鲜花( 163)  鸡蛋( 1)
As I mentioned, our office is affiliated with Darrick Payment (google it)when it comes to dealing with tenants who are current tenants of yours. We can help you with the collection process after they have vacated the premises, or they have been evicted.
- X2 }( Q9 @" r; ~' I Darrick Payment 帮忙赶租客,$ z& m# d$ V, p. N& v
Affinity负责追钱,一定要追.0 n. A0 [) C7 H1 u9 e( X
一旦有工作,想credit上的污点去除,他就得pay,钱就回来了。现在如果租客有good credit ,有工作或者有车等财产,钱现在就回来了。 他们收40%
8 z& ~+ V# O6 S" n, iGarnet Coria Sales & Client Services Ph 780-428-1463 EXT 208 Toll Free 866-759-8027 sales@affinitycredit.ca Affinity Credit Solutions 303, 10187-104 Street Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 0Z9 Fax 780-428-1526
4 S! ]2 O' b" ]. |& V' Z华人房东要强大,按照这里的程序找追债公司追。我认为自己不进行追,追不回来房租的都是包子. |