本帖最后由 Lovedmonton 于 2016-11-9 12:48 编辑 & i! z$ F6 A% q; A
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“自由党相信恐怖份子因该继续拥有加拿大国籍。。。因为我同意。” 杜鲁多在温尼伯市府6月说。“而且我会找任何不同意这观点的人算账”/ @, ?# R+ G$ E9 `' [* d- C
“The Liberal Party believes that terrorists should get to keep their Canadian citizenship ... because I do,” Trudeau told a Winnipeg town hall in July. “And I'm willing to take on anyone who disagrees with that. ) T- Y8 O) ~' i+ s) l# J. }+ b% n- ` k' U+ ?9 T7 f ? http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/i ... behaviour-1.2583849
中国嫩炮 发表于 2016-11-9 12:39- W. B" z" d( ]7 c1 D. }) M
土豆的意思是不剥夺吧,不是获得。& P0 ^! |, t+ E3 j
& S4 i( A( E4 Z! {7 T( \8 g
虽然我强烈的反对土豆,哪怕是“不剥夺”也很过分,但是我更反对这种 ...
8 h4 r' D4 K% a% T; q$ D
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A convicted Islamist terrorist is one step closer to being GRANTED Canadian citizenship, thanks to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government.: {% ]8 L: H! g1 r http://www.torontosun.com/2016/0 ... ship-for-terrorists
Lovedmonton 发表于 2016-11-9 12:49$ S" T: p+ _& v% y5 E
A convicted Islamist terrorist is one step closer to being GRANTED Canadian citizenship, thanks ...