Someone has to give up in the end for the family to be together. This is the final solution if you still love him. Love is action more than word. Although most guys claim they can separate body and emotion, actually these are just their alibi. Most chinese guys are pretty pathetic, didnt experience enough women and sex before they get married. Once they are able to get laid with much younger and attractive women, they can't refuse those temptation. Eventually, physical appeal wins!
劝和不劝离。5 a! u9 x' D A! J6 W
望明月说的很对,问问自己的心,你们还彼此相爱吗?如果他还爱你,他为了这次错误的行为深感内疚,就原谅他一次,毕竟是多年的感情,而且从女人的角度来讲,即使你还很年轻,即使你还很漂亮,再婚都不是一件很容易的事情,不知道你们是否有孩子,如果有,更要考虑清楚,孩子还是需要一个完整的家的。+ |' t) c U: u# i: t/ F
如果考虑和好,一定要收起女人爱唠叨猜忌的脾气,如果你整天对他象防贼一样的防着,时时检查他的手机和和他联系的所有女人,男方会很反感的,所以在这个问题上,一定要有一方很宽容,才能维持家的完整。 / l; E3 V S5 x( C如果你们都不想爱了,特别是他已经不爱你了,那就快刀斩乱麻。