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[其他] 周五快乐,你对对方还有性趣么?

鲜花(726) 鸡蛋(2)
发表于 2018-5-25 06:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
新研究发现一个与人们习惯性认识相左的现象:在一段长期感情中,有时是男方先丧失性欲。6 G- d, _) D7 Y4 j0 G

0 N* ?/ u% y! L% l据肯塔基大学(University of Kentucky)的研究人员介绍,男性的性欲也可能和女性的一样多变。当男性缺乏安全感、担心在一段感情中失去自主权,或是身体变化造成尴尬时,都可能丧失性欲。而必须在性生活中保持主动的传统观念更是让他们压力倍增。
3 n/ a8 e/ {( o3 K0 g! s& V  _' V* m, O9 d2 e4 s1 ?
“我们以为男性的性欲永远高涨且简单,像电灯开关一样,而女性的性欲却像一个复杂的控制台,但实际上,两边都很复杂,”肯塔基大学性健康推广实验室(Sexual Health Promotion Lab)负责人、专注健康促进项目的副教授克里斯滕·P·马克(Kristen P. Mark)说,他是这项研究的首席研究员,该研究梳理了上世纪50年代以来的64份关于性欲的研究,广泛探究了男女的性欲问题。6 {- `9 ?) D/ i' {3 J
# T$ a; t8 C4 \3 Z0 Z5 D3 a
心理学家表示,两性的性欲均有起有落。经过激动的蜜月期(一般持续18个月到两年)后,性欲的衰减十分自然。不过,据芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)1994年的一份研究、也是该领域公认最全面的一份研究——《性的社会组织:美国人的性行为》(The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States)——的数据,近80%的已婚伴侣至少每个月会做几次,其中32%表示每周会做两三次;47%表示每月会做几次。
8 ^4 c7 `( j5 M/ R7 G' Y
: A1 ^( {( p# Z$ ]7 ~相比男性,女性确实更容易丧失性趣:研究显示约三分之一的女性(不论年龄)表示在过去一年里至少有几个月毫无性趣,相比之下,男性的数字只有五分之一——这一发现来自研究性欲和功能障碍25年之久的芝加哥大学社会学教授爱德华·劳曼(Edward Laumann)。但专家也表示,男性通常不愿谈论自己在性方面遇到的麻烦,因此这个问题或许比了解到的更加普遍。
8 O; K0 G/ ~# E$ s, ~0 v8 C) f+ e' K+ j$ d
马克先生的研究发表在3月出版的《性学研究期刊》(Journal of Sex Research)上,他发现性欲衰退的原因主要可分为三类:个人的、人际的和社会的。有些问题,比如压力,自尊心滑坡,或伴侣对自己吸引力变化等,对男女双方都有影响。
! [" T0 A0 }  n/ T9 r3 c4 q; S# G  s9 w
另外,男性的性欲衰退的原因也各有不同。当男性期望自己的欲望永远高涨却事与愿违时,或近期有优先级高于感情的要务时,他们就可能出现性欲问题。有些时候,两个人不是出于正面的理由(比如为了增进亲密感)做爱,而是出于负面的理由(比如为了避免争吵),男性的欲望就会下降。男性也会因为必须随时保持亢奋或必须主动提出要求的观念而压力山大。3 H* T  Q( Q9 k

5 z6 R! t+ _: [5 n; E+ m" S$ [! b另外也会有生理上的问题。男性随着年龄的增长血流速度减慢,或患上抑郁症等疾病,或服用抗高血压或抗情绪紊乱的药物时,都会影响他们的性欲。
* j9 a0 ^9 B3 p8 H+ b6 @0 Y. ^" F7 V* v4 B6 ?
而且这些生理变化可能会造成心理上的烦恼。难以勃起或难以持久勃起的男性会觉得十分尴尬,他们可能不再主动提出要求。威尔康奈尔医学院(Weill Cornell Medicine)人类性行为项目(Human Sexuality Program)的负责人之一迈克尔·A·佩雷尔曼(Michael A. Perelman)说,“他们不愿意做自己不擅长的事,于是选择了逃避,因为他们会感到羞耻。”: k" \! O: v* e5 m: z4 k% C4 b5 P
9 w+ f# d9 M: h
劳曼博士表示,不同于女性的是,男性常常会在不开心或缺乏安全感时失去性欲。比如担忧升职的问题,操心孩子的事,或即将面临退休,这些事“都会削弱男性对自身能力或魅力的自信,”他表示 。
2 L% k/ h* o  `9 i0 ~
0 y8 O/ v0 e  A; W/ ^) w有时候问题也会直接源于关系本身。在一段长期婚姻中,性生活可能会成为例行公事,或者夫妻会渐行渐远。男方可能会心怀恨意——往往事关金钱。或是对妻子情欲下降。“他把她看做一个好人、母亲和支持者,而非令人亢奋的爱人,”美国大学的心理学教授巴里·麦卡锡(Barry McCarthy)说。8 w& ^0 A+ H* ~. J$ c+ X, g

: L& @; y9 u. b- a8 k那么当男方或女方由于以上原因失去了性趣,这段感情是否就无可救药了呢?不一定。但这绝对是一个信号,你应该想一想你们到底怎么了。以色列海尔兹利亚的私立大学跨学科研究中心(Interdisciplinary Center)的一位社会心理学家和副教授古利特·伯恩鲍姆(Gurit Birnbaum)认为,对伴侣欲望的下降有可能表示这个人已经不再适合你。你们两人可能已经疏远到了一定地步,或者你的目标、价值观和兴趣发生了改变。“你的身体可能在向你发送信号,”她表示。8 W8 T& M- k) z. F  H2 G( A4 D+ a
4 H$ f, l. K4 [7 |
, u# u: t# d7 g1 b3 I* S! h
5 L: C, [5 e4 D3 }) l; b' W  ]+ M两个人可以先谈一谈,但不要在做爱时谈,可以在散步的时候,或者坐下来喝杯红酒的时候。你可以对伴侣说,你想念两人和谐的性生活,而不要用批评的口吻。双方要接受一个事实——不光是女性,男性有时也会对床事提不起精神,这样才能放松下来。“在讨论一个艰难的话题之前,预先展露脆弱的一面会自动营造出一种安全的氛围,”马克博士表示。
鲜花(726) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-5-25 06:41 | 显示全部楼层
# z2 `5 `: `8 U0 Y5 `% y- U0 R
; ~( G" X) G/ Y* r7 t, {$ ^( G, s+ i
合理期待。不要相信什么“男性随时都想要”的刻板教条。: ?5 \: G& e- V

( ~5 H7 r+ @2 c0 p大胆说出来,别把坦诚当冒犯。将之视为改善感情的机会。
+ B8 }; ^4 X+ \8 W5 i5 L! t$ \0 u" S6 E
考虑心理治疗。如果男方不愿意去,女方可以建议他与心理医生电话沟通。; B" c6 g) x) S' Y4 q
3 m2 r& ~+ Z; ?( I
: ^2 C# v; M5 X$ H# R" O3 d' W, }% t$ Q& u
7 Z) t' h: G1 _$ L2 c: x
  ]: M- X3 I3 H; U: c! W' a正向思考。与其开口批评,说“我们再也别做了”,不如对伴侣说你想念过去的亲密感。* |# e; ]( y" [" G9 v

2 w6 n+ I8 y9 G( @一起做一些无关于性的新鲜事。培养一种新爱好,尝试一道新料理,一起坐过山车。换一个环境。试一试浴室、客房、壁炉前面。" z0 `# B0 \6 u  O

) n% `5 V! ~. s9 Q) @/ e善待彼此。研究显示,友善的伴侣对彼此更有欲望。
' Y' t6 ]' @8 L) u) W1 E4 v# }6 @4 L8 }6 m6 `. b+ K! e/ I
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2018-5-25 07:43 | 显示全部楼层

8 n7 s- J# v, ~& k* Y
/ |& Y7 p1 ]5 H! a左手握右手
) P. |. T2 Y2 R1 ^
$ q3 R! O. v+ _# p  H4 |" I
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2018-5-25 08:12 | 显示全部楼层

Why a New Partner Boosts Your Sex Life?

老杨团队 追求完美
A new scientific review into the apparently inevitable decline of sexual desire, and arousal, in response to 'partner familiarity', has just been published from the University of British Columbia.# X/ S8 T: x5 A; K2 j) ?; V! a
& U7 T7 r: h/ N+ X6 j
Academics Heather Morton and Dr Boris Gorzalka examined the impact of a new partner on sexual arousal and desire, and whether there is a difference between men and women in this respect.
. k+ D% C4 i$ j6 t1 N, s+ G/ _# u) ]- x" q
The review reports a recent British survey which found women recorded an average of eight opposite sex sexual partners over their lifetime, while men reported 12. But the survey also found 22% of women and 14% of men reported having only one sexual partner in their lifetime.9 {0 P" ]0 x9 r* b1 [5 F5 m  |

1 ?% V' Y5 g* @1 d2 X5 R3 EHeather Morton and Dr Boris Gorzalka report that when asked about fantasising about someone other than their current sexual partner in the past two months, 98% of men and 80% of women reported having had such a fantasy./ w2 F/ l1 y1 R1 M
; ~2 [' I6 T. q( N5 v" k
Research like this suggests that a large proportion of men and women may experience a desire to engage in sexual activity with novel partners; however, this appears to be more common in men.
- v  w4 m0 A( L0 L; ?) |) W  r1 a& e& x" D# K5 y! U" a
The new analysis of this research is entitled, Role of Partner Novelty in Sexual Functioning: A Review, and was inspired partly by the finding that preference by males towards novel females has also been found in nonhuman primates, such as chimpanzees and rhesus monkeys, and indeed across the animal kingdom. Male fruit flies preferentially court novel females over familiar females.6 A  b1 S! m; o# L8 i3 B- t' `
% v5 F% F$ M; B: W" C/ ?
- N1 [+ n! P* Y/ P1 b6 p1 E& {
Heather Morton and Dr Boris Gorzalka report evidence from laboratory studies where an erotic film is shown repetitively, it is then followed by a different erotic clip, while physiological and subjective sexual arousal are measured throughout.) f3 a% B1 ^4 A) D5 E' P; Z

& Y1 I- f) ^* t0 ^0 ^Generally speaking men's sexual arousal declines when shown the same erotic stimuli over and over again, but is rekindled when new erotic stimuli is introduced. Whether the same consistent results are found for women by similar experiments is a more mixed picture, and there have been fewer studies .
  W; [7 C; ^( I& I) \' U$ {# j
/ Y2 o: K2 N# a$ k, V( X7 RFor example, men were found in one study to have a greater increase in sexual arousal in response to different actors engaging in the same erotic activity, whereas women had a greater increase in sexual arousal to the same actors engaging in different activities.9 {4 i1 I. W$ J% p3 j

% \$ ^' M9 d/ ]4 w8 }This new overview of all this research is published in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, and contends that evolutionary theory predicts genetic success is based upon producing the maximum number of descendants.
- q2 {1 ?. f7 H9 Q* J1 {4 U- j9 F  o1 f
Yet in most modern societies, the authors argue, men and women are no longer aiming to produce the maximum number of offspring possible. However, modern humans have inherited the genes and biological predispositions that led to our ancestors fulfilling this goal of evolution.% y. h: Z, \$ J' o: _8 X
) d  ~7 f1 K- \+ T  g* g$ G
Arousal and desire would have evolved to promote the most successful mating strategy. So if having a novel sexual partner produced the greatest number of offspring who survive to procreate, then sexual desire and arousal should be greatest in these situations.! d" x; g8 z2 E! F

, ^7 _1 S& D- q4 `. I'The good genes hypothesis' proposes that men could be categorised in terms of mating strategies. 'Cads' specialise in short-term mating, these men have high genetic quality which they promote to women by being highly competitive, dominant, and brave. 'Dads' in contrast adopt a long-term mating strategy, where they compensate for their genetic quality with their potential to invest in their offspring by showing compassion, kindness, and industriousness.5 |+ B6 }: f9 w" N3 c$ x
+ ~+ ^; y# m% \& o* Q- ~# ]
The 'good genes' theory contends it is most beneficial for women to engage in long-term relationships with 'dads' in order to provide the most care for their offspring; however, if the opportunity presents itself, short-term affairs with 'cads' may provide them with offspring of better genetic quality.
2 U2 M8 c& o1 U$ B3 z: H$ e: o
Studies find that when women are given descriptions of a man who is competitive, dominant, and brave (cads), and one who is compassionate, romantic, and industrious (dads); they are more likely to select the latter for long-term relationships and the former for short-term relationships.* k' l6 w5 O( Q: K5 h- n$ ~
& Y3 ~. I* a0 o% t7 O5 Q
Heather Morton and Dr Boris Gorzalka contend that extramarital affairs are perhaps another strand of evidence for there being a 'natural' desire for novel partners.
; }4 j: l/ d: _% h, e) P: u$ \% ^2 H$ o/ E
They report that various studies find that between 23% and 29% men and 12% and 23% women, have had sex outside of a supposedly monogamous relationship. If affairs are driven by a desire for partner novelty, then familiarity with one's current partner increases the risk of infidelity, and indeed one study found that that each month in a relationship increased the risk of an affair by 2%.' a: p1 w5 m9 ^- \- B/ h
7 V' |! B% ]2 W- @
If novelty does increase sexual desire and arousal, then those engaging in affairs should find sexual activity to be more frequent and pleasurable with their new partner, argue Heather Morton and Dr Boris Gorzalka. One study they quote found that 86% of respondents reported that their extramarital sexual relations were 'somewhat' or 'very' satisfying.
  W' t0 h- J8 Z- `& ?- V0 C; q& j
Yet if research also finds that only 38% of females and 25% of men reported quality of sex during the marriage as low, is there hope that long term couples can rescue their sex life? The right strategy will probably arise from an understanding of why 'familiarity breeds contempt'.
8 V" E3 S/ F  v) ~& j' M! e: l2 ?& X% t, q4 m+ B) Q+ P
Heather Morton and Boris Gorzalka report other research finds that married women identified overfamiliarity as a primary contributing factor to declines in sexual desire, in fact some women felt certain that their desire would return in response to a new partner. This finding is further supported by another study which found that women who reported an absence of sexual yearning towards their partners, continued to experience strong sexual desire towards other men.5 T8 E0 v0 p* ^& `
8 V/ z/ E) L9 }. d6 ?' B" T
Studies also find that men in long-term relationships reveal that they view sexual boredom as an inevitable feature of all sexually exclusive relationships, rationalizing it as the price one must pay for long-term companionship. When asked what they believed were the underlying causes of their sexual boredom, men's most frequent responses involved over-familiarity, whereas women most regularly suggested complacency.% H, |5 B# }7 e  @0 e
1 ^5 z2 O1 E+ R6 S" i* X
However in a study of 346 college students, less than 1% denied wanting to settle down with one mutually exclusive sexual partner, and when asked to select their ideal mating arrangement, both men and women overwhelmingly preferred strict monogamy to risk free casual extramarital sex.5 R4 M- a0 x* [. l

  q, ]2 n" x/ d+ z% k. A9 q8 i/ hHeather Morton and Dr Boris Gorzalka conclude that the vast majority of people do appear ultimately to want long-term relationships.9 c+ M" l' ?+ P2 V6 W' x
1 M& W; Z4 Q8 n5 ^
The conundrum appears to be that while this arrangement produces many practical benefits, it almost certainly will not (according to evolutionary theory) deliver maximal levels of sexual arousal and desire.7 H0 M) L% b' y' X  d3 p
* E, Y6 X# V' @' U
Our experience as therapists working with sexual and relationship problems is that extra-marital affairs for women are as if the women fall in love with themselves again. They feel that they are sexually noticed. This erotic attention is lacking from their marriage partners who eventually primarily see their female partners as mothers to their children. This identity is something to which these women also very much subscribe themselves.+ a* T- W+ I% e6 g3 [: a

7 A" n" B4 b+ ]2 E  ]7 H/ {Maybe if we and our partners could learn to see ourselves differently within our long term relationships, this could help rekindle desire?
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2018-5-25 08:20 | 显示全部楼层

Why extra marital affairs could be right?

Your wedding vows talk about a lifetime together, a life of unwavering loyalty, one of getting old together, through good and bad times. But as years pass by, that spurt of love turns into monotony.
" x3 e5 l8 s% M6 _; v7 C+ |! `
6 z, |6 y, T" xThis is when you discover the glitches in your ‘happily ever after’. And then enters the one we call an extra marital affair. Most of the times, he is the one who is also married.You both enter in it for fun and presume that you both can handle this relationship without disturbing your married lives. This special one makes you feel the soul connect with great sex, compassion and understanding that seemed to have gone missing from your marriage. Life suddenly becomes perfect again.
" N% A: P/ l( j- S# V
. D* U: f# M- M: x" S1 n  Y8 l$ qEsther Perel, a famous author and therapist addressed a gathering recently where she spoke extensively about the term infidelity. She said, “An affair brings together three key elements: a secretive relationship, which is the core structure of an affair; an emotional connection to one degree or another; and a sexual alchemy. And alchemy is the key word here, because the erotic frisson is such that the kiss that you only imagine giving, can be as powerful and as enchanting as hours of actual lovemaking. As Marcel Proust said, it's our imagination that is responsible for love, not the other person.”
* L& i# P5 ^# L" l' ]' M
7 [" B- q% K. LThe one thing that people entering extra marital affairs underestimate the most is their emotions. And this changes the dynamics of the affair faster than they know. Sexual emotions are the strongest human emotions there can be and they can make you vulnerable to a degree that you can't fathom at the beginning.
/ j) k# `1 r2 u) t  b" b
  [+ Q, d, R- n! z0 t( V, I' wAnd this is when, the same affair that appeared like your redemption at first turns ugly. On condition of anonymity, Kanika shares, “I fell neck deep in love with this guy I met over a work meeting. When he abruptly ended the affair because I wanted more out of it, I wondered why I philandered. My husband never stopped loving me and I have an ever so adorable toddler, then why?”
8 `5 K1 o- f% S! X. U) G* s
. \. V, p$ r9 \  f6 }Delhi-based life coach Ramon Lamba explains, “Men and women are wired differently. In case of a woman’s brain, sex and love are wired together, while in men, love means love and sex means sex. They rarely confuse the two. Sadly, the way woman handles an extra-marital affair is troublesome. For them, the affair starts by fulfilling emotional needs and then they start taking them very seriously. Most affairs end due to mismatch of emotional and sexual needs.”' z- P% d1 D/ y5 R, x- a

4 O; X3 Q5 D" }; Q6 t# p5 jSurprisingly, when we enter an affair, most often than not, we are not turning away from our partner but from the person that we have become over time. In general, the life of an extra-marital affair is not too long. It can last from a few months to maybe a few years. Dr Rashi Ahuja, counseling psychologist at ePsyClinic.com explains, “Every relationship has a honeymoon period. This period is all about feeling alive, feeling loved and wanted. And after this period ends, it starts to get boring. The same holds true for extra marital affairs.” + i7 W3 E0 S$ D5 O. [; R; x
1 p5 u, p; Y7 w! y
And there are times when these affairs make you see ‘good’ in your married partner. “Most married people entering an affair compare their spouses to the person, sometimes leading to a situation where they are reminded of traits that they once adored in their married partners,” adds Dr Rashi.$ X0 U* t, M$ y0 ^, c" s
3 @8 L/ f( d8 s3 v% U
Not all affairs are about getting over life’s monotony or a craving for being desired. Some affairs are karmic. Ramon elaborates, “There are times when you meet someone outside the marriage and you instantly feel the connect. It is not a sexual attraction at first but you feel an intense pull towards that person. They are basically souls with whom you have unfinished business. You will experience a constant thirst to be with that person and you won’t find peace unless you indulge in that person in some way.”& F6 C% w* A" G. a
) S- G7 ^# ~8 C9 Y! S
You like it or not, affairs are here to stay. As we read this, they are happening at your workplace, in your neighbourhood and maybe somewhere in your family too. And whenever they end, they will not only end up in hurt or betrayal but in lessons. Lessons of growth and discovery.
鲜花(726) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-5-25 08:36 | 显示全部楼层
billzhao 发表于 2018-5-25 08:12! V1 O4 b% P8 e, m4 N
A new scientific review into the apparently inevitable decline of sexual desire, and arousal, in res ...
+ s+ q8 K, P) k& _4 R
"partner familiarity" ) }- [7 ?$ ?0 q" ]* @

  E7 ~4 s4 j0 |7 t% A  c+ m" f说白了就是习惯了2 T7 B( w- z  q, P/ }

6 b, a4 f: A8 r1 W' {/ ?" r除非换人
鲜花(177) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-5-25 09:11 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(12) 鸡蛋(6)
发表于 2018-5-25 10:02 | 显示全部楼层
一首非常优美动听的歌/ t. U6 U5 C$ q! B
鲜花(726) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-5-25 10:45 | 显示全部楼层
潇洒哥 发表于 2018-5-25 09:11
* s1 x: W" [6 L6 L七年之痒不是没有道理

+ y& \% V/ J, c5 `$ F) d: a有道理
; R3 I3 F: n8 m4 O* e' V
, a9 \& f$ ?$ N1 {$ V# @( a3 i关键是如何增加新鲜感
鲜花(726) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-5-25 10:45 | 显示全部楼层
迎风起舞 发表于 2018-5-25 10:026 o2 ?& c# e: [$ s& n
# R( e/ @: b$ Z$ Q* D单曲循环了3个月之后
% S$ z, ~7 x+ ?: S2 e0 ^- M4 }
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2018-5-25 11:26 | 显示全部楼层
生命的美好不能没有性,但是也不仅仅是性。如果生活的全部都是性,即使夜夜当新郎,天天做新娘,生活也会乏味。0 G, x: M: Y4 C$ @0 S" B

& g' G9 Q' _0 k4 r* s) _美好的东西很多,比方说运动。研究证明,运动的时候会分泌激素,这种激素会产生类似性体验的快感。另外音乐也有类似的效果。美妙的音乐,也会刺激分泌产生美妙感觉的激素。
, b; k, M4 B+ R! K6 b. f9 r% `9 I; K6 k2 `3 u- K' s
; _: P2 y( y2 \! C% I
$ C  N6 n6 t2 E9 M" q
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-5-25 13:44 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2018-5-25 14:00 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
proevolution11 发表于 2018-5-25 13:44
3 e, z; U! T4 N' v6 N+ E" S独坐空房手做妻,
7 M# v9 p) d7 r# I& o
& u7 R! Y8 Y" Z/ l+ C$ i( t+ b* S# Q2 ~+ U4 ?8 U6 l8 f
" ~3 T4 f+ g8 v; g; f7 B5 y* u' l) y8 o$ \  w4 z& \$ \2 L
http://www.edmontonchina.ca/foru ... amp;_dsign=115b59a7
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2018-5-25 14:03 | 显示全部楼层
时下,在酒席上非常流行这样几句话:握住小姐的手,好像回到十八九;握住情人的手,酸辣苦甜全都有;握住女同学的手,后悔当初没早下手;握住老婆的手,如同左手握右手,一点感觉也没有……撇开这其中的讽刺用意,对老婆真要做到左手与右手那般知己知彼、和谐统一,又谈何容易!* G5 f; c" p" R

: M( d0 O  M4 X( U% M2 ^5 }    和自己的妻子倒也有过些浪漫的经历,恋爱时我也常把她的手细细欣赏,不敢硬摸,更不敢乱摸。只是轻轻地欣赏欣赏再欣赏,细看细看再细看。这双手细腻、光滑、柔软,指甲不涂任何东西,犹如珍珠般晶莹光亮,手背如一块羊脂美玉,令我赏心悦目,令我不忍心用劲去握,生怕无意中损坏了一件精美的艺术品。! }) J! A0 f2 C1 y/ ^
/ F7 d' \, \0 }: S8 N) w, R
    婚后,由于妻子操持家务,非常勤快,手也渐渐地失去了光泽,暗淡了、粗糙了、血管突出了、青筋暴露了,就连往日的丰韵也荡然无存了,可我竟然那么不在意,很少为她买上一盒像样的什么护手化妆品。( U6 Y) e! Z! T8 B
6 L& b' @: [0 y/ e. @
9 _! V7 e$ Z. ^2 j; N* w: Z( l8 j) V. W. n
    10年了,这双手为我洗过衣服,抄过文稿,烹过美味,煎过汤药;也因我的脾气不好抹过委屈的泪水。更多的时候,是在我的视线外忙碌着,摸索着。妻子为丈夫、为孩子的确付出得太多太多了。有时候,看到一些花花肠子的先生们,握住如花似玉的小姐们的纤纤素手时,真感到一种无名的悲哀,替女人悲哀,同时也悲哀男人!那些花心的男人……& f, O4 ?. B( ?: X
5 s% y7 ?( Q8 d  E* ]7 h
2 v9 ~( L' U2 a; Q) s
鲜花(76) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-5-25 18:08 | 显示全部楼层
billzhao 发表于 2018-5-25 14:00
" N" {6 _$ r2 K0 P  F浪费资源& [2 O3 {2 G% `

+ N- P$ B2 U9 K. d$ Q1 L3 L看看泡妞教程
9 x, h! _' ]# U) `" F; ^
鲜花(125) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-5-25 18:46 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(55) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-5-25 19:55 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
wantU 发表于 2018-5-25 10:45
3 |! {0 O9 d7 q  V! s2 k+ q有道理
( Z7 C( Z/ e5 ?8 ?6 H& P* H6 A: A4 P+ P/ n
) P- Z* x2 c  l! Y# N
鲜花(726) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-5-25 20:03 | 显示全部楼层
lastman 发表于 2018-5-25 19:55
# R; Q6 L  S3 Z9 Y换制服,要么换人

, Y+ G; P* K3 u' B6 E3 n, t; C: S估摸着还是换人效果更好?
鲜花(76) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-5-25 20:14 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-5-25 20:41 | 显示全部楼层
billzhao 发表于 2018-5-25 14:00) \$ c6 D  p$ ~6 c. f) k2 U) N1 i
: P3 B( e1 q# M3 v) h0 d0 S2 y3 k1 e! |

6 z  V9 z. O1 X独坐空房手做妻,0 O' j, h* Z; ?! A( C1 _4 q
此事羞于外人提。5 h8 E: u1 ~  I7 Z
4 _! M7 v, H' \: A2 @2 A桌上卷纸铺整齐。" |) }3 J. Q# j) E

; y% S( Y5 }  @0 Z0 U(未完)。。。
鲜花(55) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-5-25 21:27 | 显示全部楼层
proevolution11 发表于 2018-5-25 20:41
& h2 V, R5 n. ~. |5 G独坐空房手做妻,
  D7 n- F% }. L; S此事羞于外人提。3 g7 B0 Q' l1 E) N4 i5 T

& b: P) u( Z! ]5 u忽然一阵敲门声,从此人生不再举
鲜花(726) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-5-25 21:43 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
祝各位今晚尽兴) w/ x/ G, B& c* e
+ y4 D2 g# E3 d8 ?
鲜花(12) 鸡蛋(6)
发表于 2018-5-26 10:27 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
9 z! G% L1 g6 `# B9 ~$ I

! F$ E2 ]& s1 U0 A更换软件谈何容易!
" k1 M4 X1 ~8 V5 S" t8 b1.最难找
% b% e/ d# l4 ]; z- ?* v/ c2.风险大
( }( I2 ~* s0 A, ]. q3.匹配难
* T8 q5 G; f3 r1 d; `) z) n那就只能更新硬件了--, r- `! N# j) y3 U5 `$ A
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-5-26 12:35 | 显示全部楼层
lastman 发表于 2018-5-25 21:27; \9 T  n' H$ S9 Y8 \

5 X; W- {( b& |5 f4 P; R% |  U独坐空房手做妻,
& J- |6 ~; D) b$ a% B4 S' J此事羞于外人提。
, e, L# s+ q8 n* O* S* g) J面前电脑东瀛女,2 s6 Y" L  ^/ K
6 V& T, q% C! T$ L: ^, N用完左手换右手,2 Y+ }: y9 U# k, z9 m
如同休妻又娶妻。" {, m0 z0 _7 B: a; x
. g. j3 Y6 H% Z4 Q" p6 q* V忽快忽慢眼离迷。& W1 u" O$ Z; k# I6 X! A  r
! Z: G9 @4 A1 Y  Y$ c9 G- q: b子子孙孙化作泥。
3 Y' r! L/ m9 \7 Z6 U事后惊觉无意义,8 V  E. t8 u; Y; ~% {# }: S
0 A. N3 v) W* ?( E: m0 S! Y) R& O* b9 g


恰似你的温柔  在2018-5-26 19:34  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
鲜花(726) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-5-26 17:05 | 显示全部楼层
proevolution11 发表于 2018-5-26 12:35$ p- m7 v1 U5 I$ i* B/ R
独坐空房手做妻,# w0 t, |# F) b' z6 s9 ?! ]
此事羞于外人提。+ k; ?% ?7 l5 I. K

: z2 }6 I9 U; U+ m' |7 y牛~~
' f' `  G* f* j* q
/ j5 }: ?- |$ l, Q大牛~~
+ }# ~0 A+ y0 e
( {+ l; m$ I7 V0 I4 N) n大大牛~~
鲜花(76) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-5-27 18:49 | 显示全部楼层
wantU 发表于 2018-5-26 17:05" M- k6 x/ Q0 K: J* O
牛~~; F0 ~$ S& G3 i6 o

$ O$ {6 a3 O1 U4 V大牛~~
4 I1 }7 z! m* R' u# t/ D- v
$ j  Z/ L4 b) L
鲜花(125) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-5-27 19:33 | 显示全部楼层
wantU 发表于 2018-5-25 21:43
2 |: c) p& u% l7 n& Q* z7 e祝各位今晚尽兴1 |) a$ z# G) I

8 ~: O! c' ~. z3 B% A. P) z晚安~~
$ D' S: W5 R- K2 O
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