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本帖最后由 苏海 于 2017-4-13 14:53 编辑
# ?2 ?- V* t( v6 ?! E
% u% J1 D }5 M' h0 h4 ]BBC新闻 苏海翻译5 X8 w( z* o, m# p" ~
) i* q+ a! [& {美国军方说,他们对伊斯兰国恐怖组织的地下隧道系统投放了一枚从未在战场使用过的最具破坏力的非核炸弹。- s+ P! k' Y1 ~ ^$ n9 Y
8 h' F+ Y$ n$ }' Y这枚巨型空爆炸弹,即人们知道的“炸弹之母”,2003年首次试验,但从未用过。5 ?; G r6 }, o" q& n J
4 x, m3 W' g" a' V3 q f( p五角大楼说,炸弹是在Nangarhar省从一架美军飞机投下的。$ A# C' B7 a( q' I& m6 `5 ~) Z
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“炸弹之母”的威力有多大?& Y/ Y5 b' X A
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这枚九千八百公斤重的炸弹是周四当地晚上时间在Achin地区投放的( Q! G3 L/ W4 b* x9 ]* v1 ~
$ T) x, @: O9 ~$ t0 @; N炸弹投放的地区大部分是山区,人口密度很低。BBC记者说。当地消息说,爆炸力是如此的巨大,临近的两个地区都能听到爆炸声。+ t% [( x' Q; R7 r2 s( F3 n, G4 S8 {
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US military drops 'mother of all bombs on IS' in Afghanistan
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% ?3 d* D9 R/ Q+ Y- ]) {- S# m MThe US military says it has dropped the most destructive non-nuclear bomb ever used in combat on an Islamic State group tunnel complex in Afghanistan.
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The GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB), known as "the mother of all bombs", was first tested in 2003, but had not been used before.
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The Pentagon said it was dropped from a US aircraft in Nangarhar province.8 l6 q- i+ C4 w) k3 Q
How powerful is 'mother of all bombs'?
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' P& ]! ^) M/ a! YThe 21,600lb (9,800kg) bomb was dropped in Achin district on Thursday evening local time, the Pentagon said. It is more than 9m (30 feet) in length.
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: Q" i( `$ v" E1 `7 GThe area where the bomb was dropped is mostly mountainous and sparsely populated, BBC correspondents say. Local sources said the explosion was so powerful it was heard in two neighbouring districts.
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' `- U; ~% S- U* ?+ ~! uThe US has not yet confirmed the results of the strike, but a local official told the BBC that many IS militants were killed, allegedly including the brother of a senior leader.# N8 q# ?/ C1 r. m
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