上述亏损源自与东芝子公司西屋电气公司(Westinghouse Electric Co.)美国核反应堆项目相关的贷款担保及其他债务。这些项目出现了大规模成本超支问题。: W7 ~' H5 L( `1 f7 C. x& @9 k
上个月,西屋电气根据美国破产法第11章申请了破产保护。该公司因而被从东芝的资产负债表中移除。& @& p9 |1 A. b) X8 j7 T
Apple considers bidding for big stake in Toshiba chip business: report* A' k" Q& p i4 H4 N% U
Apple Inc. is considering teaming up with its supplier Foxconn to bid for Toshiba Corp.'s semiconductor business, Japanese public broadcaster NHK reported on Friday - the latest twist in the sale of the world's second-biggest flash memory chipmaker. 8 V. }7 Q- N+ G" N 6 g( h; y- s; H8 g6 R5 @8 Y8 f东芝是世界第二大 flash memory 的供应商, 特别是应用于手机上的 NAND flash。
The U.S. technology giant is considering investing at least several billion dollars to take a stake of more than 20 per cent as part of a plan that would have Toshiba keep a partial holding so the business remains under U.S. and Japanese control, NHK reported, citing unidentified sources. / L# M& s/ S0 t2 ^# b 2 B9 Z! f; T5 `$ Y: x( ?- vNHK said Apple wants Foxconn to own a stake of around 30 per cent of Toshiba's chip business.0 A; t1 m1 n& Y4 t t$ u
! _. t6 ]2 A. ~+ D& S% MApple 的算盘打得很响, Apple 想收购东芝 20%股份, 富士康收购30%以上, 这样这两家就大于50%而变成联合控股--team up, 组成一个帮派来收购。
量子风水 发表于 2017-4-14 11:15# U* O" ]; u4 Y% {6 D* e1 J7 F8 ^4 v
The U.S. technology giant is considering investing at least several billion dollars to take a stake ...
量子风水 发表于 2017-4-14 11:15 4 Z7 ^) P, q7 z, o- x. ]9 _! iThe U.S. technology giant is considering investing at least several billion dollars to take a stake ...