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本帖最后由 苏海 于 2016-11-18 15:22 编辑
n/ p7 t- w" `: l. i6 R
" } |- C V2 ^9 d# ~文章摘译
. [& I$ \( v' e5 e Q) l% X
1 v1 y1 T& @( S5 M* a5 \8 M2 @特朗普正在利用他当选总统的新职位使他的商业帝国更加强大,他竟然公开这样做。我们知道特朗普并不真打算解决他的遍布美国和世界各地的商业利益和他的总统职位所构成的前所未有的利益冲突。% x, K8 \/ q b0 U6 ?
1 S( V) V6 w3 w9 O- s# E+ x
小布什总统就职前清理了自己的财产,把它们交给一个合格的多样化信托基金公司管理,奥巴马总统就职前也把自己的财产所值用来投资指数基金和政府债券,和这两位前总统正相反,特朗普什么也没做。& J0 f$ |% e* C% k6 G2 `) H. Q
9 a! H! j# J8 T3 y特朗普挥挥手,让人们不必多虑有关利益冲突的问题,他说他将把他的商业运作交给他的子女掌管。
- _8 o6 q1 F- S, o) a; |
6 S! M2 g- n4 |& c8 F大选刚刚结束,特朗普就任命他的三个成年子女为总统过渡班子的成员,这意味着掌管特朗普商业帝国的人同时也参与挑选政府的高级官员。
& P# n1 @0 _7 w4 h7 m, z; M1 @8 f) b- |
3 m8 C' G4 D% O7 N
& s% [( S( c( R1 B+ d4 C- Q特朗普完全可以不让公众知道他女儿参加了会见日本首相安倍这件事,他女儿伊万卡有可能会担任特朗普商业公司的执行总监(CEO),正相反,特朗普团队居然对外发布了一张有伊万卡在坐的会见照片。2 n6 i! {' x) t: i% L5 u5 s
, f8 c# m- e. m: D8 }/ f/ ` W; d2 ~
注:在西方,竖起中指是对人不尊重,蔑视和侮辱。. r% S3 T1 Z9 q8 X7 z( s( ?
5 i$ l& V! z2 V8 r3 f p& p
苏海翻译& V' E9 \# L5 T8 |
: c1 J9 X! h6 F# I' K9 x
This isn’t just a photo of Ivanka Trump. It’s a middle finger to democracy
+ K# v1 w+ j" e4 K, r* |" ^, I- aShredding democratic traditions, one image at a time.
8 T# w- Y' u E$ ]+ b, D& Y/ ?/ @: i3 g6 U: B, r3 O% N w7 j
Judd Legum% u8 x- x0 e: O( ~, C. Z
% ?/ J% Q( R$ b: [& t) q; b1 HTrump is leveraging his new position as president-elect to empower his business empire — and he’s doing it publicly.
) i; o* R0 s* m! O9 I- B' K# S$ M8 k* I- ~
We’ve known for some time that Trump didn’t plan to actually resolve the unprecedented conflicts his far-flung business interests presented.4 D! @% n/ k4 _2 ~; Y
4 L% {7 a) ]; k4 T& CInstead of liquidating his assets and placing them in a Qualified Diversified Trust, as President Bush did, or investing in index funds and government bonds, as President Obama did, Trump has done nothing.
$ h7 g* n: p7 i$ [1 }# j9 x8 i$ h
He’s waved away concerns about conflicts-of-interest, saying that he would just hand over control of his business interests to his children.
, v$ ?* q3 G+ _) }- z5 ^. O* ^1 `
1 K7 I* M" Y6 x8 }2 _He called this a “blind trust” but it is actually the opposite. A blind trust is when you liquidate your assets and hand them over to a neutral third party to control. The contents of the trust are unknown to you. Trump knows what his assets are and says he is handing them to his children.
% u) X" o* m/ }+ X3 V. h( Y% p
' C0 a, t7 S% R) X0 \7 H+ g# [$ RImmediately after Trump’s election, he named three of his adult children — Ivanka, Eric, and Donald Jr. — to his transition team. This means the same people running the Trump Organization will also be choosing the top officials in the Trump administration. w7 B# N/ w- f# J0 k) h
! W1 z! B1 |; \1 S( m! R4 u( g8 G! TNow he taking things a step further. In his first meeting with an head of state, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Trump invited his daughter Ivanka — who will likely serve as acting CEO of his companies — to participate.
2 c! m: p" b/ G+ }- V, C$ X7 d f" u" E
Trump could have kept Ivanka’s participation private. Instead, his team handed out a photo featuring Ivanka.
/ _4 y& j) c) O+ ?: S! _3 B! ?2 `9 {3 M/ C4 ~# e8 h
Nepotism laws prohibit Ivanka from taking a formal role in the White House. But Trump is choosing to send a clear signal to Japan and the world — when you deal with Ivanka, you are dealing with someone who has my ear as president.
- j! R4 p$ p( A/ a- \3 a
8 ^; g: t/ g* r6 T# ~Let’s suppose one of Trump’s companies would like to open a hotel in Japan and is seeking permits. Would the Japanese government deny them and risk the ire of the President of the United States?* E- N6 v" k8 i
" L% m4 L# p/ r0 n K- M
This doesn’t just apply to Japan. This is Trump’s first meeting with a head of state and Trump knows that this photo will be seen around the world. Any country doing business with the Trump organization will be very clear about Ivanka’s role.
3 [/ c& q3 I$ }
5 S2 W0 G5 A! X: H- H+ p: {" XSince Trump will retain ownership in his businesses, Ivanka’s success will mean money in Trump’s pocket.; ?' V+ i- E$ p" F
The Trump transition did something similar when it leaked word that Trump had requested security clearances for Ivanka, Eric and Donald Jr.0 Y. z0 u& c2 v+ X8 m7 F
5 z$ r2 u+ s1 X, V
Trump later denied this report but at that point, it hardly mattered. The story was another way for the Trump transition to credential his children as integral to, not separate from, the Trump administration.
' a7 g+ u( ]+ _# v# R5 d; }/ ~$ n% Y7 @% _4 Z7 a2 @. E" i
The president is supposed to represent the people’s interest — not his own. This is a core tenet of democracy. In just about a week, Trump has left hundreds of years of democratic tradition in tatters.
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/ \4 g4 p1 a& c, s# T/ h( F" s- I4 o |