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楼主在帮岳父母申请探亲签证。在网上搜了一下听说Purpose of Travel 这个不能大意,要好好写,既要表达自己来加拿大探亲的意图又要保证签证到期后回国的打算。老人打算八月左右过来待几个月。信上就填了两个月。机票还没有预定。粗略的写了一下行程表,旅店什么的没有写。还有写上了两月过后要回国照顾预计十月出生的外孙的打算,以让签证官相信老人会很快回国,没有移民倾向。求有经验的朋友指点一下。十分感谢。4 u. r! Q+ ]( y" e
9 C5 x3 Q* K+ [- U. A% ]) Q* P; PTo Whom it May Concern:
9 n; B( H+ f0 s9 J2 i9 L" H& Y! a) ^Me and my wife XX would like to travel to Canada for approximately two months starting August 2017. The main purpose of this trip are the follwoings:9 t" A% M( V+ G& Z6 o! A" @) a) a
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1. To visit my daughter and son-in-law and their two children. We have not seen each other for more than three years and we miss each other dearly. This would be a very heart-warming reunion for both two side. We would like to see how well they are doing in Canada.
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2. We are very looking forward to experience the Canadian lifestyle and culture for the first time. We have long heard the peacefulness of Canadian society and the friendliness of Canadian people. This would a perfect opportunity for us to fulfill this desire as well as enjoy some famous Canadian natural scenery. Our approximate travelling agenda are follows:
2 W+ P' V& c% B& S! A( x% \8 b" z7 Q7 w
Aug 1st: Arrive to Edmonton, AB, Canada4 [8 m) _: k5 y8 q2 I: m. r
Aug 5th-7th: Heritage Festival" ~) @9 t8 l/ ?$ R
Aug 11th-13th: Trip to Japser National Park
( ~0 a3 K0 ]* s) J1 L% ]( v! yAug 19th: Edmonton Valley Zoo
0 ~5 r5 I5 H D& m1 zAug 26th: Fort Edmonton Park
6 G7 l: x# Y9 v: ~! g& W+ c# n! KSept 1th-4th: Trip to Banff National Park. O q2 {. ~1 K' U) k1 _& g3 S
Sept 9th: Elk Island National Park1 r, A# { }3 O8 ]5 b
Sept 16th: Alberta Legislature Building % f6 K+ d* T( S
Oct 1st: Depart from Edmonton to China2 W/ }# r' P: v
- t# r- G ?# IWe have no desire whatsoever to overstay in Canada pass our scheduled two-month trip. Our youngest daughter XX in China is pregnant and is expected to be giving birth around the month of October. We need to go back immediate after our trip to help look after the newborn grandson. Moreover, the winter will hit very soon and it is uncomfortable and unfavorable for us to experience the long and cold winter in Edmonton, AB. Your kind consideration will be greatly appreciated!
, r9 S6 k) s: T0 F; Z5 j; ~! K. L9 O+ ` d5 T" p6 C2 ]
Thank you very much for your time.
, N* e6 w& c( R5 k& Q/ k
- J/ N8 l+ L! u- X+ P1 ]/ {Most sincerely,
6 I, }7 _: f, S- l( i8 d |