鲜花( 844)  鸡蛋( 29)

楼主 |
发表于 2017-6-16 17:20
这个评论指出其收购的优劣势2 \/ n; i# ]6 M% u9 ^0 W
Most grocery stores operate on a razor thin profit margin, so don't have a lot of cash on hand to invest in new technology or innovation. Amazon, on the other hand, spends much of its money doing just that. So having a technology powerhouse coming in to shake up the way people buy food "is a really daunting prospect for the grocery industry," Stephens told CBC News in an interview.7 f3 @& p& o! u7 @7 f5 M, h
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现有的零售店是低利润的, 现在的零售店没有现金来做高科技。而 Amazon则相反, 它有雄厚的资金做科研。言下之意, 传统的零售店, 在虚实兼备的新贵面前,都会退出市场。 |