鲜花( 844)  鸡蛋( 29)

楼主 |
发表于 2017-11-2 16:24
沙特表达, 在这个月30号OPEC会议上支持减产。 T/ s- a3 ^0 F! v0 T4 w7 z
Saudi Oil Minister Khalid Al-Falih said in Bangkok that he expects “improving market conditions to continue, and as my colleagues in OPEC and non-OPEC gather in four weeks in Vienna, I expect that we will renew our resolve to return already improving global inventories to their normal levels.”
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2 j" I6 @! U. g4 L伊拉克与科威特也表态支持减产 B8 M( D+ H, j, ^' q' n6 B3 K
Iraq Oil Minister Jabbar al-Luaibi told reporters in Baghdad that it backs any OPEC decision to help support oil prices. Meanwhile, Kuwait also expects an extension to be formalized at the Nov. 30 gathering, said Issam Almarzooq, the nation’s oil minister.
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( `+ s! U" `+ Z: J/ m沙特是OPEC 第一产油国,产量约1千万桶,伊拉克产量约4百30万桶,科威特约3百万桶。 这三家总产量已经超过OPEC产量一半。 |