鲜花( 425)  鸡蛋( 32)
easygoing 发表于 2017-9-24 19:08
; p" @8 w2 ?9 }0 d6 _google.map 上给他差评。 这个管用! A! z" `! [* E6 m! n
2 Z& Y% }/ Y5 D. n) w+ S4 T
: R" G; n& M: c) Y$ M这招真的管用。我之前在466 Riverbend Square 的牙医Harbuksh Sekhon 那里看牙。平心而论,他的技术还不错,但是他那个阿三接待不怎么样。有次在没有保险公司cover的情况下给我安排了并不急迫的洁牙,让我自掏腰包。我用谦卑的用词进行投诉并告知我不在他那看牙了,谁知道这家伙态度很傲慢满不在乎我的投诉。) s- R+ I9 o3 w) f; F* U) I
( p7 b) j! _% M9 O/ {昨晚给他一个差评并把我的看牙经历和他邮件傲慢回复句子copy上去。这次他真急了,牙医,阿三,另外一个不知谁连续给我发邮件道歉,道歉态度之诚恳都快让我难为情了。没法,谁叫我是个心地善良的人,于是只好客客气气地回复了他:
7 o& h+ M* X2 y* ?$ _7 u7 ~, w$ w! f
Thank you for your response. I think you have figured out what happened. I used humble words to complain about my bad experience and explained why I chose to leave your clinic. }6 \0 h! d7 f. ~2 M$ ~1 I
% s$ a* v% w3 Q* u( u# j; J- v, U
But you just answered "This doesn't mean we are closing? Just that we are accepting new patients!", " it is the patient's responsibility to know and understand their insurance plan and what it covers.", " I think the manner in which you have chosen to deal with this is inappropriate as we do know that we are a good office and provide a fantastic service."* K9 h- [: p' k8 F9 t- e3 n
8 t6 ?) M& n* q0 C
I thought probably you were right at that time. I changed my dentist as well as my daughter's (another dentist near my home). I asked our new dentists, all of them told me the same meaning answer "It is our responsibility to make sure our patients to know and understand their insurance plan and what it covers.". I asked many people including local people, they told me they never contacted their insurance companies when they went to see the dentists because their dentists provided a good service to make them know or understand their insurance plan and what it covers.
! y) ^6 D$ Z6 M r, w# |( t1 j1 z
So I felt I was treated unfairly without respect and meanwhile you were too arrogant. Whatever, I am happy that you recognize something you did improperly. I am not a mean guy and I would like turn back my complaint on Google and I send my good wishes to you. Thanks. |