P. G& ]# `http://www.edmontonrooftruss.com/" w& L* Q* l+ \! f' ^; I3 W
/ v  O8 ?# v6 N3 ?# N! l/ J  _, o
Alberta Truss5 a9 Q8 x/ e/ l7 v
http://www.albertatruss.com/2 M# P% A) ?! ?- W

0 l5 n7 E! K; b: o1 z: cNorthland Building Supplies Ltd.
! A' k, n6 e/ S/ Ghttp://www.northlandtruss.com/( i9 K2 t2 q1 x6 ~

' F$ S) D& A7 T# a/ R我想补充的一点是在屋顶设计时我们也要考虑屋顶的坡度.通常来讲屋顶的坡度约越大是要用掉越多的木料的.阿省建筑规范(Alberta Building Code2006)规定沥青屋瓦屋顶的最小坡度是33% (4/12 pitch), 木片屋瓦屋顶的最小坡度是25%(3/12 pitch)。我有一次设计了一套50%(6/12 pitch)坡度的屋顶, 因为坡度的更改,屋顶的制造商给我的报价竟然要多加10块钱一平尺.当然这是一个比较极端的例子,这是因为他们不想做这个坡的屋顶,她的目的我想更多的是想拿这个价格把我吓回到原来的坡度. 陡屋顶的好处是冬天的积雪不容易堆积。
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-16 19:59 | 显示全部楼层
- @2 T. E, `6 r, r, U  R2 K- j' D7 z9 R
和屋顶的改革相似,24寸间距的立柱是足够满足房屋上部的承载力的. 在进行这部分工作的时候有些人愿意把传统的1/2英寸石膏板变成5/8英寸以提高墙的厚重感./ M1 q6 ^5 U* P  S- S9 x! ^( ~

5 [# K' f* R) Y" h: a补充的一点是由于立柱的木料一般是8尺或10尺的,9尺墙/天花的房屋每根木料都是要切割或拼接的,这样就会增加很多建筑成本。例如有一次因为我设计的屋子是9尺的天花,建筑上要我多加5块钱一平尺。
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-16 20:01 | 显示全部楼层
3.将工字木梁系统的间距由16英寸扩大为24英寸* J' c+ f$ T9 c0 J$ i: W

& O9 a# u0 y* d, g, E, @/ D增加木梁的间距会增加地板的震颤感, 但采用更厚的地板则可以修正这种不足.
! g& t7 T0 d* M, ?' I) L% }4 ?/ U# p8 K
4.改双层顶板(double topplate)为单层(single topplate)
) n. r' t* h' _, y% X' S5 s) @% T+ m  u& a+ T" k
9 U  v8 T! Z  R: f

) F& C$ G4 j$ H9 @" \6 Q* I1 e' ~. Y5.去掉非承重部分门窗的窗头,门头
9 @/ k0 F. e; {1 c* \' j' X
) T1 z9 T0 y; @  v# R
  }' T- T! D5 x" ?6 R! F6.根据墙的位置布置门窗.
# R$ I& B5 m9 [2 v
; j5 I/ ]4 Q% ?  Q1 A. L大部分的建筑材料是8英尺长的原料,在建筑设计中要尽量考虑这个建筑模数.在设计中也要把门窗尽量布置在墙柱旁边。. M% T2 a: p" t9 _

' a* a2 Y7 k+ M; w$ `! C! o% b7 v0 U7.尽量采用直接的力的传导.
7 b8 g2 F- i  A1 o6 i! x8 P4 H2 X9 c, }
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-16 20:02 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
8.更合理的细部处理" p  H: m5 F0 K+ X

4 H* a* ]* O9 J" W& v尤其是在寒冷地区,地震高发地区和高风荷载地区,一些细部的处理是非常必要的.
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-16 20:03 | 显示全部楼层
从以上的叙述我们可以看出节省木料是显而易见的,但为什么说这套系统更主要的是节能呢? 这里我们必须强调相对于玻璃丝或苯板来说,木头本身并不是好的绝热材料,减少用木量把节省下来的空间填充以专用的保温材料是这套系统得以节能的原由。并同时提高高绝热材料的使用是这套系统范围. 从木头不是好的保温材料也可以引出我们第9点的改进措施。。。。。。' F7 G$ D/ D) L9 {; J  E; |! J
. B9 a+ M; E1 }& v0 L
' `! c* M( l( S9 G
4 W* R3 k/ r$ k由于英寸定向结构刨花板(OS)或胶合板(plywood)是木头,它的保温性当然不如保温板(foam board)。Jayman现在有的房子是在OSB外再贴一层foam,这样当然更好,但建筑成本也是要增加的。
Wood is a thermal bridge.JPG
Foam is a thermal barricade.JPG
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-16 20:04 | 显示全部楼层
3 w; y7 F6 D1 ~, ^( {0 r4 h9 }- u6 Y
( f1 \+ `  P3 L1 C& d3 i% ]6 o2 }
" X& b& G/ ^2 _  u3 s
6 d) n9 Y" K& a+ {2.考虑居住者的舒适度+ H. [  L" e" ?3 }3 Q* |) t" w
' o8 b: s3 D) t  E' `
记得原来上学的时候上课讲的还是讲”建筑设计要经济,实用,在可能的条件下强调美观”。但现在美观和舒适已经与经济和实用几乎同等重要了。例如在工字木梁的间距加大后,因为deflection加大,人走在地板上就会有地板有下沉的感觉,解决办法是将地板变厚(1 ½英寸定向结构刨花板OSB或胶合板plywood)。7 o9 F! G8 a2 U: E7 h) F: ~
2 u' `! y" l. {
5 E8 q7 q: G/ b) r  W# e  [+ ~. x* V5 I! n* v: M8 b
- P# |7 S! z8 g4 Y3 k  P3 S+ V8 Q8 H0 k8 H2 Z
4.让你的设计始终保有余地. t( U- k% ?# |+ k: p2 k) q7 v/ D/ w4 U( k
" ], [# X: o  i
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-16 20:07 | 显示全部楼层
. j. i6 P, _, S% g! A. q" Z- B. Z/ v/ P! L$ w. u6 v
Introduced advanced framing
) z6 `7 g" R% h/ W# D: l- h' i) N& ^% o
The future is not plastics, the present is plastics, and the future is wood.
8 i) y* y" y& c* L6 U-Joseph Lstiburek
+ e' U4 p7 O2 s1 J9 }! |. c. f
I known advanced framing for many years and very interested for that. Actually its not new to home building. This technology also known as Optimum Value Engineering (OVE) can back its history as early as 1960s (NAHB Research Center developed OVE in thirty years ago). There are meanly two benefits to use advanced framing system save lumber cost and save the energy. I was been told it will save about10%- 25% wood for framing and save 5%-10% energy. For save the energy, the mean idea is about increasing the R value. Wood is NOT a good insulator. Of course comparing metal, wood is far good. But it is not good enough compare insulation material. Most framers think structurally, not thermally. Thermal bridging across framing members reduces overall R-value because a 2×4 or 2×6 is a poor insulator compared to fiberglass or cellulose. Thats why eliminating unnecessary framing in exterior walls is so important. Todays best enclosures are use foam sheathings, housewraps, and spray insulation. As an environmentalist, it is very attractive for me. Advance framing systems major points as bellow.
  b. Q; a3 I+ o, s* |/ c9 C( {7 N6 _2 \& H- Q
1.Increasing rafter spacing from 16 to 24
9 K- U  s2 o4 j
( a- e# I( l# P2 a' }2 s- bAnd we also need consider roof pitch. As the roof pitch go steeper, it will cost more lumber to build it. Alberta Building Code 2006(Chapter 9, Table Roofing types and slope limits) allow minimum 4/12 roof pitch for Asphalt shingle or 3/12 for wood shingle roof. I once design a small house with 6/12 roof pitch and the roof truss manufacture told me that since their standard pitch is 4/12, increase to 6/12 will cost me $10 per square feet more. Of course if the house span is big, sometimes you have to go steeper roof to reduce the snow load and prevent the ice dam. I should explain that $10 per square feet price increasing is not normal, the roof truss guy want to give me a sky high price to force me change the pitch to their standard, but the idea is steeper roof do cost more money. (On average, a 12/12 roof can cost up to 50% more than a roof with a 4/12 slope. Many find that it is worth it though because the roofing material is estimated to last up to 50% longer and will require less maintenance in the long run.) My UofA supervisor is a big fan of flat roof, his argue is since the City of Edmonton has a height limitation for single house which is 8.6 meter. Flat roof can save more height from roofing. The other thing that I noticed is that according Alberta Building Code 2006, if the roof pitches more than 4/12, the roof height is just count half.
% }6 z2 g7 c, L- q3 X" E$ [. [" I7 F! V9 l% Y# e7 \5 p# a
2.Change the wall stud spacing from 16 to 24 center to center.* k# @8 N: N. }( p- a* Z
2 v4 A8 k6 K+ a
Use 2×6 studs with 24 spacing is quite enough for take the loading. Some people might say it will become a flimsy wall. But half-inch drywall over studs 24 in on center isnt that flimsy (especially over dense pack cellulose), but if you dont believe it, then use 5/8-in drywall.
! P0 c) U- \0 A; ~
5 B; Q: e# N8 h2 `- f+ N$ K4 S# oThe other complaint is drywall blocking. Using drywall clips and floating the corners (leaving them unattached to the framing) are excellent ways to reduce drywall cracks.8 ^+ G4 G3 m' g: s: m1 G* p
" {" H1 q2 S$ {0 `5 F; C4 }' j
3.Change the floor joist spacing from 16 to 24 center to center.9 o( y& F. \  `7 @0 Q$ F$ E6 J

9 B4 a8 d, W) B4 H8 M0 GRemoving every third joist could make floors more bouncy, but using thicker subfloor (1 ½ in panels) with proper glued and screwed, it will stiffen it back up.6 s' [5 [  R' C; F1 z3 T
. d! J1 m% L3 H- q2 V
4.Single top plate instead of double top plate
$ Z. e; Q1 |1 J9 J: a1 M
! j9 E* T, ?8 Z# D' FCode requires stack framing (structural support members are all aligned vertically) and metal splice plates to be used with single top plates.
: N: Q3 P+ Y* t4 V% C: B$ |" x0 r
3 C  Q( y* |, H2 s6 a& \5 D5.Eliminate non-bearing opening door header and window header.
- U8 G5 o' ^8 ^/ K3 f1 m5 L1 ^' N$ a6 R- p6 k4 M$ n% j
6.Places doors and windows on stud layout
  B/ L; J0 I/ i0 B- x  j4 H
  X0 [) s1 G. ~. B% u3 i7 IBecause many materials come in 8-ft. sheets, we should account for that fact in our basic dimensions. We also should slide doors and windows to the nearest stud. I used to design a 9 feet ceiling house and the framing manufacture told me since the lumber came with 8 feet or 10 feet, every single stud need to be cut and the cost will increase roughly $5 per square feet.4 b  p' `: f! f) Y3 v
, p6 ~5 Q* i0 D5 U
7.Demands that framing members be lined up (or staked) for direct load transfer
( n9 b' ^1 ?" S8 r! W/ p& a' e1 i: P( v
Lining up framing members directly on top of each other shouldnt be big deal, but apparently it is because many builders dont do it. Stack framing makes everything simpler. Fewer pieces go together faster, make less work for everyone, and leave more room for insulation.
" a- X/ J  }" b3 t4 l9 s
, w8 P6 ~3 [- h3 ?2 t+ x+ n8.Details to do the better insulation
/ _5 G, M8 |' T( C: iEspecially for high-wind, seismic, and high snow-load areas, connections detail should be developed for advanced framing system.1 E# l! l# W) t: ^& i3 j  A

3 m, @1 R! _! Y  \# l
- }; N* Q+ ~: e' u7 e8 wSome thoughts for the advanced framing design5 t" `7 {% I7 v5 o$ k) Z0 t+ b
# v+ w7 U' k: B& G8 \+ R: e% K
1. Design it for real, dont fly and keep your foot on the ground.
. @- N: {! j, @6 s 9 j8 R% b7 s0 Q( Y
A dimension of 23 ft. 6 in. makes no sense to anyone except town planners, architects, and designers.
: C& D8 s) _. m0 w/ H' z-Anonymous0 T( j' V9 ]6 [- X

) D6 ]7 \8 `; [2 v) w# A2 f& ^. F' WOne of my architect friend use to told me he setup his minimum units to 1/256 in (1mm). Even no body build the house that way. Sometimes architects or designers seams like work for their own interest not for the owner or public. They can really enjoy their own idea even nobody could notice that.. n" V5 T3 L4 G! O2 [) D' d
! H# J5 r" j1 m& o
2. The more you think, the more you get8 A2 Q! A0 e6 [7 s
9 H4 k0 b- v; s7 q- q" Y
The design is not just about safety, its about comfortable as well. As a civil engineer, I design platform. The deflection of the platform can go 5% and still keep structurally safety, but when people walk on that, they will fell uncomfortable, it will make them fell the platform will be crashed.  u( c& L! L  `% X/ i) a. s
3 k4 `; X4 P( L( N
3. Imperial system vs. Metric system4 M+ O1 B- ?  A1 R6 d

4 I2 r1 A5 A% b+ c. C: j0 FSometimes I think Canadian is too lazy to change. They were introducing Metric system thirty years ago but still cannot get ride of Imperial system. (of course one of the reason is the States still use imperial). " H% \0 T( g+ R

5 D( E  }6 G- E( ?: _$ l- s: I4. Keep some margin for your design/ t, c9 }+ r3 ?- C5 v. \
3 I. Q. [) l! C0 n8 T
Actually some people do not recommend this advanced framing system for seismic or high wind area, because its a high risk to do that. I used to attend a lecture which is host by a famous professor from University of TanJing. He said he and his colleague used to design two similar buildings at the same time. His colleague use finite element analysis cut a lot of margin to save the cost which he didnt do. During the Tang Shan earthquake in 1976, his colleagues building claps but his not. So, as an engineer, youd better be conservative rather than  progressive. I used to work in Landmark, and saw one 2×6 stud break ,due to a MuLv in the lumber, during the framing period. Even this lumber go though several QC already (sawmill, lumber manufacture, distributor, building etc.). Keep in mind, wood is not like concrete or steel, its a homogeneous material. 6 J/ z1 B1 N% l. b; h; V

: R4 }1 C$ D' J& a% EConclusion:# l$ f/ L3 \' R- e" M! d
* O  b0 ]6 G/ Y' {7 s; W% B7 p, `: L
If you cannot remember too much after reading this article, please remember the following: Next time you build your house, please make the roof truss, floor joist and wall studs with 24 spacing and replacing plywood or OSB wall with at least 1 in. of rigid-foam sheathing.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-16 20:34 | 显示全部楼层
刚刚跟builder签的合同,因为是24” stud间距,所以觉得他们是在偷工减料了。再就是R20的insulation,觉得总是不满足,但是现在跟旧房子比比看看,好像还不错哈。
- J) _9 l! ^7 \* P, S% L- T( t谢谢发财,好文章,长见识了!
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-16 20:51 | 显示全部楼层
刚刚跟builder签的合同,因为是24” stud间距,所以觉得他们是在偷工减料了。再就是R20的insulation,觉得总是不满足,但是现在跟旧房子比比看看,好像还不错哈。
6 k: u# q1 v, L' q6 C# w# a( ?谢谢发财,好文章,长见识了!
* C7 x( @( ]9 _" U- z1 k* ZPhaeton 发表于 2010-2-16 20:34

: B3 v9 Q4 M0 U$ [# j: H6 r8 Y* Q6 R- i7 v/ b

' N$ E! r4 W8 g2 \, l& a2 X
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-16 20:56 | 显示全部楼层
6 Z$ p6 j- d3 f  F: T# k谢谢哈!
鲜花(13) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-16 21:08 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-16 21:47 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-16 21:58 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
11# 衣食住行
+ s* H: v0 K, C/ n5 A  r( A' m6 k5 n. i6 @% d( N3 O) c. ?
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-16 22:01 | 显示全部楼层
10# Phaeton 5 G, W6 \9 ~( C) v
; k4 a- o" x6 g6 J. ^( o' i; N) @
6 b4 q6 k: Z# K8 @7 H
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-16 22:09 | 显示全部楼层
12# zm72ru - @" I% o2 ]" l

1 N) U1 S2 f1 t这个好像没什么诀窍,如果是地下室的话一般是拿OSB盖上,再在里面点上propane的加热器就可以了。冬季施工的地下室费用要比夏季贵几千块钱,不过builder一般不会单收这个钱,他们一般是把全年的都加一个平均的费用。工业建筑上冬天施工有一些加速凝剂/早强剂的,民用的很少,1 `/ c4 J' f) _/ i

" o9 r3 O8 `4 G( X给你推荐一个更强的,我们公司在实验给钢筋通上电(原始的技术其实是老毛子搞出来的),21/28天的水泥养护期1-2天就搞定。
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-16 22:14 | 显示全部楼层
8# Phaeton 9 s  d* s9 ?- t. }; F; v3 F
& b) G0 w% _* |; a# K& {
: d. W7 Q& @/ H8 H- x9 ]! N' C
如果你嫌不够可以让他们在加一层1.5" of polystyrene foam board (R-6). 当然钱是要加的了。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-16 22:15 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
10# Phaeton
5 B4 ?4 J, _6 ^: ?- n0 I- L: L7 R8 P" j! z

; j7 J/ J" U, B' [应该会省一些。我个人更倾向于把地下室加高。city规定地下室只要不高过地面1。2米就可以。也可以挖的更深一些。
" K) K. p4 A1 _0 y* t1 ]  ~5 Q9 h恭喜发财 发表于 2010-2-16 22:01
& q$ ^1 S$ d2 f/ z! h

6 l, L) Y0 w& k2 Z/ P- I) C3 q我已经把地下室加到9’了,难道我应该加到10’不成?虽然是walkout,但是不至于这么弄吧?
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-16 22:25 | 显示全部楼层
17# Phaeton
  X4 W- k; |" E% B; S, ]% P% x# S8 a* q( E

1 M1 k1 X# e" A7 ]8 @6 P9‘就足够了,到时候你一定感到物有所值。
鲜花(1394) 鸡蛋(16)
发表于 2010-2-16 23:54 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-16 23:56 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(28) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-17 00:40 | 显示全部楼层
! T2 N; g5 J9 ~0 L7 a9 L1 L( m
: n8 E/ O' i+ Y高手就是不一样
0 {. p' I0 y. M, q- I) j! V
: {! d& `" H5 n$ _! ]5 A9 R下次我做BUILDER请发财兄给我设计图纸。。
鲜花(2212) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2010-2-17 10:31 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(67) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-17 12:19 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(362) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-17 15:13 | 显示全部楼层
1# 恭喜发财   {+ s1 C% v* Y% L9 k
, K5 e2 T/ k8 \% x7 O* X
恭喜发财 ' G: G/ w& P6 r. A/ Y7 W5 E
but I don't agree to increase distance between studs
鲜花(53) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-17 17:12 | 显示全部楼层
Very informative, but I always lean towards the over-cured side as long as I can afford.
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-17 18:00 | 显示全部楼层
我能做的,只能是帮楼主加加精了。* X/ ^( \/ n, e0 T+ A# `
老杨 发表于 2010-2-16 23:54
+ z& ^2 ^+ _' ^9 a. d) f# a

" E3 N9 @+ p0 i5 W/ z  a- D! p& g$ ~$ k+ A3 z, y0 R& J
多谢,多谢! 这个我最喜欢
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-17 18:01 | 显示全部楼层
发财大兄弟简直是当代洋鲁班啊~, f' ^6 t- e- p8 n4 ~5 n
翠花 发表于 2010-2-16 23:56

1 e4 D3 h' }6 @; K5 r  `
, k6 j  U- ?8 G+ t$ q% {
8 Q9 a) ?9 f; c& ^4 d我是当代洋打工仔。。。。。。。。。
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-17 23:25 | 显示全部楼层
27# 恭喜发财 7 e7 ?0 |$ \* ]
" V/ J$ u7 p% c# p2 G% w6 d
LZ 是 建筑设计师啊!专家在此太好了!6 _3 w4 O2 {! R# Y6 _; i1 Q% X3 D
7 h0 N" P6 D; j' p. S
" {0 U6 s# R! _$ h' R6 z$ W& e# B9 u6 L- N& O
我有一个问题是关于CANTELEVER,可能是这么拼写的,就是往外突出了一块,但下面没有地基。而我的那块LOT正好放得下那个房子,没有多余的部分,建筑商说这个地方不能有窗户,因为什么FIRE CODE。可SHOWHOME 是有个窗户的,他们解释是因为CORNER LOT。
, Q; E) g) J. P9 z- J7 r  Y( T2 J- S: [# R" X
没有窗户真是太糟了!我真是愁死了!$ X7 q" n3 P0 P! ]8 ]
+ }6 W! W( o1 s6 v' K; l+ Q, l5 E8 j) O
LZ 搞不搞这方面的设计呢?您能给我点建议吗?请LZ不吝赐教啊!万分感谢!
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-18 08:12 | 显示全部楼层
27# 恭喜发财
$ _0 D. O& ^  M2 b! f; J+ Z! O  X5 p$ }
LZ 是 建筑设计师啊!专家在此太好了!1 c% ^& ^# r  @9 e
) r. t5 P% n' E* Z$ g
我的那房子好像都是24”的,感觉这个建筑商真会偷工减料,真是奸商啊!我有点想不通它还高亮自己怎么环保。又省钱又环保为什么大家还不抢着上啊?我只看 ...
/ f$ a& f0 g4 S6 _小狗妈 发表于 2010-2-17 23:25
) p. e4 M+ |# o3 G- P
( }% b: @3 s, L! j$ Q' M
没太看明白你的意思。Cantilever就是中文的悬挑,就是在没有垂直支撑系统(柱或墙)的支持下靠悬挑出主建筑的梁板支撑的结构。这里一般悬挑不超过2英尺,通常的应用是做一个bay window或fireplace。Alberta Fire Code并没有对开窗位置有明确的要求。我能想到的可能是以下两点:
- `# p6 |2 X+ X& u, i
2 e, g" B# ^+ `3 K) i1 i1 a1。你的cantilever是在你房子的侧面,为了避免你和你邻居有视线干扰,规定是侧面开窗的面积不能超过侧墙总面积的7%,而你的侧墙已经有一个窗(应该也是很小的一个)再开一个就超规定了。而showhome由于是在corner是没有开窗面积限制的。: ]% h! F8 N2 R/ v$ U

) \! r+ v# w" _1 m; b9 a( j2。Cantilever下面一般是不建议开窗的,这时因为cantilever的阴影会很影响窗的进光量,尤其是在窗朝西或朝东的时候。
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-18 08:46 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 恭喜发财 于 2010-2-18 09:12 编辑 6 l# y, i& k. }& K
27# 恭喜发财 $ |& a* P! d( `) n: g
( Q" q" @* g" X- Q6 q2 a
LZ 是 建筑设计师啊!专家在此太好了!
) n  v( J/ B/ G/ L8 _- w6 }  S8 y: d+ c% Y' M4 L7 {
我的那房子好像都是24”的,感觉这个建筑商真会偷工减料,真是奸商啊!我有点想不通它还高亮自己怎么环保。又省钱又环保为什么大家还不抢着上啊?我只看 ...% P8 w$ x) J, u/ |4 Q9 a( i; c2 r
小狗妈 发表于 2010-2-17 23:25

& K4 R3 E7 y; [& r6 N* o+ v; g  A7 s$ d/ T! N0 E( i% B/ y

9 Y3 ]3 R6 v. ?1 F* q) H  [) ~在我看来这套系统确实是即经济又环保的。没能应用的好原因很多,其中一个重要的原因是人们往往对新事物都很有抵触。记得托福有一年的一个阅读题就是讲一个美国人发明了铁丝刺网围栏(bar fence),推销给每一个农场主。结果没一个农场主买他的围栏去围自己的牛群,大家都说这么细的铁丝怎么能围住那么大的牛,牛一撞不就把围栏撞倒了。后来这个人就总是先演示一下,牛开始时不知道怎么回事,还敢去碰一下刺网,结果被扎的疼的受不了,以后就再也不敢碰了。于是此君的产品得以广为销售。Advanced Framing现在的状况是一样的,人们第一个想法总是”这么稀疏的stud怎么去支撑我的房子?”实际上2×4就足够了,2×6更没问题了。对于有可能有问题的部分,例如省略门窗过梁,传统的方法是所有门窗过梁不论具体情况一律用保守的通用设计,这当然要费木料。Advanced Framing每一道过梁都是要计算承载力的,有需要的就用厚重的,没需要的就减轻或省掉,这样的节省是建立在详细计算的基础上的,只是要把功夫做在前边而以。遗憾的是这套系统没法像bar fence一样做立竿见影的演示,因此也就难怪推广的不好。
6 _/ j$ Z( A/ q1 W- _
, U* h! H" }/ S$ }+ l. X在建筑这个行业很多乍以看非常合理的逻辑其实到后来都证明是错误的,还是那句老话”实践是检验真理的唯一标准”。70年代以前每根钢筋(rebar)都是要除锈的!原因是大家认为锈迹斑斑的钢筋不但不好看而且影响和水泥的结合力。如果你想象不到除锈是多么费时费力的工作,你可以拿块砂纸去磨一根钢筋试一试,看看感觉如何。后来英国人做试验表明铁锈反而有助于钢筋的握持力,大家才不除锈了。我上学时课本上还在讲男厕所的设计要用30号的水泥而女厕所的只需要25号的,原因是男的是站着小便的,水流有冲击力,所以要用高一号的水泥。乍一听也有道理,其实哪跟哪呀。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
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