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Alberta 人工智能学会举办的青少年计算机编程课程火热报名中

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2019-9-7 22:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 deeko 于 2019-9-7 21:14 编辑
$ w) M" }) T( f+ |0 P5 ?' |* C/ U- b& [& d2 ]2 I. n: [! C
举办单位:阿尔伯特人工智能学会举办7 Q: O0 S( ]5 Q& A
, H# u- V( V$ {3 w" l0 |& p3 |
年龄: 8岁 到 16岁
  @. j. _0 e1 H' W2 ~. [时间: 9月21号开课, 每周六下午 1:00 - 2:30: i# Z* m$ X) }7 n  l& m5 m. }
地点: Micherne Park  122 street & 48 Avenue, NW, Edmonton( x3 l! x& E" U$ W+ q. f  c! b
具体内容: 分三个级别: 初级班, 中级班, 高级班
7 A, s/ x9 Q: x! {  g+ ?* c1 Y. c1 {) T老师: 专业的 计算机老师, 丰富的教学经验/ P+ b5 ^% m% g' I
  r, q" K( ?0 O% k8 |学生需要带自己的 笔记本电脑
6 I2 k* |% T! W; z; O2 C0 g2 o/ ^) ^. o7 M$ B& |% ?3 w: |
联系: June wang  5879269005( T  M- T* U- m8 P8 f; o
         微信; fengyeyingxue
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2019-9-7 22:14 | 显示全部楼层
具体内容; d9 E$ @0 j: P% x# q
/ g6 t2 Z1 P  N& u& vKids who have NO any coding basic knowledge
% \- a$ D5 n, |% `) B" ^Teach early coding concepts and problem solving using a combination of plugged and unplugged activities
2 h1 n/ @# I7 k2 {' S' aGuide students through the fundamentals of computers, computing science, game design and coding. The experience is about problem solving through fun and discovery.
4 ^+ F! o7 \* v8 N0 _0 y3 ]After this term, students will program multiple types of games and projects, and will choose the features they want to build, and advance their problem-solving skills to build these feature using code. They will take ownership of their own projects and collaborate with their peers to create awesome products. By the end of the session, students will use a visual programming language to create a game they can share with their family and friends!
2 t( X4 j4 Y* l# A6 t; k% M9 I1 K+ I* r
Intermediate,: E! B4 W, X& d6 E, t
Kids who who have significant experience in coding block programs and are ready for the jump into text-based coding.. T6 Z5 U8 _4 `- B+ ]  i! h
Students are ready to create more complex programs and games, and work on ideation (the creative process), planning, design, and collaboration.
0 ], s+ ?% X) A1 L" pGuide students through the fundamentals of computers, computing science, game design and coding. Here, students will be learning about problem solving by planning with pseudo code and flowcharts to program fun games in Python and on digital technology.
7 Z' z- f) J+ p. d7 ~+ ^& ]9 DBy the end of the session, students will use a visual programming language to create a game they are excited to share with family and friends!! A9 Q/ T( ?( }7 v: ]5 U
% d: @# _% b7 K  c: z-        Python( w* S3 I) C! I; y9 G
1.         Intruduction to Python language
0 z% [7 p4 C& n5 nPrint a Message;
0 Q  N$ A  [( e6 p5 k* L' Q& m, NCoding Comments.* r9 ^! d' P( p4 l, w, |4 }( j
            Data Types.. l# l! ^" i& P$ |0 U' p
5 Y$ c3 K' e1 W+ fOptional 3D Coordinaters
3 ~4 S1 W3 n5 F1 d, jVariables & Naming Guide8 n% S: @" d6 x4 g
- D9 a* J3 O+ }: z% T7 QLoops* e: J; `. c: g. [
, w7 M& A0 d. o7 H) z) J. z           Data Structure
+ A; C  J. W" e  P1 v           IO & Console Interaction.4 X4 A9 X' o0 a4 \2 y* I

" i# t* d3 ~/ l4 n/ b" I2.        Real application using python language
2 c0 x- ?' V! x/ g) b/ J; H1 r6 t4 o/ l8 c- G( }
3.        Introduction to Tens flow, an AI library for Python" I0 r2 B% ^5 y) K, `

3 p) b1 {$ G: R6 y& ]8 Y7 U" [2 J; e6 d0 M/ h# X
-        Web Development
( ^4 R- @7 E5 w# r+ Z$ o+ P5 b
; R- D; L2 @2 D" U. ^& _1.        Basic of web development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript$ t9 H6 p, x$ E; z% G0 j% ]
$ {6 x; }( A7 C% F$ K# V$ a
2.        web development using PHP & MySQL
3 \1 N" B/ Y% k# b& C
+ ~- Z4 I- i3 z. d3.        web development using ASP. NET & SQL Server
1 K" N% A9 h7 O" D" ^5 M* L8 ?4 T2 }3 ~) i; y* @: z  e
4.        web development using Java
3 ~/ t' H* ]0 u" G. K! h
- h4 y: \* C* H" p4 B) D5.        web and mobile development using new techniques: Reactive, Angular, Vue4 L, Z( f# C  _/ n  b* i
1 u. E) `0 F3 y1.  2019" Z' `0 U- E: |
Sep. 21,28         (Saturday 1:00 – 2:30pm)# y6 S7 K  s/ t# Z. g3 ^
Oct. 5,12,19,26    (Saturday 1:00 – 2:30pm)
: k1 l4 S6 H% }& T' n) ZNov. 2,9,16,23,30  (Saturday 1:00 – 2:30pm)' d& s0 w. ~' c! @2 z9 l
Dce. 7,14,21,28    (Saturday 1:00 – 2:30pm)
! \# a6 H; p% a( j, P5 ^2. 2020
" t& ?) B5 g+ S; k/ I9 HJan. 11,18,25     (Saturday  1:00 – 2:30pm)6 }* C- o8 T' n! D
Feb. 1,8,15,22,29 (Saturday  1:00 – 2:30pm)& U2 S, s% |/ X
Mar, 7,14,21,28   (Saturday  1:00 – 2:30pm)
' J  _5 K- c* Y$ `( T$ gApr. 4,11,18,25   (Saturday  1:00 – 2:30pm)7 d) j1 t9 }* E
May. 2,9,16,23,30 (Saturday  1:00 – 2:30pm)( L' ~+ K6 k! _4 B  C2 C
: D4 F5 f/ d  V) O
Location:  Michener Park 122 Street 48Ave
4 s, O/ h0 e3 d! D" o7 y  y. f                    NW, Edmonton, AB T6W 1X8
& p- X# G% k: [7 K" c' r* \9 A1 I/ G0 A% @! x# S- R0 _& V, p
Organizer: Alberta AI Association AB Training Center
9 m* |9 H; h( n
' K- b. h4 M. K% Y! L6 qLanguage: English# H& u( E5 k% [' u! F

# E' n- w3 u9 hAge of student: 8+
6 d7 I6 \5 L6 S9 N- s& s, U+ R
$ t, y8 f( k) C8 KFee :* [  }: m; F5 H7 t1 Z  |
Beginner & Intermediate( p  g# k: [5 U- F0 r+ w6 K$ L; S8 H
12 class   $350
/ r7 y) A! \' g8 Y7 \17 class   $4500 w1 D, Q) @  Q- K$ j
22 class   $5502 c1 s  d8 N9 u0 a

/ R# O& A7 d) x$ D& u1 r0 ]4 T5 uAdvance' ^. j- U4 \! e9 J
12 class  $4206 q" v; _4 T* [! R
17 class  $550/ L) H2 t" ?" _: ]0 t
22 class  $650- o/ @2 n/ c6 a
5 I( r0 \0 E# c+ z$ }

2 z- B* Z1 r5 MClass Gear Requirement:  Bring your own laptop / bring your water bottle! Q+ W9 [! u2 f: F! l, y! ~
0 p$ G4 B$ x* ~9 [
Audience: For the all kids who interesting in games and want to understand programming and                  
! r% \& E+ r' Y                  AI.+ T# g1 q  e  x" _% A* Z
Register  - K9 d9 J! R. k: g& y5 ]$ }, h
   Contact for the register form
) ~1 o, o5 v6 {8 Z3 ^( Q   June   7803284191 OR 5879269005+ a2 N& n& J# I; o9 K. D3 b+ m/ \
/ g. C$ x( ]* M! |Email:  aitech201905@gmail.com# t" l, t8 D" e0 J
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