鲜花( 26)  鸡蛋( 0)
楼主对这篇文章的介绍不够会面。西方主流媒体的分析文章都秉承客观现实的原则。这篇文章也一样。他可以承认你中国赢了,还可以很客观地分析中国赢在那里和怎么赢的。但他不认同中国赢的方式,制度和价值观,尽管他目前找不到能赢中国的办法,但文章指出中国这一套以国家为主的资本系统对生活在那里的中国人并不是更好的选择。这一点在文章的倒数第二段说得很清楚,' _; g7 D- X1 b8 ~
To argue that China’s system is better able to withstand the shocks of today’s world is not to claim that it’s better for those who live within it. Political repression and the lack of rule of law in China create injustice at every level of society. As local governments and companies in China struggle with debt, the state’s ability to bail them out is not inexhaustible. Despite its investments in new technologies, automation and machine learning will displace large numbers of Chinese workers over time, creating long-term risks of social unrest. But for the foreseeable future, China is likely to remain strong and stable. Its international presence will continue to grow, and it is not short of ambition. In October, Xi said it was time for China to “take center stage in the world.+ ~: k l# C7 v- @
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