埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2017-1-14 13:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 j- e( s# l! B5 ]9 E
/ I- X) @% H" L& g& B1 l# r$ q2001年12月中旬,我因为工作关系要到一个远离城市的小村镇参加村委会会议,会议定在晚上8点30分开始。开车走省级高速到该地一个多小时,我想快一点到,于是中途下高速,走小道,直插目的地。
$ a- h, Y+ }  d6 `" j: e, R5 H& @6 k9 L
7 c  d! m: i! [7 }
2 s2 X) P7 o5 T$ Q4 v- r% c在河里只开了十几米,车就陷在雪里不能前进,我左转右转,前后进退,始终不能自拔。当时车外漆黑一团,寒风刺骨,方圆二十公里没有人烟,找人帮助显然不现实。我再次看了看车的油表,估计发动机还可再转两个多小时,我很清楚,发动机停了,我的生命也就离结束不远了,因为没有人知道我的车在黑暗中陷在了远离高速路的冰河里,现在我的最后一根救命稻草就是手机了。我想打电话叫拖车,但在乡村地区拖车什么时候才能到,我不知道,我还是想准时参加会议的,于是我决定打电话给村委会。电话通了,一位女士接的电话,听了我的情况,她大吃一惊,告诉我她马上派人来救我。打完电话,我在车里三次亲吻手里的手机,没有这个手机,我可能再也见不到老婆和孩子了, 特别是圣诞节快到了。我坐在车里等了大约二十分钟,一辆F350 Heavy Duty卡车和两个白人小伙子赶到了,话没多说,两个小伙子拿出铁链拴在我的车的后面,我把车的变速器推到空挡,卡车轰鸣,我的车被拖回河岸。( [. E! \; Q9 s2 a
5 l: V' P# W6 H
受此惊吓,我已无心开会,就对两个小伙子说:“请你们回去告诉委员会主席,今晚的会我不参加了”。两个小伙子瞪大了眼睛看着我,似乎对我这个象印第安人的家伙有点迷惑不解,我也没有再解释。我们各自开车向相反的方向回家了。第二天,我向领导汇报昨晚开会的事,受了批评,领导说:“Never take shortcuts when it comes to safety !" 我知道领导的意思是: 你不走高速路,走小道,很危险!但这话是不是还有更深的含义呢?生活中有的时候是不能走捷径的!
6 X3 V' I, a: B9 L4 d
6 W; ]# f3 ^7 C1 {, T4 m# W
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-14 13:39 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 苏海 于 2017-1-14 14:38 编辑
4 J3 P/ z6 p5 P( L% h: {
苏海 发表于 2017-1-14 13:246 Q$ l% M* J& K* I6 S1 h; |
6 u" R) b+ E4 M ...

$ _$ t$ {* x9 T. Y! F4 M. [, v
8 q3 z7 t( L' q( m( V! _# U, ^Alberta man survives 14 frigid hours in overturned car
3 B4 F2 b9 _5 d: w阿尔伯塔男子卡在翻下沟里的车里14小时,在零下20度的严寒中幸存生还+ \; w' T# a6 ?! r6 m
/ G2 y4 e( l, f. ^3 V7 }% U
Michael Walker credits clothes he received as Christmas gifts for keeping him from freezing to death
2 I8 Y' q& N4 |* A4 p沃克把自己的生还归功于收到的一包衣服使他没有冻死,那包车里的衣服是他得到的圣诞礼物。9 G) d2 ~. E! t2 t/ Q
1 z% E% [. m  j4 j& D
By Travis McEwan, CBC News Posted: Dec 30, 2016 7:00 AM MT/ K6 @* O% K# M5 o9 W
! i$ B+ B+ R2 K7 \
It was supposed to take Michael Walker two hours to drive between the northern Alberta towns of Eureka River and Debolt to visit family on Christmas evening, but instead he spent 14 hours surviving -20 C temperatures in an upside-down car." D" t5 l6 v, a8 {3 Z* N, g
本来是两小时的车程在圣诞傍晚去看望家人,沃克却在-20 C的严寒中,在翻倒的车里度过了14小时
0 Z' r  [6 Y$ h- k% w
* I: h9 z1 j/ p# i. Q( UWalker's ordeal started around 5 p.m. MT Dec. 25 on a stretch of Highway 733, about 460 kilometres northwest of Edmonton. That's when he drove off the road into an embankment. He doesn't remember how.8 {+ t+ B& u5 ]6 X# e* G6 u+ ^6 ]
6 p2 h. k! `! K, _: N& l# Q
/ P+ @! X. O+ Z! ]& h% r2 }1 y
& v9 Z6 J# O' h+ v% O. H( k5 G- c: d' {
"I just remember coming to while screaming and being stuck upside down in my vehicle," said Walker.
, \  K  L6 w7 N+ mThe airbag had deployed, and his head was wedged between the windshield and the window on the driver's side.
" l2 ^- E5 J  W4 U* E他车上的 airbag启动,他的头被夹在windshield和司机一侧的车门玻璃之间$ m: e, W  l  }" q
# @9 Y8 e* }% m! W' e8 X* }
Walker smelled exhaust and realized the engine of his mother's Chrysler 200 was still running. He turned it off and started to think about his next steps.
& G4 k7 L8 y9 ~. N沃克闻到汽车的废气味,知道车的发动机还在转, 他关了发动机。想着下步怎么办。
4 C/ `8 F. V2 g
% |8 E. p8 [! `) F0 CWalker thought the wreck could be seen from the road, but it was hidden in a ditch. He flashed the headlights and honked the horn to get the attention of passing cars.
' X; ?2 h, z5 O' y6 x1 i& L沃克认为路上的人可以看到他的翻倒的车,但车隐藏在沟里,他闪大登,按喇叭,希望引起过路车人的注意
# n& D( T7 i: ^# d( k$ M7 d* F1 D9 y  k% }$ ?; H2 M  Y
"There was quite a few vehicles that drove by in the first couple hours," he recalled. "It was still pretty early. No one slowed down. No one heard me."
# z& x% C  D. w/ q最初的两小时,有一些车经过,但没人注意和听到我的呼救,没有车减速,都是呼啸而过
4 B9 {4 F3 n. L6 `' u* }  X+ C
  X. E+ g$ h  Z  JThe vehicle's battery died and Walker realized he could be spending the night in the overturned car. Fear and panic started to set in., j: N# i1 G1 K( T3 J
车的电池死了,沃克意识到他要在翻了的车里度过寒夜,他开始感到恐惧和惊慌0 h: n% S' B! S: `% c# R# o

. f" T8 ~9 [0 [6 A) J"I was sure I was dead. I thought I was going to die."
/ e- [4 [; q- E; d我想我死定了- ?% y! H# F! V& @+ G6 T
5 ~% z5 e; R' g+ I
Walker had broken a vertebra, an ankle and a foot. To make matters worse, it was getting colder as the temperature dropped to –20 C.
5 p9 Z" m% W) i  f沃克的椎骨,踝关节和一只脚都骨折了,更糟糕的是气温下降到–20 C.
& m7 ^* U! P5 A
9 n8 m7 J$ e  s" R14小时后,沃克的家人沿路搜索,最后发现了沃克翻在沟里的车$ p$ j7 O8 L# h/ i6 u1 L
, }0 e3 ^2 v: o6 l1 v+ L
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-16 09:09 | 显示全部楼层
苏海 发表于 2017-1-14 13:24
" I8 n* P/ `( O4 v. V+ m) s( X# R推荐一篇关于冬季驾车有备无患的好文章。这篇文章不仅内容好,重要,写的也非常好,条理清楚,语言简明。/ M$ o6 K: L+ ?' K- c

0 h! C- G& P* M  Z  S6 |- `Your standard road safety kit (that’s kept in your car throughout the year) should include items like booster cables, road flares, traffic cones, emergency signs and other things that can help you be seen on the roadway when your car has broken down.
5 ~2 n7 Z, S% ]+ g# I* ~. m6 s8 v: k1 M! g, Z2 z
你的标准公路安全包(需全年存于车内)应包括:启动电缆,道路警示灯火,锥形交通路标,紧急标志,还有其他当你的车抛锚时能有助于别人看到你的东西。( x" B/ y  x( o
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-21 14:08 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
marie 发表于 2017-1-17 19:23$ Q- @  G  u8 \  Q" f) ?
0 ^+ v3 w/ ?' J2 F9 A- t7 _如果很危险就放弃!

6 C9 z* t+ \: B4 Y1 emarie ,! D8 k$ M# n* @) @6 X% I( I9 n, P9 _
8 D5 G, q. ~$ x1 T( ~
Enjoy your time in Saskatchewan. I have been to many places in Saskatchewan. The names of many towns and villages in SK are very interesting , such as Turleford, Cut Knife, Paradise Hill etc. There are two places that are  worth visiting while you are there , Hafford and Batoche. Batches is a national historic site, where you can learn a lot about Louis Riel and the Métis people.
. V. ?3 I* n3 Y7 ]- Q+ U: D
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-22 11:06 | 显示全部楼层
marie 发表于 2017-1-21 23:16  U" {6 ?# g0 `+ d* _9 e
自己目前工作是business trip in SK
  M9 }/ k! \! i0 ~+ `' Z! P0 ganywhere, anytime, me, safe first!
: V. q+ S: Z5 I! @
Right on, way to go!
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-29 14:41 | 显示全部楼层
marie 发表于 2017-1-26 21:04  F( E9 ]  ~7 o: m" ]! r
明天去Yorkton,Jan 28: Prince,Albert Jan 29: Eatonia Jan 30: Rosthern
# f+ B# F+ }' e/ xFeb 01 North Battleford, Feb ...

5 W' T8 D7 M3 c9 h) m0 o+ PPrince Albert is a very nice city. There is a national park not far away. The Prince Albert National Park has a very large and beautiful lake-Lake Waskesiu .  When we visited the park in Oct 2002 ,we had a red fox standing in front of our car , we had to wait there for a few minutes until the fox walked off the road.& j" i" q8 W9 ~
  ?; _7 A6 `/ [9 Z6 f* P8 s
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-14 13:24 | 显示全部楼层
推荐一篇关于冬季驾车有备无患的好文章。这篇文章不仅内容好,重要,写的也非常好,条理清楚,语言简明。- l1 E) ]  P( K. n2 O
) I3 ^5 b( Z  ]" C
A Winter “Utility Belt” for Your Car" V/ c/ V; S1 i. n
by Kevin Wilson 0 D* y- g" }- e( ~5 H
January 13, 2016
6 c  d) [' B8 v) w; e2 g) Z/ Q5 g/ j) R
There’s a lot of talk in the winter about what drivers should do in preparation for safe winter driving, yet we often don’t think about the importance of having a proper emergency kit in the trunk of your car in case the unexpected does occur.+ @% [# w; S+ e$ T9 `" q0 o

7 s$ @  \2 j2 y$ |5 n3 Y, pA good winter emergency kit is like Batman’s utility belt, but for your car. It has everything you might possibly need for situations you’ll encounter on the road during this unpredictable season. We’ve all seen cars stuck in the snow, or unable to start due to extreme cold, and there are even examples of drivers being stuck on roads trapped in their cars during snowstorms – for hours or sometimes, even days. Having a proper winter emergency kit can be essential during these events.
! q0 Z3 }* u/ N& I2 R. X" Y: y* \5 {7 `. `. ?* J
Your standard road safety kit (that’s kept in your car throughout the year) should include items like booster cables, road flares, traffic cones, emergency signs and other things that can help you be seen on the roadway when your car has broken down. A winter safety kit can help you with situations specifically caused by the weather. Every motorist should take the time to assemble a kit for their car. Here are a few items I think are essential for your winter emergency kit:- |  S- C  @% x1 D8 T

* k# f" T0 I! c8 I) ?/ \" M- Y/ ]Non-perishable food – You’ll want items that can be opened easily, won’t spoil, and can be eaten cold. Energy bars are a great option. Some canned food could work as long as you plan to pack a can opener with it.
: j6 R: K; {; Q$ ?2 Q6 c% s2 t8 g$ b5 ]5 e: j, j
Water – Humans can only go so long without water, and while you can eat some fresh snow to quench your thirst in a pinch, it’s not the healthiest option. Keeping a few bottles of water in the trunk is a far better way to stay hydrated if you become stranded by the side of the road.0 @. ~' J9 M( O

/ R7 d7 z0 q7 t( b+ p1 M0 _1 U' w* cCandle in a deep tin – If you’re stuck in your car for an extended period you won’t be able to run your engine or the heat for hours and/or days on end, but you will need a heat source. Surprisingly, the heat from a single tea light candle can provide much needed warmth in an enclosed area. Just be sure to keep your eye on the candle when in use.
' G& @$ M7 P7 M+ Q- S* @! a% d, d
Shovel – You may find yourself in a situation where you have to dig your car out from snow that’s either been piled up around your vehicle by a plow or that’s accumulated on its own thanks to the wind drifting it around your car. A small, light shovel can be just the thing you need to get your car moving again.4 A7 V& `/ E7 f/ ^5 e: R7 c: _5 ]
Warm clothing – Many motorists wear leather gloves for driving that don’t provide much protection from the cold – and that’s if they wear any gloves at all. A warm pair of mitts or gloves stored in your car can protect your extremities if you happen to be stuck in your car or if you have to spend time digging your car out of the snow. A dry pair of warm socks is also a good idea to keep your toes toasty.0 R2 d$ g, F% r
" ~+ _, W: t" s; D# N# |
Blanket – A warm blanket is a great option for keeping your body temperature up if you’re going to be stuck in your car for a prolonged period, especially when you’re trying to preserve gas.
0 H# ], i* j* i- G; Q4 i
: S; |1 o; A8 a  MKitty litter or sand – If you’ve ever been stuck in an icy situation you already know that the more your tires spin, the slicker and more slippery your predicament can become. Sometimes all you need is some well-placed sand or kitty litter to provide the traction you’ll need to get moving again.
. U4 U9 n2 n2 x9 e9 l; h& i1 N+ p4 I2 I: @4 g1 }) r( I
Windshield washer fluid – You can never have enough washer fluid on hand in the winter. With all the slush and snow the season brings, there’s always a danger of running out at the worst possible time.( n+ l7 K+ [1 a8 y3 ]- S  i8 g- S9 r

! p" g+ ^6 e, C3 ^. M) e4 p' P6 G; s2 jTow rope – If you’re unfortunate enough to get stuck in a snowbank or worse, you might need a pull from a friend. Or, if you’re being a “good Samaritan”, you’ll be the one doing the pulling. Either way, a length of strong rope in your kit is always a plus.
$ {" r& x1 a5 R  @
* e% H3 X# x6 B6 e- ~The Government of Canada has a handy list of things they suggest motorists keep in their emergency kit as well as a list of things you shouldn’t do if you get stuck in the snow. Take a look for some ideas as you put your kit together. And once your kit is loaded and stowed in your trunk, hopefully you’ll be able to “weather” any situation until help arrives.
% K2 F* s& S! S/ }% F1 d
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(3)
发表于 2017-1-16 10:38 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(662) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2017-1-16 10:47 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
Sweet man.
鲜花(1005) 鸡蛋(11)
发表于 2017-1-17 19:23 | 显示全部楼层
苏海 发表于 2017-1-16 09:09
. M# s9 I, J  r" c3 tYour standard road safety kit (that’s kept in your car throughout the year) should include items  ...

& `% M1 `, A" z/ Y* x安全驾车!我喜欢走高速路!自驾旅游走小道仅仅因为沿途风景值得
2 ?$ [+ W2 \' p9 l) Y& n如果很危险就放弃!
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2017-1-19 14:31 | 显示全部楼层
楼主的车好像不是四驱,底盘可能不够高。off road太冒险。
鲜花(1005) 鸡蛋(11)
发表于 2017-1-21 23:16 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 marie 于 2017-1-21 23:30 编辑 , M+ K4 e  y' i0 J" C
苏海 发表于 2017-1-21 14:08) l) t, B( [; x7 v  @% t
marie ,
& E% J; m- H; P7 l5 p0 g  m  E
Enjoy your time in Saskatchewan. I have been to many places in Saskatchewan. The names  ...

: X' M0 r* ^3 g8 c5 A7 N+ I4 {1 V9 ?8 |
自己目前工作是business trip in SK
5 C9 v; Y* `3 c8 _6 F7 kanywhere, anytime, me, safe first!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2017-1-26 16:10 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
爱城华人旅游公司,8座,15座,24座巴士,商业保险,商业车辆,,Jasper   Banff,全程落基山  长途用车   call  1780  885 9028
鲜花(1005) 鸡蛋(11)
发表于 2017-1-26 21:04 | 显示全部楼层
苏海 发表于 2017-1-21 14:08* u8 b; \6 m, E' r. e7 t
marie ,  J( |, Z5 p0 }3 n$ j2 F

) B0 z6 B" Z  c. H* V  _$ kEnjoy your time in Saskatchewan. I have been to many places in Saskatchewan. The names  ...
- _! B0 c* c6 p4 O( W
明天去Yorkton,Jan 28: Prince,Albert Jan 29: Eatonia Jan 30: Rosthern! v5 ^/ d- I) D& ^$ n$ v# c) t
Feb 01 North Battleford, Feb 05 PA, Feb06 Melfort" v2 _* ?* J$ P8 y' B4 R
more and more location in SK
鲜花(1005) 鸡蛋(11)
发表于 2017-1-30 18:12 | 显示全部楼层
苏海 发表于 2017-1-29 14:41! Q; s' u5 C  i$ y. k- Q( y5 Q
Prince Albert is a very nice city. There is a national park not far away. The Prince Albert Nation ...
3 n- A- q, A8 }; u$ j
last July I visited Prince Albert National Park, soso!
鲜花(1005) 鸡蛋(11)
发表于 2017-2-18 10:39 | 显示全部楼层
苏海 发表于 2017-1-29 14:41
5 Q1 ]" w$ ~/ ^5 H+ d2 H9 pPrince Albert is a very nice city. There is a national park not far away. The Prince Albert Nation ...

6 ?5 X. J- B5 w* X7 V  A2 Xprince albert national park trip+ c8 Q$ g% K. P8 r& \3 Q2 U
http://www.edmontonchina.cn/foru ... 0&fromuid=57940
) }+ I5 y" H: l! A7 V6 r(出处: 埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China)+ M. g$ u- N6 ^0 v5 W
鲜花(1005) 鸡蛋(11)
发表于 2017-2-18 10:40 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
苏海 发表于 2017-1-29 14:41
- l$ `" x% P, O' Y8 hPrince Albert is a very nice city. There is a national park not far away. The Prince Albert Nation ...

8 P2 ?: Q/ H$ z7 n4 M% W/ H$ ?prince alberta national park trip
- n9 J* C+ k6 B" ^# xhttp://www.edmontonchina.cn/foru ... 0&fromuid=579400 V1 z9 [! [* X- u0 v& Z% K- ?% T
(出处: 埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China)
# `* @) {! W" H0 U1 ^9 N
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2017-3-8 10:26 | 显示全部楼层
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