鲜花( 8)  鸡蛋( 0)
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( N$ I H2 N7 ~" f" w 阿省的教育局长正向立法机构提交一项法案。如果此法案通过的话,学校的教职员工,未经孩子同意,向父母透露孩子在学校加入了同性恋联盟俱乐部消息,将成为非法。此恶法一旦通过,将打开潘多拉盒子,父母对自己的子女将不再有任何的权利。因为理论上,同性恋俱乐部和其他任何一个俱乐部没有实质上的区别。目前学校也正是以此为理由,表示他们没有义务主动向父母报告孩子在学校参加什么样的俱乐部。那也就是说这项法案一旦通过的话,未经子女同意,父母不可以过问自己孩子在学校的任何活动。因为透露孩子在学校任何活动信息的教职员工都会被绳之以法。7 V" E& y- r3 U! X% Z: @$ S& h
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) g4 b! \' V5 o% x: LAlberta’s Minister of Education, David Eggen, is mounting an attack on parental rights." A, f j' N9 e5 [6 T- N
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Eggen is introducing a bill into the Alberta legislature that will make it illegal for teachers or school staff to tell parents that their child has joined a gay-straight alliance. In other words, it will be illegal in Alberta for parents to know the activities of their children at school. For Eggen and Premier Rachel Notley, the most important thing is that a child is not “outed” to their parents because that would be “super-cruel,” according to Notley.
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" j: i+ t2 }. A" VThere already is policy in place that deters the school from disclosing a student’s gender identity or sexual orientation to their parents without the student’s permission, but Eggen wants to make it illegal.
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* ~4 _9 t( w' Y% K' R, Q) z7 rWhy not just cut right to it and pass a law making every child in Alberta a ward of the state, farmed out to their parents to take care of their material needs like clothing, shelter and food? After all, this is what the NDP government is getting at with this new legislation.* L8 ^7 u3 p) P9 C, D" r" c2 v
: k! `4 S1 d; y. XWith the Wynne Liberals’ anti-family sex-ed agenda in full-swing, it’s not hard to imagine similar legislation being passed in Ontario. PC Leader Patrick Brown, who famously jumped on the Liberal's progressive sex-ed bandwagon, cannot be counted on to offer anything different.# H3 ]9 l/ c" E- _" n4 u. F R
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The Alberta bill will also compel every school in that province receiving public money – including private schools – to establish an “anti-bullying” code of conduct. It further requires all schools to adopt a policy that protects LGBTQ students, and makes clear their legal right to establish a gay-straight alliance. Schools that don’t adhere to the law could risk losing government funding or accreditation. (Unlike in Ontario, Alberta subsidizes private schools.)
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0 L+ i1 \4 U9 b$ n, n, OIn some ways, Alberta is catching up to what has already become established legislation in Ontario, but making it illegal for parents to know the activities of their child at school is a bold attack on parental rights that we haven’t seen here ...yet.
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+ ^& s' I) o! h' D/ {8 UWe need to be a strong, united force to successfully oppose similar legislation when it is introduced in Ontario. How? Queenie Yu and I will give presentations throughout Ontario to train concerned citizens to respond to the attacks against our children and traditional values. If you’re interested in being trained or to invite us to speak to your group, please email me at tanya@pafe.ca. To help us train more people, please make a donation to PAFE today.- Y4 ?: u, U' G& K/ D
+ p: e, Q- O7 _ Z/ x3 S4 K# g1 W! yTo take advantage of a generous political tax credit, you can donate to Queenie Yu's Stop The New Sex-Ed Agenda by clicking here. Queenie works towards the same goals as PAFE so we're on the same side! A donation of $400 costs you approximately $100 because of the 75% tax credit.( \- i% u. c: ^! @
1 X5 y1 T$ ^2 u- G1 P8 E S Mhttp://www.edmontonsun.com/2017/ ... -and-allow-for-gsas
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